December 2024: Your Monthly Forecast Revealed
- Details
- Written by Lena Stevens

The theme for December is “Recalibration”
This is the month we reflect, refine and adjust based on what is important, what truly motivates us and where we want our energy to go. We begin the month on the heels of a New Moon and an invitation to show up in a new way. Part of this new way is to honor what we need, and to honor our past and what we have been through in this year. Now we need to give ourselves the time and space to recalibrate to our own truth and personal intentions.
The theme for November was “Reset” and a reset is different from a recalibration as a reset is like unplugging a computer or turning off a phone and then turning it back on again or pushing a reset button. Recalibration is taking all the elements of what you have and are, all of your experiences and how you have defined them, and then organizing the information and material in a different calibration to match what and where the energy is in the present. So in a way it is bringing forth aspects of yourself from the past and calibrating them into a new configuration.
We are still in the Mercury retrograde period until mid-month giving us plenty of time and space to create the atmosphere we need. Things could feel a bit unsettled and a little unfocused prompting us to slow down so we keep track of what is important. When the energy is scattered, it is a good time to trust your intuition rather than to force intellectual clarity if there is none. Spend some time this month evaluating what is important and what does motivate you so you can take the unimportant things off your plate. You will need to create time to be in receptive mode in order to take advantage of what may be knocking on your door of opportunity.
Recalibration may also require some down time so don’t be surprised by a sudden drop in energy or even an illness that forces you to stop outward activity and do some hibernation. Some of the priorities this month are self-care, recharging and rejuvenation, especially during the first couple of weeks. During this time watch for new insights to surface regarding what you have not noticed about yourself or others. Allow your mind to drift outside the box for new inspiring ideas and innovative ways to solve current issues.
Some of the areas being recalibrated are:
- Personal power, from external to internal.
- Boundaries, and being able to stand up for self and personal truth.
- Self-care and putting self-first.
- Motivation behind ambition, releasing what is not important.
- Values, what you will remember about yourself and others.
- Where, what and with whom you spend your energy.
- Any limiting beliefs about how things are and what is possible.
- Self-esteem and honoring your purpose and medicine and its value.
Some of you will be drawn to some of these areas more than others. Focus on where you need to recalibrate and give yourself the time and space and intention to do so.
How the month shows up:
Take internal time seriously and honor the need to reflect and connect with a deeper sense of your authenticity. Embrace the freedom of being able to recalibrate those parts of yourself that need to be brought into the present. Use this month to get a greater sense of what motivates you. It could be that you are revisited by interests from the past that have been put on a shelf or that you make a commitment to something that you really wanted but would not allow yourself to because of considerations of others or responsibilities you thought you should put first.
There could be times of confusion this month as you are trying to sift through all the material that needs recalibrating. This includes all the reactions to your environment, community and world events. Although support and community collaboration and input can be helpful, remember there can sometimes be too many cooks in the kitchen. So, if you need to, remove yourself from the collective and clear out the space so you can think clearly to consider only your own truth. The goal is to end this month with a renewed sense of self, motivation, and where to put your energy moving forward.
This is a month of ups and down for relationships. When we are uncomfortable with where we are, we tend to become irritated and project that irritation onto others, usually those to which we are closest. This is month where impatience and blame need to be well monitored as they can negatively affect even the most accepting and harmonious of relationships. On the other hand, there is some positive vitality for community exchanges and social support.
Good boundaries come into play this month as people will need their time and space. Don’t take things personally and remember that everyone is going through a recalibration, some more intensely than others. Eliminate disappointments around relationships by keeping your expectations reasonable and allowing for changes in plans.
In your reflection on where you have been, past relationships may come into your remembrance especially if there is something to complete about your connection to that memory. Is there something you are still holding on to? Recalibration means reorganizing the information, past memory and experience in a new way.
This could be a tough time physically as the body also needs to recalibrate and may choose to do so with fluctuations in energy levels, aches and pains, and undiagnosable issues around digestion, skin conditions, headaches, fogginess and flu like symptoms. Self-care is a priority this month and listening to your body will be key in that self-care. Some days you will have an appetite, some days not. Some days you will feel very low energy and some days you will be inspired and motivated for full steam ahead on a project or activity. Use your intuition about what you need and set good boundaries around yourself care.
This is also a good month to be disciplined around a new practice or routine that supports good health and well-being. It could be you add a time for meditation or join a gym or agree on a time to walk every day with a friend. Monitor where you spend your energy and do not put too much on your plate.
This is a good time to revisit the practicality of any business or project you are involved in and to focus on resources, budgets, finances, commitment and motivation. If you are not inspired or motivated, look at what needs to be recalibrated. Involve those that are a part of any partnerships or business or project in reconfiguring what needs to be adjusted or refined. This is not a great time to start anything new but to reflect on how the past can be improved and how what is still to be completed can be done and settled.
