December 2024 Astrology Guide: Your Must-Read!
- Details
- Written by Michelle Karen

Nauthiz “need” “fire”. We may want what is non-essential but what we need is different. Fire enables us to cook our foods and keep warm while requiring careful attention and maintenance. As this year ends, it is important that we ask ourselves what is truly vital to our survival. This is the perfect time to go through our drawers and closets and get rid of all that we don’t like, don’t use, and don’t need any more that we may start next year anew.
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Mars turns retrograde on December 6 until February 23, 2025. Its shadow period remains until May 2, 2025. The degrees covered in December (6º10’-2º14’ Leo) are symbolized by: “The constellations of stars shine brilliantly in the night sky”, “A conservative old lady is confronted by a ‘hippie’ girl”, “Rock formations tower over a deep canyon”, “A formally dressed elderly man stands near trophies he brought back from a hunting expedition”, and “A middle-aged woman, her long hair flowing over her shoulders, in a braless youthful garment”. During the next 3 months, our vital energy tends to be slower. We are likely to be less impulsive and not so desirous to shine. Rather than act on our initial instincts, we may second-guess them which could paralyze our actions and make us more introspective. We should be careful to not become so concerned with how we are seen that we start to develop characteristics that are not completely in alignment with our truth.
Neptune turns direct on December 7th. Its shadow period will remain until March 28, 2025. The degree it turns direct on (27º08’ Pisces) is represented by: “A fertile garden under the Full Moon reveals a variety of full-grown vegetables”. Navigating the labyrinth of our inner landscape for the past 5 months (since July 2nd), has led us to know which dream we want our reality to look like. We now have more tools to see through the veil of confusion, lies, and deceit, and discern what is real from what isn’t.
Mercury turns direct on December 15. Its shadow period remains until January 3, 2025. The degree it turns direct on (6º28’ Sagittarius) is represented by the following image in the Sabian Symbols: “Cupid knocks at the door of a human heart”. Emotional intelligence is superior to intellectual intelligence. As communications return to normal today, we are urged to think with our hearts and feel with our heads, that true justice and higher philosophical values may prevail.
Jupiter remains retrograde this whole month until February 4, 2025. Its shadow period will remain until May 1st, 2025. The degrees traveled in December (17º11’-13º19’ Gemini) are symbolized by: “Two Chinese men converse in their native tongue in an American city”, “The head of a robust youth changes into that of a mature thinker”, “A woman activist in an emotional speech dramatizing her cause”, “Two Dutch children talking to each other, exchanging their knowledge” and “Bridging physical space and social distinction, two men communicate telepathically”. Our communication skills, belief system, and moral standards need to be reassessed. What do we stand for? What values are important to us? How do we honor our lineage and cultural background while moving forward?
Uranus remains retrograde this whole month until January 30, 2025. Its shadow period lasts until May 17, 2025. The degrees covered in December (24º40’-23º40’ Taurus) are associated with the following images: “A vast public park” and “An Indian warrior riding fiercely, human scalps hanging from his belt”. The strong urge to assert our independence, own our individuality, and claim our freedom may express themselves more inwardly than externally but do result in us positioning ourselves strongly in the world. The old structures are breaking down in order for more appropriate ones to be built from the rubbles. Man-made laws turn to dust in the face of divine truth.
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The Moon will be Void of Course (V/O –forming no major aspect with any planet before entering the following sign-):
- On Monday 12/2 between 7:47 AM and 1:09 PM: when the Moon enters Capricorn.
- On Wednesday 12/4 between 3:34 PM and 8:21 PM: when the Moon enters Aquarius.
- From Friday 12/6 at 4:01 PM till Saturday 12/7 at 1:49 AM: when the Moon enters Pisces.
- On Monday 12/9 between 12:45 AM and 5:38 AM: when the Moon enters Aries.
- From Tuesday 12/10 at 2:13 PM till Wednesday 12/11 at 7:55 AM: when the Moon enters Taurus.
- On Friday 12/13 between 4:39 AM and 9:22 AM: when the Moon enters Gemini.
