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Embracing the Energy Potential of Money


Laura Bruno

In a world of gangster-banksters, illegal income tax, Citizens United, (renewed) Monsanto Protection Act(s), secret, abhorrent trade agreements like TPP, mandated “health”care gifts to BigPharma and the insurance companies, along with unlabeled toxic “food” additives and chemical/biological weapons like GMO’s and aspartame, many people want to opt as far out of the financial system as possible. Certainly, boycotts send a strong message and pinch governments and mega-corporations in the pocketbook, perhaps the closest thing to a functioning heart we might hope to find there. By all means, learn which companies are and are not using GMO’s. Vote with whatever currency you use, and please vote often.

Avoid companies like Monsanto, DuPont, and Bayer — companies whose policies routinely give a big F.U. to humans, the environment, and especially to bees.

Get to know your local, organic farmers, and support them through CSA’s and Farmer’s Markets. Grow your own food, and save your own seeds and/or buy through small, heirloom seed savers committed to crop diversity and cultural heritage. Barter when you can, and when it offers a fair exchange to both parties. Simplify, and spend money on products or services designed to empower you to become more self-sufficient, with more useful skills and products to offer the world.

If you own stocks, clean up your profile to exclude the military-industrial complex and companies whose ethics and mission lie in direct conflict with the world you’d love to create and strengthen. People call this the “triple bottom line.” “The triple bottom line (TBL) thus consists of three Ps: profit, people and planet. It aims to measure the financial, social and environmental performance of the corporation over a period of time. Only a company that produces a TBL is taking account of the full cost involved in doing business.”

Today’s message deals with a less common way of embracing the energy potential of money, because yes, money is energy. Just like our bodies convert the food we eat into usable calories, commerce converts the intangible money we spend into a usable something we need or want. That alchemical process of change offers a potent (and often missed) opportunity for charging the money energy with extra instructions. In the same way that blessing food has been shown to increase its nutrients and life force energy, blessing money — especially money that’s going to seemingly unavoidable payments like taxes or other mandated things — allows us to infuse that money with a goal or intent.

For example, for many self-employed people in the US, September 16 marks an Estimated Tax Due Date. Those who do not wish to fund the psychopathic, fascist war machine have several options:

  1. Don’t pay your taxes.
  2. Drop your income so low and live so off-grid that you don’t owe taxes.
  3. Grumble and pay them anyway.
  4. Charge the check with a strong intent, such as: “End the Fed,” “Peace,” “This money goesonly to fund organic farmers through the Farm Bill,” “This money and its intention run throughout the fiat money system to prepare the way for something better,” “Anyone who touches this check will be blessed with a new job that serves humanity or will be blessed with courage and conscience to become a whistleblower about government corruption.”

Option 1 is powerful, but the IRS has a way of cracking down on tax protestors. It might work for awhile, and most taxes can be discharged through bankruptcy three calendar years after they were due and filed. The road in between refusing to pay and bankruptcy can be a tricky one, though. Refusing to file or lying on returns brings its own challenges with the IRS now working in cooperation with various companies to track online purchases and Facebook evidence of lifestyles out of sync with tax documents (or lack thereof). In cases of people with families or others affected by their tax decisions, option 1 might offer more of a theoretical solution than a practical one.

Option 2 works for many people, but it’s definitely a lifestyle choice. It also takes time, money and dedication to opt out so completely that you owe little or nothing to the government.

Option 3 is the default choice for most people.

Option 4 offers a viable compromise for anyone who really wishes they could implement options 1 and 2, but finds themselves (for whatever reason) needing to cough up some bucks to Uncle Tom, er, I mean Sam.

So how do you engage option 4?

It can be as simple as affirming to yourself or out loud where you want your money to go, or how you want it to be used. State it positively, rather than affirming what you don’t want. In other words, if you don’t want your tax dollars to fund a war in Syria, then say, “This money promotes peace.” If you’re Wiccan, then the Wiccan Rede “An it harm none” can work here, too, since this concept forms a potent part of a larger philosophy and worldview.

You can also get more elaborate, by using number symbolism to convey a message. Doreen Virtue’s Number Sequences from the Angels can provide ideas. To do this, you would look for the closest match of intention within the range of money that you supposedly “owe.” Doreen’s book Angel Numbers 101 offers even more detailed information, not just with repeating numbers, but for things like 457, 526, and 916. You can get very specific with your selection, layering your intentions for peace, freedom, spiritual healing, or whatever you feel called to offer. (Interesting 911 word count right then! “911: It’s very important that you keep a positive mind-set concerning your spiritually based career ideas. Positive thoughts are your most important asset right now.”)

You don’t need to be a “witch” or “Prayer Warrior” in order to charge your money with intention. Again, money is energy. It’s a natural carrier for hopes, wishes and desires. It finds access and connection to people, organizations and entities that you might otherwise not be able to influence in direct ways. If you’re Christian, Jewish, Muslim, Hindu, Buddhist, Pagan or Agnostic, it matters not: find a quote or verse that resonates with your direction for this money, and read it aloud while holding your check. If you feel called to do so, put a peace sign on your check or envelope. If you pay online, you can simply beam that intention to the transaction by facing the palms of your hands towards your computer as the transaction goes through. A word of caution: do not send destructive energy to something like the Fed or Monsatan through your computer unless you want to risk malfunctions! Energy is energy, and if your computer’s an intermediary, you might experience some difficulties. Wishing for the positive version rather than denying what you don’t want, usually brings about cleaner and less complicated “charging” of funds.

Option 4 can work for any payment you feel you must make to a government, organization, person or entity that you would rather de-fund than finance. These sorts of Trojan Horse payments can help keep your energy feeling strong rather than victimized and powerless. Combined with strategic spending and avoidance, option 4 bring yet another means of much-needed change to a crumbling system. Eventually all vampires and parasites go too far, destroying the very hosts they depend upon for survival. If you can’t remove yourself from their fangs and rapacious appetites, then you can find ways to taint what they consume. Finding ways to fight the good fight in areas where you’ve previously felt helpless allows you to maintain more of your own energy and positive flow. The more ways you feel in alignment with your preferred life, the stronger and more powerfully you begin to manifest that life.

“Success, happiness, peace of mind and fulfillment – the most priceless of human treasures – are available to all among us, without exception, who make things happen – who make ‘good’ things happen – in the world around them.” ~John Klock


In addition to teaching Reiki Certification Classes for novices and Master Teachers, Laura works as a Medical Intuitive Consultant, energy healer, tarot reader, artist and Life Coach. Laura primarily focuses on helping Lightworkers embrace their gifts and bring these into the world in balanced ways. By allowing true strengths to shine through, clients find their business and finances naturally expand. Laura also provides Soul Readings, Intuitive Life Path Assessments and general intuitive guidance for career, relationships, schooling, and creative projects.

Author of hundreds of articles on natural healing and awakening, Laura also wrote the book,“If I Only Had a Brain Injury: A TBI Survivor and Life Coach’s Guide to Chronic Fatigue, Concussion, Lyme Disease, Migraine or Other “Medical Mystery.” Responding to client demand, she then wrote the popular “Lazy Raw Foodist’s Guide” to help people navigate complexities of a raw food diet. In 2009, she released her first novel called, “Schizandra and the Gates of Mu.” Interviews of Laura have appeared in Yoga Journal (under her maiden name of Derbenwick), mind-energy.net, Inside Scoop Live, Dynamic Transformations, and Reader Views. She has spoken at medical, health and spiritual events across the U.S.

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