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Abundance - Quantum Physics: Back to the Cause

money_flowOne of the most fundamental studies that we must look into in order to understand the working of the universe is the Sciences of Quantum Physics. Quantum physics is not really hard to digest; we are not going to delve into those scientific terms and equations that only people like Albert Einstein and Stephen Hawking could understand. All we need is just the basic entry, the passport that would change the way we look at things forever.

But why quantum physics?

Quantum physics is the sciences that explain how everything in the world comes into existence. It shows you how you are actually the one who is responsible for everything that shows up in your life. Nothing and nobody can disrupt your world without your own permission. However, due to the lack of understanding of this fact tricks you into believing that you are the victim of circumstances, while all along you are the one who caused them and brought them into your reality.

Experiencing lack of success and abundance is not due to the lack of luck or so called fate, but it is due to the lack of awareness towards life and reality. You are always in direct manipulation of your physical world; it doesn’t really matter if you believe it or not, cause it still works that way. This is the universal way of every thing that presents in your life.

Knowing and understanding quantum physics will awaken you of your inner creative force and thus, instead of using it to sabotage you, now you can utilize it to your greatest benefit. You will soon discover that all those material things that appearing real in your life aren’t so real, they are not made of material; they just seems to be but they aren’t. You will also learn how your thought and belief creates matters; how you shape your world as you observe it.

Sciences have proven that our thoughts are alive and they matter in creating the reality. Nothing in the physical realm could be realized before it first appears in the mind. Your focus and intention have the power to shift the universe in such a way that all the atoms and molecules before you, rearrange themselves based on what you have in mind. For that, it is due to the lack of awareness that makes your life appears to you as occurrence and which is out of your control. Not knowing does not spare you from experiencing what you do not want.

You will also discover that what have been spoken in spiritual transcripts such as ‘you reap what you sow’, ‘as within so as without’, ‘ask and you shall receive’, ‘even before you ask, it has been given unto you’ and etc are not baseless. Science has finally been able to unveil the truth meanings behind these ancient teachings, at least part of it. What is seen as myth and outdated actually is more advanced than what we could contemplate. Perhaps both sciences and spiritual are the same thing but due to our limited perceptions and ego, we perceive them as unequal.

“All religions, arts and sciences are branches of the same tree.” - Albert Einstein

One of the greatest fact that quantum physicist has discovered is the concept of oneness or of one being. Oneness is not actually a concept, which to be more accurate, it is being, the highest level of consciousness. If you can truly grasp this, you will understand that there is truly only one being, the Oneness which has chosen to individualize itself for the purposes of experiencing the differences.

So the difference between you and the person sitting next to you is just an illusion. The One individualized itself so that it could experience and discover itself; it couldn’t do it if it stays as one. We are all connected and that’s why before you hurt someone, think of the consequences; you are the very next person beside you. And this is how cause and effect comes into the scene, through interconnectedness. Understanding this concept will enable you to see how all things are connected and instead of seeing them as coincidence, you will accept them as miracle. You synchronize all the things that happen in your life even thing that does not seem to please you.

Quantum Physics Explained

Quantum physics is the study of the building blocks of the universe; the science that explains how everything in the world comes into existence. It deals with all those tiny things that build up your world, things that you could not see with your naked eyes. For example, your solid body is made up of cells. These cells on the other hand are made up of molecules and when you break up a molecule, you will in turn find atoms. Atom which is once considered as the smallest thing ever existed, in turn is made up of subatomic particles such as electron, proton and neutron. At this level, we have reached the quantum world where everything is so mystical yet revealing the true nature of the universe.

In the quantum world, you will find out that all things around you are really nothing, they are just ‘large groups’ of subatomic particles that are concentrated together. The way that these subatomic particles are grouped together creates what you identify as your body, a car, a tree, a dog or the moon. Everything is of the same thing in the quantum world; you and your world are made up of the same types of subatomic particles; there’s no difference between you and them. Subatomic particles are the fundamental of all building blocks. And knowing this, you have the key that open the door of your creative force. If you do not like the way that this energy is organized, you can re-organize it in a way that you desire and live your life by design instead of by default.

The most fascinating fact about subatomic particles is that they are not physical object as they sound. You can’t hold them in your hand as how you hold a pen, and while they behave as solid objects in a bigger grouping but at this level, they aren’t; instead they are of ‘probabilities of existence’ and at the same time ‘multiple existence’. This might seems hard to believe but at the quantum level, everything is just possible!

The way a solid thing appears solid is due to our individual and collective thoughts which affected it. The way it is observed causes it to become the thing that it is being observed. This is relatively true when it involves a bigger group of people or of ‘collective consciousness’. If everything is not real as what they appear, don’t you think that you have the power to interfere the way they are organized?

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