Unconditional Joy
- Details
- Written by Harold W. Becker
The design of life on our planet contains all the aspects that allow us to discover our innermost being and realize our grandest potentials. Made of atoms from the stardust of countless galaxies and nurtured by the rays of our own solar star, we have the physical attributes that provide the corporeal nature of life. Yet our essence is forever that of love and when we consciously immerse ourselves in life, we feel it as unconditional joy. As a creator being connected to all that is, and knowing we are a part of it all, it is a joy to be alive.
When we broaden our perspective, the magnificence of life reveals itself. Whether focusing on the tiniest facets of form or exploring the farthest reaches of our imagination, we understand we are on a joyful adventure of epic proportions. There is so much to explore and so many experiences to appreciate and we revel in every unfolding moment. This is what life is all about.
We have at our core, the ability to think and feel whatever we desire. This is the foundation that ensures that no matter what we may experience in our outer reality, we always have the choice to align with love and joy. Just as love is unconditional, so too is joy. Joy knows no limitations or exceptions and is always present as an expression of our alignment with love.
The sheer magnitude of diversity in every element of our existence causes us to realize what a celebration life really is. Everything is connected and we expand and evolve with each breath and step we take. We get to choose our intention and also our responses. We make a difference just by our presence. It is a wondrous journey that benefits creation itself.
The beauty of our earth brings joy to our heart just as our joy touches the hearts of those around us. When we consciously embark upon a path of joy, we set a course for happiness and wellbeing at the forefront of our intentions and compassion and kindness become our gift to others. The joy of living is the love we are giving.
Love and hugs,
Harold W. Becker
Founder and President
The Love Foundation
The Love Foundation is a global nonprofit organization with the mission of inspiring people to love unconditionally. Our vision is to assist people by building a practical foundation and understanding of unconditional love within individuals and society as a whole.
Our programs further the awareness and application of unconditional love through education, research, and charity. Our intention is to explore a variety of creative activities and presentations that enhance unity and self-conscious expression while promoting love and respect to all aspects of life. In order of priority, we include a general focus of our vision and mission in the following activities and events
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