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Are These Four Little Words Killing Your Bank Account?


Before learning about the Law of Attraction, I used to be a pretty big fan of Suze Orman. For those who’ve never heard of her, Suze Orman is a financial specialist who had a television show designed to help people understand money better and save for the future.

She had an especially popular segment on her show called “Can I Afford It?” where viewers would call in with a purchase they wanted to make and she would analyze their savings and investments and let them know if they had the money to buy what they wanted. Inevitably, many people were told they could not afford their purchases.

This show is a great reflection of how we as a culture view money today. The phrase “I can’t afford it” is just four little words, but the majority of us use it commonly. For our entire lives, many of us have been training ourselves to avoid expensive purchases in an effort to be able to pay our bills and save for the future. This simple statement is a powerful, and frequent, reminder that we often feel as if we lack the financial security we crave.

Unfortunately, though this mantra is usually spoken with the very best of intentions, it actually causes more financial problems than solutions.

For example, how many people do you know that have true financial security? If telling yourself you can’t afford the things you want actually helped you save money, wouldn’t you expect to see a lot more people retiring early, paying off their homes and living debt-free?

So, while I still admire Suze Orman and I learned a lot about money and investments from watching her show, I have learned to view money a little differently now. As a result? I’m doing much better financially now than I was back then. I am very secure in my finances now, whereas before it felt like I was always coming up short.

The reason that a culture of “I can’t afford it” creates financial insecurity is because the Law of Attraction always gives us what we believe. If we believe we can’t afford the things we want, then the universe will deliver us a reality where we are literally unable to afford the things we want.

So, in order to have something we want we either have to work tremendously hard and save all of our pennies for it, or we must borrow the money we need to make the purchase. Then, we also end up paying additional fees and interest charges or we strain our relationships with the friends or relatives who front us the money. In either case, getting the things we want becomes fairly difficult.

Ok, so then what do you do if you want something but the numbers in your bank account say “no?” How do you change the mantra of “I can’t afford it” when you really can’t afford it? I’ll admit, letting go of this mindset can be a challenge, particularly when the numbers really aren’t on your side.

But the answer is fairly simple. Just stop saying it. The “I can’t afford it” mantra is killing your bank account, so just let it go.

Instead of “I can’t afford it,” substitute with a phrase like “I’m going to put that on my wish list,” “someday that’s going to be mine,” or even a simple “I’d love to have that!” This way, you don’t have to purchase anything that makes you feel uncomfortable, but you still entertain the possibility of having it.

Even better, with time and practice these new statements will become your default mantras. Once you get to the place where you always just say “I’d love to have that” instead of “I can’t afford it,” you will be able to see a noticeable change in your ability to manifest the material things you want. Language is just that powerful.

The other thing to keep in mind to help you drop the “I can’t afford it” mantra is that the things we want can come in an infinite number of ways. Sometimes they drop unexpectedly in our laps as gifts or prizes, we receive them as a hand-me-down, or we find them in an unusual place or situation. So, instead of assuming you have to pull out your wallet every time you want something new, remind yourself that it’s possible for you to get what you want without spending a dime.

When we acknowledge that spending money is just one way for us to get what we want, the “I can’t afford it” excuse becomes a bit illogical. Saying “I’d love to have that” is a much better (and more accurate) mantra to have, because the truth is a. you would love to have it and b. it is entirely possible that you could have it, even if the option of paying for it is currently closed to you.

So the next time you hear yourself saying “We don’t have the money for that,” “I’m broke,” “money is tight,” “it’s not in the budget” or “I can’t afford it,” catch yourself and follow up with “I’d love to have that,” or “someday that’ll be mine!” Again, you don’t have to pay for anything that makes you uncomfortable, and if the money’s currently unavailable, that’s ok! Over time, you will change your financial position simply by changing your words.

Start creating more financial abundance in your life today and stop saying “I can’t afford it” right now! You’ll find greater financial security and you will attract more of the material things you want into your life. I guarantee it.

Best Wishes Always,


Andrea Schulman is a former high school psychology teacher and the creator of Raise Your Vibration Today, which provides free and easy Law of Attraction techniques. She will be available for group educational seminars and webinars starting in the summer of 2015.
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