The 12 Universal Laws & 21 Sub-Laws Everyone Needs to Know for Success in Life
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- Written by Liz Green
There isn’t just the Law of Attraction you know! The Secret made the Law of Attraction very well known, but without learning about the other universal laws and mastering these ones too you may be left high and dry when it comes to manifesting the life of your dreams…
Read on…… Enjoy, soak it up, then go on out there and become the grandest greatest most amazing version of you!
1 ~ The Law of Divine Oneness
We live in a world where everything and everyone is connected to everything and everyone else. Every single thing we are doing, saying, thinking and believing effects others around us as well as the universe we are part of. We are all connected.
2 ~ The Law of Vibration
Everything single thing in our universe moves, vibrates and travels in circular motions. These very same principles of vibration apply in our physical world through our thoughts, feelings and desires. Everything has it’s own vibrational frequency from sounds, to things and even our thoughts. Your vibration will attract like vibrations to you.
3 ~ The Law of Action
To see the Law of Attraction in Action we must take inspired action. To manifest the things we desire we must engage in actions which support our desires as well as our thoughts, dreams, emotions and words.
4 ~ The Law of Correspondence
As Above, So Below. Energy, Light, Vibration and Motion all have their corresponding principles. Everything on the physical plane has a corresponding principle out there in the universe.
5 ~ The Law of Cause & Effect
Nothing ever happens by chance. We reap what we sow, every action has a reaction and consequence. What we put out there we get back. Karma….
6 ~ The Law of Compensation
As for the Law of Cause and Effect what we put out we get back by way of abundance in all area’s. By helping others and taking positive actions great things will come back into our lives. We will be compensated for our good deeds, give your heart and soul to everything.
7 ~ The Law of Attraction (My favorite of course )
What we think about we bring about, our thoughts become things. All of our thoughts, feelings, words and actions are producing energy which in turn attract like energies and things into our lives. Negative or Positive like attracts like. The Law of Attraction is also known as the Law of Love ♥
8 ~ The Law of Perpetual Transmutation of Energy (The What?????)
Simply put, everyone has the ability within them to transform their life. We can do this by understanding these universal laws and changing our energy. It’s up to us to do it!
9 ~ The Law of Relativity
Everyone has challenges! We are all given challenges for a reason, opportunities to learn and grow. These challenges are sent to strengthen our inner light. The law also wants us to look at other people’s challenges and problems worse than ours so we can gain perspective. It’s all relative.
10 ~ The Law of Polarity
Everything has a polar opposite good or bad. This is the Contrast and Clarity, when you know what you don’t want in turn you know what you do want. Focus on the Good things you want
11 ~ The Law of Rhythm
Everything moves and vibrates to certain rhythms. This can be seasons, cycles, stages of our development and patterns happening in the universe. We need to stay in flow throughout these rhythms of life.
12 ~ The Law of Gender
Yin & Yang. Everything and everyone has feminine and masculine principles and energies, this is how creation happens in the universe. We must all find the balance between the two to master our lives.
There are also 21 Sub-Laws which relate to the human characteristics we should embody in our lives:
- Aspiration to A Higher Power
- Charity
- Compassion
- Courage
- Dedication
- Faith
- Forgiveness
- Generosity
- Grace
- Honesty
- Hope
- Joy
- Kindness
- Leadership
- Noninterference
- Patience
- Praise
- Responsibility
- Self-Love
- Thankfulness
- Unconditional Love ♥
Everyone should know these laws, it wasn’t until I did that I understood why certain things happened in life. Help to pass this onto others who may be struggling in life and help me spread the positive vibes around the world & back ~ Share on your facebook page & tweet tweet… I appreciate you ♥
Also enjoy my video diary below where I share my take on each of these Laws
With Positive Vibes & Love,
Liz ♥
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