Step #1 In Discovering Your True Life Purpose
- Details
- Written by Belinda Davidson

Discovering one's life purpose has become en-vogue in spiritual and self-help circles. It’s become something people promise you can discover in a weekend workshop, or by doing a 6-week online course.
That’s simply untrue.
It’s also become something that people associate with a “spiritual calling.” If you are a spiritual person, it’s your spiritual destiny to discover your soul’s purpose for this incarnation on Earth.
Also, something that’s untrue.
Needing and wanting to discover your life purpose isn’t a spiritual calling. It isn’t the next natural step on your spiritual journey.
Life purpose also isn't something reserved for people who are spiritually advanced and have a "mission." Alternatively, if you are a spiritual person, and aren’t much interested in life purpose, it doesn’t mean there is something wrong with you.
The first step in discovering your life purpose is to have a deep and genuine yearning for it. A burning, almost painful need to know why you are here, and how you can utilise your unique talents and abilities to succeed, and help others.
This, and only this, is the true sign of life purpose.
Of course, the spectrum of people's feelings about life purpose differs.
For some people, it’s an insatiable longing and seeking, often a feeling they’ve had since they were a child. These people say to me, “I’ve always known I was destined to do something large with my life, and I've searched and searched. But I can’t figure out what it is, and how to do it.”
Other people sense it as being lost, without direction, untethered, or describe it as walking without a compass in the wilderness. These people say, “I know I’m not on the path. If I had an inner compass, and it could point me to my true north, I'd know what I’m supposed to do with my life, and I’d do it.”
Some people express it as a deep sadness felt in the heart. “If I could only understand what gifts and talents I had, and be able to share them with others, I know I’d be happy.”
And others experience it as pain — psychologically, and also physically. They feel blocked, stuck, have bodily aches and pains, and frequently feel anger. “I've read all the life purpose books, attended all the seminars, done all the personality quizzes ... everything. But I'm further away from myself and my purpose than ever before. Time is running out, and I want to create and leave a legacy!"
In all the above examples, people were in a state of discomfort. They were in some sort of emotional or physical pain.
This is the first step to find out if you are truly seeking your life purpose.
Are you in some sort of discomfort, or pain? (Take a few moments to check in with yourself and your body to see if this is true.)
Or, is life purpose something you're just wanting to check off your spiritual-to-do list?
This, my friend, is the first step.
— Belinda
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