- On Sunday 12/15 between 6:32 AM and 11:21 AM: when the Moon enters Cancer.
- On Tuesday 12/17 between 10:33 AM and 3:39 PM: when the Moon enters Leo.
- On Thursday 12/19 between 9:19 PM and 11:37 PM: when the Moon enters Virgo.
- On Sunday 12/22 between 5:27 AM and 11:08 AM: when the Moon enters Libra.
- From Tuesday 12/24 at 2:44 AM till Wednesday 12/25 at 12:06 AM: when the Moon enters Scorpio.
- On Friday 12/27 between 6:24 AM and 11:46 AM: when the Moon enters Sagittarius.
- On Sunday 12/29 between 3:34 PM and 8:37 PM: when the Moon enters Capricorn.
- From Tuesday 12/31 at 10:02 PM till Wednesday 1/1 at 2:50 AM: when the Moon enters Aquarius.
Mark these periods in red in your calendar and avoid scheduling anything of importance during these times as they would amount to… NO thing!
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Scheduling our activities using the zodiacal position of the Moon
Moon in Sagittarius until Monday 12/2 at 1:08 PM + between Friday 12/27 at 11:46 AM and Sunday 12/29 at 8:36 PM: Perfect for traveling, religious and/or philosophical activities or matters related to higher education and the law. Excellent for lecturing, learning, perfecting a foreign language, exploring other cultures… Perfect also for athletic training and tending to large animals (horses….).
Moon in Capricorn between Monday 12/2 at 1:09 PM and Wednesday 12/4 at 8:20 PM + between Sunday 12/29 at 8:37 PM and Wednesday 1/1 at 2:49 AM: Good for furthering our ambitions, asking for a promotion, enlisting the support of people in positions of authority, making a good impression, re-structuring our business, and redefining our long-term goals…
Moon in Aquarius between Wednesday 12/4 at 8:21 PM and Saturday 12/7 at 1:48 AM: Perfect for philanthropic activities, charitable organizations, meeting with friends, making new acquaintances. Good also for inventions, far out, progressive ideas, inter-dimensional and time travel, anything related to UFOs, computers, and technology in general….
Moon in Pisces between Saturday 12/7 at 1:49 AM and Monday 12/9 at 5:37 AM: Great for meditating, sitting by the ocean, anything related to the sacred, dancing, painting, swimming, dreaming, music, photography, film, sleeping, channeling, connecting with the mystical, the magic and the oneness of all that is…
Moon in Aries between Monday 12/9 at 5:38 AM and Wednesday 12/11 at 7:54 AM: Perfect for intense physical activities, anything requiring forceful, direct action and self-assertion. Good also for leadership, spontaneity, good will, being a way shower, initiating new projects or bringing our car to the mechanic….
Moon in Taurus between Wednesday 12/11 at 7:55 AM and Friday 12/13 at 9:21 AM: Perfect for any financial matter: paying our bills/debts, asking for the money that is owed to us, opening a bank account, investing in real estate, buying, and selling. Perfect also for a stroll in the park, going to the countryside, connecting with our Mother the Earth… Good also for gardening, pottery, sculpting, as well as bodywork…
Moon in Gemini between Friday 12/13 at 9:22 AM and Sunday 12/15 at 11:20 AM: Excellent for multi-tasking, curiosity, any form of communication, exchanging information, sending e-mails, calling friends and acquaintances. Great also for social activities, attending conferences, reading a book, watching a documentary, gathering data on various topics, connecting with new people….
Moon in Cancer between Sunday 12/15 at 11:21 AM and Tuesday 12/17 at 3:38 PM: Perfect for family activities, especially those involving children. Good for spending more time at home, cooking, nurturing ourselves and those we love, inviting the people we cherish over for dinner. Excellent also for drawing, creative writing, humor, and anything requiring imagination and a touch of craziness….
