Marrying My Body: A Love Story
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- Written by Cheryl Richardson

It’s a gray day—the kind of day that makes me want to crawl back into bed. But when I look out the window, I’m captivated by the beauty in our backyard.
Lazy fog drifts across the fields toward the water below and when it touches the icy surface of the lake, ethereal angels emerge from the swirling mist. I watch them dance until the skies brighten just enough to vanish them into the light.
As I bid farewell to the last whirling dervish, I debate going back to bed or starting the day. I suddenly recall a television commercial that touched me in an unexpected way. The advertisement was for the Oura ring – a smart device worn on your finger that tracks health data like movement, sleep quality, heart rate, etc. The commercial (which I’ll share below) shows a woman going through her day while promising to take care of her body for life. The promise is in the form of a wedding vow and that’s the part that got me.
Early in life, I treated my body like a mate I couldn’t shake. She followed me everywhere, trying to get my attention, but I rarely turned around. When I did, we’d do a few things together now and then – try a new gym, go out for a run, or bend and stretch at a class, but for the most part, I ignored her. Work and other people were the priority. If she got sick, I’d stop and tend to her needs. When I didn’t like how she looked, I attempted to fix her. Truthfully, she was a nuisance, a source of frustration and constant disappointment (yes, it hurts to write that last line).
In all the years of my busyness, I never really committed to forming a solid, loving relationship with her. Sure, I did some body image work, therapy, and plenty of workouts. But it wasn’t until I saw my Father die with dreams and goals and desires fully intact but a body that couldn’t support them that I woke up. I turned around and realized I was ignoring my most consequential companion.
At first, I started dating my body. I brought her to the gym, for walks, and to restaurants serving good food. I cooked her meals, took her dancing now and then, and got her facials and massages. In my late fifties, I fell in love. I made her care more important than my work. I made our workouts fun, adding good music, interesting podcasts, great friends, and helpful guides who could teach us how to deepen our connection. And it all worked. I became healthier than I’d ever been.
Now I’m ready for marriage. There are always things we can do to improve our health. For me, it’s listening to what my body needs as I age. When I ask, she tells me to incorporate yoga and stretching into our workout routine, clean up our diet, and find fun outdoor adventures that challenge our endurance. And dance. My body tells me she’d like to dance more.
What would your body tell you?
While I probably won’t buy the Oura ring, remembering their commercial has inspired me to get up and start the day. After all, now that I’m married to my body, I want to make sure she’s happy.
You can watch the commercial here.
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