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New Spin/Solar Eclipse
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- Written by AndEl
Woven by the Dragon into the earth the human dreamspell journey had begun.
I am the Dragon, the primal force, I am the light of memory, I am the memory of light.
We are now at Cosmic Reset: Kin 1: Red Magnetic Dragon (24 May, 2017). How much can we transform ourselves in this next 260-day cycle?
In 39 days will occur a total solar eclipse. People from all over the world are converging to the United States on August 21, 2017: White Crystal Dog, Kin 90 for what is being hailed as the Great American Eclipse.
Total solar eclipses happen when the Sun, Moon and Earth align in a perfect geometry.
On this day the Moon will cover the Sun and plunge much of the United States into darkness. It will be visible from Oregon to South Carolina on a path 70 miles wide for a 94-minute duration.
To find an eclipse that only covered mainland United States you have to go back to July 29, 436, 1581 years ago.
Note this number 1581 was the last year until the implementation of the Gregorian calendar in 1582.
The last time a total solar eclipse was visible from the continental U.S. was on February 26, 1979: Yellow Rhythmic Seed, kin 84.
The next solar eclipse that will touch only the U.S. will be January 25, 2316, Red Crystal Earth, Kin 77.
The oldest known eclipse recorded is on three engraved stone slabs in County Meath, Ireland. The date given is November 30, 3340 B.C.

Eclipses were significant in all ancient cultures, though with different interpretations. From the Galactic Maya perspective this eclipse is a quickening of the inevitable breaking of old patterning and emergence of the noosphere (thinking layer of planet Earth).
The noosphere is a function of what the galactic Maya referred to as “kinan” – the Solar Force accounting for the higher spiritual or psychic energy on this planet.
Related to the kinan is the “tin kinantah” – the quality of transmitting this solar related energy that accounts for the various telepathic and paranormal capacities of the higher mind. These are attributes of the noosphere.
Synchronicity, can then be thought of as a paranormal experience, a communication of tin kinantah closely related to telepathy. Time and telepathy are closely intertwined.
Energies are generally different before and after an eclipse. If it is the Sun that is evolving us, what change does this portend? What do the Beings at the Center of the Sun, the ahau kines, wish us to know? One thing is for certain, rapid transformation is afoot!

Further synchronic notes: The Solar Eclipse arrives 26 (13 x 2) days after the Galactic New Year: Yellow Crystal Seed, Kin 64 (July 26, 2017). One spin prior on kin 64 was the United States presidential election (November 8, 2016).
The Solar Eclipse falls 9 months 13 days since U.S. presidential election on Kin 64: November 8, 2016. 9.13 is key number to both prophecy of Quetzalcoatl and Pacal Votan.
There are 64 days between the formation of the (Bavarian) Illuminati on Kin 153 and Kin 217, the independence of 13 colonies from England that led to formation of United States. (May 1, 1776 and July 4, 1776). Of the 196 countries, 64 flags have religious symbolism. 64 is key to Iching/DNA code.
This Kin 90 (9 x 10) solar eclipse arrives 9 spins from the passing of Jose Arguelles/Valum Votan, 2340 + 1 days… Nine lords of time and destiny fulfilled. Nine time dimensions complete. Something new is about to commence. Solar eclipse is at 28 degrees Leo. There is a star named Jose Arguelles in the constellation Leo.
The essence of information…is not its content but its resonance. This is why feeling or sensing things is so important. To sense the resonance of incoming information co-creates a resonant field. —Jose Arguelles
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