If you have loose ends around any of your business-type things, it is a good idea to handle them before the end of the year. In this time of retrograde, if you feel a sluggishness around communication, motivation or focus, pay attention to the most important things that need to be handled and do them first. Take plenty of time, be careful around impulsive decisions and use your intuition around choices that are not yet mentally clear.
The intensity of climate and weather patterns may calm down a bit however we may experience the “lack of” more often now than the “too much of”. As usual we need to be prepared for sudden situations causing changes in plans, delays, closures and cancellations. Flexibility, resilience, acceptance and non-attachment are still good attitudes to have around any plans. As the month unfolds, be a bit spontaneous and take advantage of windows of opportunity in travel or new experiences. You can also work with your personal environment and put some energy into how you can recalibrate it into an upgraded experience. As the holidays approach, consider what can nurture, what can bring comfort and what can inspire. This has been a very busy year and many of you may simply need some time to catch up with taking care of your environment. Make it fun.
December 1-7
On the heels of the new moon in Sagittarius, we may feel inspired to plant new seeds for some lofty intentions. Fueled by energies of expansion, this week is both about recharging yourself in whatever way is appropriate for you, as well as reflecting on the trajectory of your life with a focus on how to better align it with what is true for you.
This is a highly intuitive time and your intuition will be a great support to you especially when challenged with conflicting information or situations. Be patient this week, especially around communication, deadlines and efficiency. Balance your time and focus between reflection on the past and what you are setting your sights on for the future. This includes really evaluating where you spend your time and energy.
December 8-15
Look for new clarity and insight during this time. As you recalibrate, you may find yourself seeing things in a different light or defining your environment and experiences from a different point of view. Truth banishes illusion, some of it harder to accept. You will see this play out on a larger scale as well as in your personal life. Accept truth and integrate it into the recalibration process
Honor and acknowledge all the support and resources you have instead of what you lack. Those resources are parts of yourself that are being reorganized according to their level of value and importance. This is also a good time frame to spend some time nurturing relationships with your allies, the intuitive world, and what feeds you spiritually. Strive for balance between your masculine and feminine energies by holding both the bigger picture of what is possible as well as the details and action steps necessary to support that picture.
December 15
Full Moon in Gemini is Sunday, December 15th at 2:01 AM Mountain Standard Time MST. Known as the cold moon, this full moon represents a potent time of seeing things as final. It is a good time to reflect on what you are leaving behind including judgments, disappointments, old dreams, unrealized intentions and any baggage that feels like it will hold you back. In anticipation of the solstice, which is always shift point, consider what you wish to leave behind as you prepare for the year to come.
December 16-23
There is more clarity and motivation available to us as long as we are following our hearts and our truth. It is good time to set boundaries and walk your talk regarding that truth. This is a time to build courage, conviction, strength and stamina around your authenticity and what you believe. Make sure to do something you love to do instead of simply following old traditions or expectations. Don’t be afraid to change it up, offering a different experience for yourself and others.
This is also a good time frame to consider where your ambition lies. Tell the truth about what motivates you, what excites you, what you have a passion for and what you dream of doing or being. The solstice on the 21st brings an opportunity to honor the change from one cycle to the next.
December 21
Solstice (Winter in the Northern Hemisphere, Summer in the Southern Hemisphere) is Saturday, December 21 at 2:19 AM. More on this solstice will be sent with a solstice update from the Power Path. Sign up here to subscribe and receive this free update.
December 24-31
The year ends with an opportunity for a combination of vulnerability and individual authority. The vulnerability is showing up in all of your authenticity, truth and acceptance of differences, opinions and beliefs. The authority is the self-confidence and commitment to that vulnerability as part of the recalibration of who you are and how you wish to show up in the world. It can be a tender time, perhaps not always easy as there could be harsh reactions and judgment. But in a way there is no turning back and there is no other option if you want to live a life of true authenticity and be prepared for what is coming. You can either go down the road of false satisfaction and compromise, or you can stand up for yourself and set some strong personal intentions and boundaries around what you know deep inside you are authentically about.
December 30: New Moon in Capricorn is Monday, December 30 at 3:26PM Mountain Standard Time (MST). More on this New Moon will be send in a Power Path New Moon update (click here to subscribe).
Happy Holidays! Have a great month!
December 5: TRENDS 2025. Join us for our most popular event of the year. This is a forecast of 2025, personality, themes, challenges and opportunities. A great map to give your perspective and insight to where we are headed in 2025 so you can prepare for what is coming. Thursday December 5, 7PM MST. Join live or listen to recording (link here)
December 9: Join Lena live for Weekly Wisdoms. Set your week up right with suggestions, practices and a look at the week, its opportunities and potential challenges. Monday, December 9, 9AM MST, 30 minutes of wisdom, 15 of Q and A. On zoom with a recording available for those not able to join live. (link here) Only 2 sessions left this year!
Join Jose and Lena for a super helpful remote shamanic healing where we will support recalibration and honor both the full moon and solstice aspects and themes. Thursday, December 19, 7PM MST (link here)
December 16: Weekly Wisdoms live with Lena. 9AM MST (link here) This is the last session this year.
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