What a Wonderful Day
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- Written by Lorna Byrne

Hello and welcome, wherever you may be in the world, I hope you know that your Guardian Angel has its arms wrapped around you just loving you, for we all need to feel loved. I know I do. Today in this newsletter I always like to share one or two things that have happened in my life to help you to see wonderful special things that happen in your life every day.
Angel Hosus is right here beside me. I do love the way he is standing at the window dressed like an old-fashioned professor with his cloak that is shimmering inside and out a beautiful crimson/purple and of course I love his funny-shaped hat. I said to Angel Hosus earlier on I don’t know what I should write this newsletter about and he just said, happy things Lorna. I do have something Angel Hosus but it is happy and sad but so full of love. Angel Hosus said Lorna I know the story you are going to tell, it is a beautiful story, so start to write it now.
This was many years ago when I would be on my way to visit a friend. There was a particular house I would pass and the angels always brought my attention to it. Sometimes I would see a young man in the garden with the younger child. He was about 18, even though I’m not good at guessing ages, and other times I would see him walking down the road. Especially on these occasions, I would notice he was always deep in thought, I could see his sadness and worry. His Guardian Angel would be literally wrapped all around him, loving him and the only time that I ever saw a little bit of happiness coming from him was when he was playing football in the garden, with a young boy about 9 or 10. That is when he seemed to be happy. If I wound down the window, sometimes I would hear their laughter from kicking a ball around. On one occasion I saw the two of them wrestling together, this looked very funny, it was a joy to watch as the two, most likely brothers, wrestled and their Guardian Angels were wrestling with them at the same time. I would not often see something like this when I was driving by but when I did see this happen on that day, I slowed down the car as much as possible.
Many months had passed on, I was driving by again and there was a tractor in front of me and it stopped so I had to wait for a few minutes, this gave me my excuse to ask the young man’s Guardian Angel a question and just as I stopped the young man came out the hall door. His Guardian Angel had its hands upon the young man’s shoulders, loving him, giving a male appearance. I asked what was wrong and his Guardian Angel told me his mum was unwell and he was so worried about her and was afraid of the future of what might happen. I remember sitting in the car and I prayed and asked God to grant a miracle, so this young man could be happy and not so worried. Just as I was finishing my prayer, I was startled by the horns of a car. The tractor had moved on. On other occasions, when passing that house, I’d often see the young man and his brother, but I never saw his mother. One day some time later the most beautiful, surprising thing happened. Just by chance I happened to be driving in the same direction of that house, it was a sunny day and I was actually surprised when I realised where I was, I slowed down the car. I saw the young man again and his brother, much older now, but I also saw two women sitting around a garden table. I said out loud as drove by very slowly, is one of the women the young man’s mother and I heard a yes, your prayer was answered. I knew it was young man’s Guardian Angel who answered me. The young man looked so happy and full of joy and was enjoying life tremendously.
To me that day was a blessing, to see this young man so happy not stressed or worried, I still didn’t even know his name. I never asked but I still pray for that family. At many times that family crosses my mind and that’s when I will pray and ask for them, and I suppose that is something we all could do when the thought of someone or something comes across our mind to say a little prayer, that is God asking you to do so and your Guardian Angel, reminding you. It was so wonderful just seeing the happiness in that garden of that house that day.
Just as this young man and his family needed happiness and joy in their life remember, so do you. No matter how hard you might be finding today your Guardian Angel would like you to take a little time for yourself. Maybe your Guardian Angel is attracting your attention to help fill you with hope, love and joy, wanting to take the sadness that you are feeling away from you. I know, in today’s world, because of lockdowns that is more highlighted many of us are feeling more sad and more lonely than we usually would be. Our vision is clouded, we’re not recognising the beautiful things that are all around us, all the blessings that we do have.
Maybe your Guardian Angel is attracting you to the sunlight. Maybe where you are the sun is shining in the window. Maybe your Guardian Angel is asking you to listen to that whisper in your ear, open the door and stand in the doorway and feel the lovely fresh air. Your Guardian Angel wants you to feel life within yourself, wants you to see that light of love and hope, wants you to know you are not alone. Stop for 10 minutes whatever you are doing and meditate or maybe turn on some music and do a dance like no one is watching and allow the joy that is there inside of you, that love, that spark of light of your soul come forward. Let the smile come back on your face. Maybe make that phone call or send that message. Don’t wait for someone to contact you. You contact them and remember your Guardian Angel is right there, helping you all of the time and give those that you are living with a hug and tell them you love them. I know you cannot give someone outside your home a hug, but you can give them a wave and shout hello. “What a wonderful day”.
Imagine doing that, shouting to someone as they pass by “What a wonderful day”. I think it would make them smile because it makes me smile and angel Hosus is laughing here so thank you and God Bless and I hope you enjoy this newsletter and that you have that smile on your face.
Blessings to you and all your loved ones,
Lorna Byrne is an international number 1 bestselling author (her last two books have gone straight in at #1 on the UK Sunday Times Chart) with more than a million readers around the world. Her books, Angels in my Hair, Stairways to Heaven, A Message of Hope from the Angels and Love from Heaven have been translated into 30 languages. Lorna has been seeing angels since she was a baby. Very unusually, she sees angels physically with as much clarity as the rest of us see people and she sees them every day. This diminutive, soft-spoken, uneducated Irish woman who did not talk about what she was seeing until seven years ago, says she has no idea why she can see angels when others can’t, adding that she is just an ordinary person.
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