Moon in Leo between Tuesday 12/17 at 3:39 PM and Thursday 12/19 at 11:36 PM: Excellent for anything glamorous, dramatic performances, being in the public’s eye, throwing or attending an elegant party, playing with children, romance, and creativity in general…
Moon in Virgo between Thursday 12/19 at 11:37 PM and Sunday 12/22 at 11:07 AM: Excellent for starting a new fitness program, learning, healthy nutrition, fasting, clearing our closets, cleaning our home, reorganizing our drawers…. Perfect also for detailed work, the focused use of our intelligence, and taking care of small pets….
Moon in Libra between Sunday 12/22 at 11:08 AM and Wednesday 12/25 at 12:05 AM: Great for relationships, associations, diplomatic exchanges with others, anything related to beauty (a haircut, buying new clothes, a make-over…), art (especially painting and decorating…), a pleasant social event (concert, art exhibition…).
Moon in Scorpio between Wednesday 12/25 at 12:06 AM and Friday 12/27 at 11:45 AM: Perfect for scientific research, esoteric studies, self-transformation, shamanism, dealing with the mysteries of life, death, and sexuality, as well as insurances and issues involving personal power.
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This month’s intentional meditation starts on Sunday 12/15 with the Full Moon in Gemini at exactly 1:02 AM.
On Monday 12/30, take out your blank full moon charged papers and write on each a concise, positive intention. Place them on a balcony, in a garden or near a window so that they are out by exactly 2:27 PM for the New Moon in Capricorn. Once that moment has passed, staple them together and put them away in a folder expecting the manifestation of all your dreams….
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Monday 12/2: Venus Trine Uranus (6:43 AM)
A day to break the routine. A surprising event could inspire us to try something new. Friendship and love are intimately connected. A relationship begun today has an element of excitement but could prove short lived unless we respect our unique individualities and are willing to give each other a lot of freedom. An unexpected financial development could occur, yet impulsive investments are not recommended.
Wednesday 12/4: Mercury Opposition Jupiter (2:16 AM), Sun Square Saturn (8:18 AM), Venus Sextile Neptune (10:52 AM)
Promising more than we can deliver is ill-advised. Nothing comes freely today. Our exaggerated optimism could make us throw all sensible considerations to the curb. Any legal entanglement started today could prove more costly than necessary. The weight of the world could feel heavier than normal. Our responsibilities seem demanding and our circumstances, somewhat trying. What is outmoded in our lives is being revealed. We may want to escape a reality that is deemed too harsh by indulging in beauty, romance, and peace. Decorating, creating art, painting, listening to music, dancing, taking photographs, or watching a movie are spiritually up-lifting activities.
Thursday 12/5: Sun Conjunct Mercury (6:18 PM)
A great day for meeting people, engaging in small trips, learning something new, teaching, writing, setting goals, returning calls, buying, selling, trading, and starting a training program. We are talkative, curious, and filled with ideas.
Friday 12/6: Mars Retrograde (3:33 PM), Mercury Square Saturn (5:53 PM), Venus in Aquarius (10:13 PM) till January 2
Re-Mars Retrograde, kindly refer to the opening paragraph. A great day for any work requiring mental focus and disciplined thinking. We could get tied up in tedious meetings or miss an appointment we were looking forward to. Communication is restricted. We could feel pessimistic, anxious, withdrawn, and get caught up in unimportant details. A day best spent clearing our desk of backlogged work, observing a strict routine, and making solid plans for the future. During the coming 4 weeks, our attitude towards love and marriage is unconventional. Drawn to eccentric characters, in our relationships we are more interested in mental stimulation, excitement, variety, friendship, and freedom than in commitment. Good with money, our financial attitude is generous and sensible.
Saturday 12/7: Venus Conjunct Pluto (6:08 AM), Sun Opposition Jupiter (12:58 PM), Neptune direct (3:43 PM)
A financial investment could prove most lucrative. Love shifts our perception of reality. A relationship begun today could feel karmic while bringing up intense emotions. A deep crisis might unearth buried feelings of control, jealousy or possessiveness. Grief is purging. Our confidence, optimism, and faith could be so high that we make promises we cannot possibly keep or tend to step over other people’s boundaries. With a healthy dose of cheerful courage, we can try something we’ve never done before and inspire others to expand their understanding of life. Re-Neptune direct, kindly refer to the opening paragraph.
