Good Examples of a Bad Example
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- Written by Gaia Ascension Forerunner

Many dysfunctional folks around. I’m going to talk here about some of them around me. It’s all men, for whom I will no longer cut any slack… ‘cuz, if you give ’em an inch, they’ll take a mile. I’m a very good listener and am told so and thanked for it, but I’m done with their drivel.
There are also some folks around who know a few things including, amazingly, knowing what they don’t know, so… they are actually OPEN and RECEPTIVE (Feminine Energy) to learning. Wow!
But that makes for a good lead in…
This one guy who is open and receptive to learning came to talk with me. While he’s there, all these drunks and drug users wanna come around. This guy got after them about trying to butt into our conversation and told them they basically don’t know what a gift was sent to them in the form of me. He told them things he learned from me.
One drunk blurts out that he LOVES me. I’m not sure who he thinks he loves since he knows next to nothing about me ‘cuz he’s all talk and no listen, total diarrhea mouth, spewing shit all day, every day.
The “all talk, no listen” thing is a frickin’ pandemic in this world. If that doesn’t just epitomize how steeped in the patriarchy still far too many people are.
SHUT THE F*CK UP AND LISTEN! Tap into your DIVINE FEMININE ENERGY and use that to actually access some intelligence, both from others and directly from the Divine.
And this drunk has totally bought into all the mainstream media (msm) propaganda lies and doesn’t know shit from Shinola. And all that regurgitated shit flows out his mouth continuously. Much of the time, he just talks total nonsense, reciting (literally, can’t make this up) lines from “Dumb and Dumber.” That’s the level of lack of intelligence we’re talking about. In the Dumb and Dumber realm, he’s the dumbEST, a real Neanderthal.
But he insists on bringing up politics, so I just respond, which his be-lie-fs just hate, so his decibel level goes up and up… ‘cuz he doesn’t know diddly, doesn’t know who’s who in this world, so truly has nothing substantial to say about anything. He literally speaks of killing someone the msm have programmed him to hate. No heretic there. Probably never had an original thought in his life.
So… he yells over me.
As if to say, “When you say something that goes against my programming, I’m going to yell over you… to SHOW you how much I LOVE you.”
Another guy, another drunk and who has killed himself, literally, a few times with fentanyl, decides he wants to start wearing cologne. I asked him to stand downwind from me. Yeah, I did. He wants to come around smelling like Dioxin Dolly’s Chemical Factory and can’t understand why I don’t want his toxic self – now not merely energetically toxic, but also with outward noxious fumes – around me, making my throat seize up.
This story spans a few weeks, but at one point, ya know, just to demonstrate his ignorance, he says, “It’s just a smell.” What an idiot. No dude, what you smell like WITHOUT cologne is “just a smell.” The cologne is threatening people’s health.
At another point, ‘cuz he obviously was missing me, he comes back around to tell me he needs intelligent people in his life (implying me), so I was going to tell him (ya know, something intelligent) to go online and look up the health dangers of perfume and cologne, but I couldn’t even get one word out and he’s holding up his finger to shush me… ‘cuz hey, if you have intelligent people in your life, you sure as hell wouldn’t want them to speak. Goodness sakes, but these guys are stupid fucks.
As if to say, “When you go to talk, I will hold up my finger to shush you… to SHOW you how much I APPRECIATE your INTELLIGENCE.” lol
Mr. Dioxin Dolly is seemingly gone from my life (ahh, finally), because I didn’t put up with his crap. He may be flippant with his own vital signs (frequent fentanyl suicide), but he doesn’t get to be flippant with MY vital signs. (Ever, but he has no idea how important I am to the entirety of humanity, well, ya know, the ones who don’t kill themselves regularly, anyway.)
His drunk buddy keeps having to revive him (what a thing to put on your friends, GAWD!) and continues to hang around with him and enable his dysfunction, ‘cuz hey, if his fentanyl-using buddy goes bye-bye permanently then who’s gonna be his drinking buddy?! Nice co-dysfunction they have going on.
This “reviver” guy has a tattoo to remind him of his young adult son… so he (the father) doesn’t do anything stupid. I guess that tattoo is invisible or doesn’t exist every day before he takes his first drink for the day. The world is falling down around, not just his own ears, but also his son’s ears. But he’s not interested in any of that while he’s in “ignorance is bliss / life’s a party” mode. I wonder if he’ll ever truly realize how he’s failed his son. Who knows, he may just keep drinking his way through the rubble.
Then the creme de la creme… a guy who “woke up” a few years ago. Woke up to what? I’m not sure, since he acts just like all the other souls he bitches at and about and name calls from across the street, including perfect strangers. Supposedly he understands he’s a multi-dimensional being… who acts just like all the severely programmed 3D-level folks. As just one (other) example, he’s seemingly all enamored with celebrities… and not necessarily those who have awakened themselves recently, but the ones who are (still, I’ll give ’em the benefit of the doubt) “in on it.”
So, the first drunk I spoke of who likes to bring up politics did just that recently, so yeah, of course, I was willing to go there with him, but this “awake” dude interrupts and browbeats and talks down his nose to ME, ‘cuz hey, the ignorant can say all they want but I’m not allowed to speak. He knows this drunk got totally DUPED by the msm propaganda but I’m the asshole for bringing him the truth. He says he himself doesn’t care about politics. (he’s one of MANY to be this fucking idiotic)
This always reminds me of comedian George Carlin talking about the disempowering program called, “Thou shalt not talk about religion and politics.” Never mind these are the two biggest ways that the cabal have programmed stupid humans.
So, this “bag of chips / awake” guy, like all the others, keeps himself COMFORTABLY NUMB / anesthetized, he’s WILLFULLY IGNORANT and SELF MUZZLING (and thinks he can muzzle me, stupid f*ck) … and yet he thinks he’s cooler than everyone else while he’s exhibiting the symptoms of dysfunction and disempowerment that those he bitches at / about are, but he’s somehow better than they are.
MIRRORING is just screaming to get his attention.
But he tells me he RESPECTS me.
As if to say, “When you speak of politics so that others can learn from your light, I will browbeat you and talk down my nose to you… to SHOW you how much I RESPECT you.”
He fancies himself a tough guy, but he’s obviously not tough enough to tend to his own healing work. Whah! Wimp.
Oh yes, I do SEE how these guys LOVE me, APPRECIATE my INTELLIGENCE and RESPECT me. Indeed, I do see what they are SHOWing me. Their actions and beingness speak much louder than their lip service.
F.E.A.R. and disempowering programs make people do and say some really dumb shit.
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