The Process Of Gratitude
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- Written by Harold W. Becker
The unending qualities of life constantly surround us with natural beauty of unbelievable proportions. The wind plays upon the waves of water while the rose releases its fragrance of joy.
As the rain splashes, a wondrous rainbow appears upon the sky while the ground anchors the living monument of a mighty tree which in turn, transforms energy so that we may breathe oxygen. All these natural experiences abound in limitless expression everywhere upon this globe. How many times do we stop and take notice?
Each moment of life we use physical objects and resources to provide nourishment, comfort, and convenience for our lives. We bathe, feed, and clothe our bodies with the treasures of this planet. We adorn ourselves in the minerals and metals of the earth. Our physical homes, places of employment, and means of conveyance all come from the physical riches of this world. All four elements provide the life sustaining qualities we require to move our bodies about and experience this corporeal reality.
Besides the physical relationship with this grand school, there are the metaphysical or transcendent qualities that go beyond the physical sensory capacity. This is our spiritual connection to life and the Universe, and this life force energy provides us with intelligence, imagination, wisdom, and love. More importantly, without this direct line of life-giving energy, we cease to exist as a physical being. Our Higher Self is our conscious link to all potential, including our ability to exist and function upon this planet.
The dimensions and possibilities of life astound the normal capacity of human thinking. We dream, feel, think, imagine, and experience our reality in a totally individual and unique way. No other being can see and experience life the same way we do. We have the full creative power to mold and evolve energy to manifest a reality that blesses and uplifts all. This amazing power stands quiescent within our world until we acknowledge, unfold and use its potential.
The only thing the universe ever asks for in return is love. Within this love is the quality of gratitude. All energy comes to us unqualified and without limit. We are the ones that stipulate and clothe it with either beauty or limitation. In every thought, condition, feeling, or experience, there is an opportunity to express gratitude to life for the bounty made available.
Each moment we breathe we use energy. Every drop of water, meal we ingest, and physical movement we take, comes from this incredible energy. The things we use for convenience, comfort, and work, also find expression from this power source. Our lives are simply on loan to us. It all comes to us naturally with just our love in return as caretakers of the physical forms in our reality.
Life is this simple. We, as limited human beings, make it hard and difficult. We place judgments, opinions, and criticism where there is no need. We hate, become angry, and suffer pain unnecessarily. The limited personality/ego constantly hoards and wastes this energy. In its wisdom, the universe never identifies with our suffering, instead it points the way to graceful perfection and allows us to accept and claim this potential.
Gratitude is a wonderful way to experience this world through peace, freedom, and joy. When we recognize the limitless good contained in every moment, we begin to know the grace that flows through life. Acknowledging all experiences as being helpful in some way, does immeasurable good to correcting wayward thoughts and feelings. Thankfulness helps release our hold upon old energy that limits and binds us.
Awareness in life expands when we embrace the fact that everything happens for a reason and we admit responsibility for our part. In every condition, event, situation, and problem, there is a true and underlying cause. The outer world is only a reflection of energy set into motion. When we gratefully welcome responsibility for the role we play, the correction and solution automatically come forth. Then it is up to us to insure that we do not repeat this activity. ...
The process of gratitude includes accepting and honoring our self. The power we use is available to us because of our magnificent ability as spiritual beings. We learn this through our efforts of conscious expansion. We are angels playing in the field of all physical and nonphysical possibilities. When we are grateful to ourselves for our personal efforts, strength, perseverance, and courage, we automatically share this with the rest of creation. ...
Honor the people, places, and things in your life. Observe the many intricate aspects that comprise the physical experiences we have. Realize that the earth nourishes your body and provides for your material existence while the sun provides the possibilities. As a self conscious being, you get to influence this action by loving it with all of your heart. When you do, gratitude will be your tribute to this marvelous existence.
Take loving care of everyone and everything and you will live like an angel. Graciously accept the good that permeates your reality. Let your angel friends help you share in this experience. Thank your Higher Self and all of Creation for the opportunity to be here. Once you feel this in your heart, you will fly free forever.
Love and hugs,
Harold W. Becker
The Love Foundation is a global nonprofit organization with the mission of inspiring people to love unconditionally. Our vision is to assist people by building a practical foundation and understanding of unconditional love within individuals and society as a whole.
Our programs further the awareness and application of unconditional love through education, research, and charity. Our intention is to explore a variety of creative activities and presentations that enhance unity and self-conscious expression while promoting love and respect to all aspects of life. In order of priority, we include a general focus of our vision and mission in the following activities and events
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