Heal with the Grace Inside You
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- Written by Lorna Byrne

We see the grace of healing at work all the time, but most of us do not recognize it.
Hello to all my beautiful friends. I am praying for you all, always.
Each and every one of us has the grace of healing within us, and it is a wonderful gift God has given us.
It is so beautiful when I see a mother or father holding their child in their arms, comforting them. The child might be physically hurt with a scratched knee, or emotionally hurt with sadness. The parent, unbeknown to them, is pouring out the grace of healing all over their child. I can see this grace flowing from the parent to the child, and the child stops crying.
Children use the grace of healing amongst themselves, too. One child will get hurt when a group is playing, and the other children will come over and fuss over him, showing their concern and love. Then the hurt child forgets his pain and goes back to playing.
We see the grace of healing at work all the time, but most of us do not recognize it.
This is not just about parents and children. Every one of us has the grace of healing within us. Whenever you feel moved to help someone who is hurting, perhaps someone you love or someone you have never even met, you are using the grace of healing within you.
Love and compassion release the healing power that is within you. Ever since I was a child, Archangel Michael has told me that love is the force behind the grace of healing.
I know I haven't talked much about this healing grace before. I use the grace of healing constantly, with people I meet as I am walking down the street or shopping in the supermarket. To me, the grace of healing is so natural. I am always a bit surprised when people ask me about it.
I see the grace of healing that is within each and every one of us in a different way from prayer or love, although they are linked. The only way I can explain it to you is that the grace of healing is a power that comes from your soul into your body to help you heal both yourself and others.
We all have this healing power within us; it is completely natural and we do it instinctively, and yet we do not recognize it within ourselves.
I see people using the grace of healing every day, but ninety-nine percent of the time the person is not aware that they are sending healing. When you are conscious of using the grace of healing, it becomes more powerful.
Get into the habit, every day, of taking ten seconds to acknowledge the healing grace within yourself. Feel its power working within you. Your guardian angel will help you to feel this power, too.
Ask to become more conscious of the grace of healing within you, so that you will allow it to flow through you for the healing you need.
God has given us the gift of the grace of healing to use for ourselves. So, why shouldn't we?
Love and blessings to you all,
Lorna Byrne is an international number 1 bestselling author (her last two books have gone straight in at #1 on the UK Sunday Times Chart) with more than a million readers around the world. Her books, Angels in my Hair, Stairways to Heaven, A Message of Hope from the Angels and Love from Heaven have been translated into 30 languages.Lorna has been seeing angels since she was a baby. Very unusually, she sees angels physically with as much clarity as the rest of us see people and she sees them every day. This diminutive, soft-spoken, uneducated Irish woman who did not talk about what she was seeing until seven years ago, says she has no idea why she can see angels when others can't, adding that she is just an ordinary person.© 2024 Lorna Byrne http://www.lornabyrne.comSource Here
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