In This Moment You Are Shaping Your Tomorrow And Next Week!
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- Written by Sonia Barrett

Believe it or not you are in charge of how each day unfolds specifically for you.
In this moment you are creating tomorrow and next week!
So when things occur in our lives we seldom put two and two together about previous thoughts or actions.
It’s a crazy game!
The field: energy, chi, source etc. (whatever we choose to call it) responds according to our demands and commands.
Demands and commands are initiated by core beliefs, thoughts and actions.
Others enter our fields and support our stories.
Perhaps you are running the stories of your family/bloodline/ancestors.
We get lost in the external battle whereby surrendering our power and will.
The current paradigm is one of separating the wheat from the chaff (neither is good or bad).
Each simply represents the evolutionary progression of the species taking place.
Which way will you go?
Fear is the great Trojan horse triggering the truth of our fears and where we truly stand in our core beliefs.
DEFINE TROJAN HORSE (in the digital world) “A malicious computer program that tricks users into willingly running it is also called a "Trojan horse" or simply a "Trojan".
We are in the eye of a spiritual storm (changes in the virtual system of the reality network).
You are personally a unique stream of data in the network (believe it or not).
It is a grand opportunity to remember your inner power.
What will you chose? Or perhaps you have already chosen.
What is your truth in/on this life’s journey?
First thing…stop harassing and terrorizing yourself.
Pull yourself back from the noise, get centered.
Act upon change as you feel lead to both personally and politically.
But most of all recognize that you are in a peak level of the game of reality at this moment in time as we understand time to be!
Regain focus and be aware of the moments when you are sweeting the small stuff!
Embark on a form of meditation that works for you, breathing, walking, sitting in focus, being present, energy practice etc.
Who will you be on the other side of this because it will pass?
You are in charge!
Get off of autopilot!
Life is a pliable experience which means that you can change your mind about your personal outcome!
You choose!
©2021 Sonia Barrett - Source
Sonia Barrett is known for her cutting edge insights with much of it supported by quantum physics. Theoretical Physicist Dr. Amit Goswami refers to her as a true mystic. Her work bridges the gap between science and spirituality in a simplified format. She addresses the programming, beliefs and concepts by which we have lived our lives both individually and collectively.
© 2021 All rights reserved.
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