Wide Awake: Letters from Your Soul on Becoming Fully Awake
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- Written by Luminita D. Saviuc

“Awake thou that sleepest, and arise from the deep sleep you’ve been in and realize that the answers you have been desperately seeking – always outside yourself and never within yourself – have been within you all along.” ~ Luminita D. Saviuc
Dear One,
Have you ever stopped to wonder whether the path you are presently walking is truly the path you are meant to be walking? And whether the life you are now living is truly the life you were destined to be living?
Have you ever stopped to wonder whether your many choices, actions and decisions are truly in alignment with the desires of your heart? And whether the things you desperately cling onto, and chase after are truly worth your valuable time and effort?
Letters from Your Soul on Becoming Fully Awake
I know you were taught to believe that you need a lot of things to change – on the outside – in order for you to finally find rest, peace and fulfillment – on the inside – but have you ever stopped to wonder whether that is really true?
To know something in your own heart – with absolute certainty – and then live that truth out loud, is one thing; to allow others to do your thinking for you – telling you what to think, how to feel and live your life – is another.
What are you doing to yourself?
“Your visions will become clear only when you can look into your own heart. Who looks outside, dreams, who looks inside, awakes.” ~ Carl G. Jung
Facing the wrong way – always outwards and rarely, or never inwards – you often feel lost, uncertain, unhappy, and oh, so alone; you look at the world about you and expect it to tell you where to go, what to do, how to think, whom to love… what things are right for you and what things are wrong. But have you ever stopped to wonder whether that is really a wise thing to do?
As one of your Earthly angels once said it so beautifully, your visions will become clear only when you can look into your own heart. Who looks outside, dreams, who looks inside, awakes…
Therefore, awake thou that sleepest, and arise from the deep sleep you’ve been in and realize that the answers you have been desperately seeking – always outside yourself and never within yourself – have been within you all along.
Trust yourself
“Do you know where you come from? You come from the divine sanctuary. Do you not remember passing through those ecstatic spiritual stages? Since you have forgotten them now you feel bewildered and lost. You have sold your soul for a handful of dust. What a cheap bargain you have struck! Give back the dust and recognize your worth you are not a slave, you are a king. It is for your sake that the beautiful hidden ones have descended from heaven.” ~ Rumi
Do not doubt your Self.
Do not question your innate knowing, wisdom, and authority. For ‘You are gods; you are all children of the Most High. (Psalm 82:6) And with God, and as God there is absolutely nothing you cannot do.
Do not doubt but trust your Self. And know that when you trust your Self, you trust the very Power that created you; bringing forth the impossible things that couldn’t be brought forth when fear and doubt were enslaving the whole of you.
Turn your gaze inwards. Seek the answers to life’s greatest questions – no longer outside yourself, but within the depths of you.
Trust your Self – your innate wisdom and knowing. Believe in your inner Divinity. For there is no One who knows more than you your Self do!
Do you know where you come from?
You come from the divine sanctuary. Do you not remember passing through those ecstatic spiritual stages?
Since you have forgotten them now you feel bewildered and lost. You have sold your soul for a handful of dust.
What a cheap bargain you have struck!
Give back the dust and recognize your worth, you are not a slave, you are a king. It is for your sake that the beautiful hidden ones have descended from heaven. And it is for your sake that I, your Soul came to speak to you. Therefore, awake thou that sleepest, and realize that you are not lost, nor are you small, insignificant, worthless, and all alone. For you are the Divine in human form…. Awake thou that sleepest, and realize you are the One you have been desperately seeking all along.
~love, Luminita
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