After Wesak
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- Written by AndEl

We aspire to the highest possible attainment for ourselves and our group so as to benefit the Wesak Festival in the best way possible, to become receptive to the highest frequency that we can attain. This includes purity of motive, positive action, willing the threefold instrument to respond to our intentions, etc. We have achieved the highest point of aspiration in our lives for the full year.
Our meditation has been directed inward and upward. Now we turn our meditation downward and outward. We give those truths we have received through the years which are now a very vital part of our own consciousness through meditation, via action, to a waiting humanity. Humanity is our group focus, our group student body. Let this become an objective activity within the life and affairs of humanity. Become the giver of that gift that we have already received. Let our every act become our meditation.
Now we turn our attention outward, to become the arms of the cross, turning the blessings we have received into outward manifestation in that rhythm of breath that breathes what we know into the lives of humanity, pouring our blessings upon humanity as we have been blessed. We are opening our hearts and minds to the message being received by all disciples in the World Group of Servers. Each one is channeling his own thoughtforms, his own concepts, his own energy into the waiting arms of humanity. Humanity is reaching out to accept this great gift as we have received it.
We cherish the point in our lives that has brought us here and now; we give our joy and acceptance of this great gift to our benefactors, the man/woman on the street who has not been as fortunate as ourselves. We live in a great and beautiful time in history when the energies are changing from 6th Ray into 7th, bringing spirit into matter, impacting the very life within substance with this great and powerful beauty. This feeling can raise humanity up to the next rung on the ladder, for we are humanity.
We have the power and responsibility to turn our attention from aspiration (always maintaining our alignments intact) to becoming masters in our own right of projecting what we know in this beautiful relationship we have with the Hierarchy. We turn our attention in meditation to manifestation, to action. The very breath we breathe is the initiator, also our speech, our hands, our eyes. Our very life itself breathes the concepts as we see and live them.
The Hierarchy makes contact with Shamballa and a relationship is set up between the “bright and living center” and the “radiating and magnetic center” (us). We have been the negative polarity; now we in turn are “a radiant and magnetic center”, the positive pole in alignment with the “quiescent waiting center”, the negative pole (humanity) to whom we manifest in right relationship those concepts that we know to be the good, the true and the beautiful. Let our group radiation expand and include every living thing upon this lovely planet in Divine Law and Order.
To carry this further into the specific; find an emotional disturbance within your sphere of influence and focus what you know upon that situation. You will be making the connection between your own higher soul consciousness and a specific problem within humanity. Since you have probably already been in the same situation, sometime in the past, your resolution will be utmost in your mind. Project your resolution via telepathy into the problem, which is almost certainly, one of relationships. Relationships are the way in which we work out our karma. Allow the individual to make up his or her own mind as to what to do, but encircle that individual with love and assurance in Divine Law and Order. Do this as an observer, never getting your emotions involved in the problem. To do that is to take on the karma of the one who is involved with the problem. You know that you have been in a like situation, so give your best effort to first define the problem and then allow the individual to create the path he/she will take. You know you are better qualified to handle the problem, but it is not your problem. It is not you who has to take action.
This is how you carry your wisdom into incarnation. Feel that you have the power and the responsibility to help another without making the actual decision for the type of action to be taken. You work on the inner planes and if asked, of course, take the time and the patience to discuss and show the way, then let it happen. You can control no one, but you can help and observe without being critical.
In the same way, if you are left out of the making of the decision, give the two participants your wisdom and compassion from afar, pouring love and light into the situation and into yourself as well, for you are concerned. Continue to give assurance, knowing all is well. Education is in progress and the outcome will make right relationship of a bad situation.
If you are the one involved in an unruly situation, focus on the soul’s Divine Intent, not looking for results, but bringing the power of the soul into manifestation to work it out for you. Give it time, then, to adjust. You are still the observer in the background, letting the soul’s light and love cleanse and purify your being with acceptance of the outcome.
Every one of your relationships has some type of problem. Play like the angel with the magic wand and tap them gently on the top of the head with the light and the wisdom to carry out the scene on their little stage of life in their little drama.
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