April 2025 Forecast: What Lies Ahead?
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- Written by Kathy Biehl

Well, here we are. The question – where exactly is that?
The atmosphere is still the weird mix that took us out of March — a mix of fire and water, of passionate action and going with the flow, of fierce independence and boundless interdependence, of encountering the past while storming into a future … that is not quite yet taking recognizable shape.
Unfamiliarity will not keep us from moving, though.
The source of that, the big adjustment, is Neptune, now in the sign of Aries, which it last entered in 1861. It has just moved from the very last degree of the zodiac, where it merged with retrograde Venus and retrograde Mercury and essentially baptized us heart, mind and soul, and crossed to the very first degree of the zodiac, where all life and creation begin.
A new relationship to spirituality is dawning. It’s a raw force that erupts within each person, rather than being handed down by outside authority.
We’ll be trying it out until November, when Neptune ducks back into Pisces for a final goodbye. For now, as this new energy flares within us, we’re contending with some other aspects of the past.
Wooziness, confused interactions and messages, nostalgia and romanticizing waft through the first half of the month. This is all due to the double retrograde phenomenon, which has Mercury’s nested entirely within Venus’. The pair has shifted from Aries assertiveness to Pisces dreaminess, which enhances the usual retrograde mishaps.
Mercury is retrograde until April 9, but don’t expect the fogginess to lift then. Venus is retrograde until April 12, and floats on her direct station from April 9-17.
In the thick of the fog, though, come moments of lightning strike clarity. April 4 is rife with potential for breakthroughs, unexpected solutions and resolutions, and openings to take bold, bold action – some of it will address events from mid-October 2024. As shocking and seemingly sudden as some of these appear, they result in surprising stability, with Mars and Saturn trining after each sextiles quick-change artist Uranus.
Stabilizing comes in other areas when Venus joins Saturn on April 7. Desires meet form, or order, or restriction. Commitments could flow, or wants could hit a wall. Hearing “no” isn’t necessary a bad thing; coming up against a limit can bring a sense of security. And at least you know where the wall is.
We’ll get plenty of time to take this in. The conjunction comes with the sensation of time slowing, not merely from Saturn’s involvement, but also because Mercury is stationing direct. The slo-mo atmosphere makes it easy to see a window flying open to unexpected wish fulfillment, or a breakthrough that moves hearts from enmeshment to awakening and liberation, as Venus sextiles Uranus April 8.
Whatever develops, watch for more to the story later in the month. Echoes and pulses of the events of April 7 and 8 come after Venus turns direct April 12 and repeats these two aspects, in reverse order.
Another window opens, another lightning strike beckons, another offer of liberation appears when she sextiles Uranus again April 20. A second level of stabilizing, a second round, a second look, an underscoring, or perhaps an additional area of constraint comes when she meets Saturn again April 24.
Ah, but we’re getting ahead of ourselves – a common occurrence for the month.
The activity around April 7 and 8 hits an emotional peak at the Libra Full Moon April 13. This is the first lunation on the Aries/Libra axis since the eclipses in those signs wrapped up with last month’s Aries New Moon. We’re off on wildly individual journeys now. Expect them to influence the Full Moon’s usual releasing properties, which affect specific relationships as well as dynamics and agreements.
Fog starts to burn off; minds and messages get cracking when Mercury reenters Aries April 15. The next day brings the first understanding of Neptune’s entry into Aries, through a conjunction with Mercury. Our thinking catches fire, and so do communication channels, fueled by a force that is more instinctive than rational.
Energy mounts even more after April 18, when Mars ends his three and a half month tour of duty in the waters of Cancer and reenters Leo. The sign change signals the return of motivation and enthusiasm to push forward in life. Those traits take on the quality of a spiritual mission, blazing from his first contact with Neptune, a trine April 19, which will continue to burn during his entire time in Leo, through the middle of June.
A lot of where the first movement is happening played a role during his time in Leo at the end of 2024, from the beginning of November until New Year’s. With Mars now marching ahead across territory he entered in early November, the time has arrived to address and act on sparks that ignited then.
His fieriness is not going to flag and promises spectacle, drama and entertainment. Have fun with it; live big; and go for grand gestures yourself.
Against the building fire energies, the Sun makes its annual move into Taurus April 19. He spurs everyone and everything into further action, via a square to Mars April 20th, while opportunities are popping every which way. Insights and breakthroughs are for the having, courtesy of Venus’ sextile to Uranus, while Mercury’s sextile to Pluto invites revelations and important, if hard conversations. Hearts and minds are uncluttering, enabling us to take Mars’ confidence in Leo and run with it.
The refocusing vibe turns to the self April 23. It’s an ideal day for dropping a habit or an outdated aspect of yourself, made easy (if not actually demanded) by the Sun’s square to Pluto. Watch for big developments in technology and social networks as well, followed by the stabilizing of Venus’ second conjunction with Saturn April 24.
Echoes of early November become acute April 26. Power games are coming back around, and we’re doing something about them. Mars is making its third opposition to Pluto. Connect dots between now and when the god of war previously stared down the lord of death and rebirth, on November 3 (at 29 Cancer/ Capricorn) and January 3 (at 1 Leo/Aquarius). Besides the political connections (the 2024 election and the electoral vote certification), the tension is showing up for each of us individually. Note what is it challenging you to do.
The tension informs the Taurus New Moon April 27, which demands for a new approach to resources, values and our relationship to physicality and the earth.
We’ll hardly be lolling around in the garden, though. Taurus’ ruler Venus is returning to action and reentering warrior goddess mode April 30. She’s taking the experiences and discoveries of her retrograde journey and heading back out on to the road. Speaking out, standing up, bravely and boldly going after what she wants. And so do we all.
Re-blogged on crystalwind.ca with written permission from Kathy Biehl. Do Not Copy.
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