Thursday 12/12: Venus Opposition Mars (2:46 AM), Mercury Sextile Venus (11:45 PM)
In our longing for more fun, companionship, and affection, we could impulsively start an inappropriate affair that we may later regret. A day that invites us to rest, relax, and enjoy the nice things of life. Our appreciation of beauty and culture is enhanced. Relationships may be a little superficial and casual, but in as much as we avoid getting involved too fast with someone we barely know, they are pleasant and peaceful. We find the right words to express our feelings.
Sunday 12/15: Mercury direct (12:56 PM)
Kindly refer to the paragraph below.
Wednesday 12/18: Sun Square Neptune (6:29 AM)
A day of low energy. We could feel dreamy, indecisive, and impractical. A lack of self-confidence, discouragement, and a certain weakness of character could lead to unrealistic goals. We tend to avoid responsibilities, shy away from direct confrontations, and could fall prey to fraudulent financial speculations. Best to lay low, rest, stay humble, choose peace, and watch a movie or read a novel that makes us feel good about life.
Thursday 12/19: Venus Trine Jupiter (6:11 PM)
Our social life is likely to be warm and pleasant. Romance is favored. Our domestic affairs are harmonious. Business is fruitful. Artistic endeavors are profitable. Prosperity, good luck, and a good return on a previous investment are quite possible today, allowing us to enjoy more comfort.
Saturday 12/21: the Sun in Capricorn (1:21 AM) till January 19
During the coming month, our outlook is mature, our common sense grounded, and our efforts, calculated. Our ambitions, sense of duty, need to fulfill our responsibilities, and our commitment to our obligations are highly developed. Willing to work hard, we approach our obligations with discipline, practicality, seriousness, and structure.
Tuesday 12/24: Jupiter Square Saturn (1:59 PM)
Changes are in the air. Family issues could feel oppressive and limit our freedom. We could be faced with unexpected bills. Business could be a cause for stress. But despite set-backs, disappointments or restrictions to our natural expansiveness, we remain optimistic. Our loyal friends are supportive. The work we tackle with discipline, and enthusiasm ends up being quite productive. The decisions we make today have a big impact on our future.
Thursday 12/26: Mercury Opposition Jupiter (2:48 PM), Mercury Square Saturn (11:29 PM)
Re-Mercury opposition Jupiter kindly refer to Wednesday 12/4. A great day for any work requiring heavy mental focus, adhering to a rigid routine, and exercising disciplined thinking. We could get tied up in tedious meetings or miss an appointment we were looking forward to. Re-Mercury Square Saturn, kindly refer to Friday 12/6.
Friday 12/27: Venus Square Uranus (11:42 PM)
A certain restlessness, even rebellion marks this day. A strong urge for change and stimulation could endanger an existing commitment in favor of an exciting, albeit short-lived, affair. Our impatience is easily triggered, and we are not particularly excited to cooperate with others. Our finances could be rather unstable. The possibility of being faced with an unexpected expense is higher than normal.
Wishing you happy holidays and a magical end of year!
In Loving Light.
Michelle Karén, M.A., D.F.Astrol.S.
Kindly note that the days and times given are in PST (Pacific Daylight Saving Time). For Rocky Mountain Time (except AZ which is on PDT) add 1 hour. For Central Time, add 2 hours. For Eastern Time, add 3 hours. For Alaskan Time, subtract 1 hour. For Hawaii-Aleutian Time, subtract 2 hours. For Greenwich, add 8 hours. For Central European time (CET) add 9 hours, for Eastern European Time (EET), add 10 hours.
The world is shifting. As old paradigms become irrelevant, we need the astrological insight and gifts that Michelle Karén provides for people worldwide, right now. Having predicted current global circumstances, she also holds the answers to help empower people. Michelle Karén is the author of the groundbreaking book, Astrology for Enlightenment, published by Atria, an imprint of Simon & Schuster.
Copyright © 2024 Michelle Karen Books.
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