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God Was Right Next to Me

God Was Right Next to Me

One sunny autumn day, I went for a walk in the countryside in Johnstown. There weren't many people around. 

I followed a path running parallel to the fields. As I turned the corner, I spotted a young man of about twenty-years old sitting on a tree stump.

He looked rather sad. I could see that his guardian angel was intertwined with his physical human body, and this made me very upset. 

The young man's guardian angel told me that he was feeling inadequate, as if he was no good at anything. He was starting to believe that life was no longer worth living. I felt so heavy-hearted for him. I prayed and gave out, a sense of helplessness overcoming me. 

I kept on walking, eventually reaching a small pond that flowed into a bigger stream. I sat there in tears, still thinking about the young man.

Just as I was about to get back up and walk on, Angel Elijah appeared across the other side of the pond from me. This pond was small and ornamental, only about five feet wide. But with Angel Elijah there, everything suddenly changed.

The water became a large lake. Elijah walked across it and, despite the power and strength of his walk, it took him quite a long time to reach me.

"Lorna, come for a walk with me," he said, stretching his hand out to me. 

Together we walked along a pathway and up some stone steps to higher ground. We were surrounded by lots of large trees. I asked Angel Elijah where we were going but he didn't reply. 

We walked over to one of the bigger trees and I sat down, leaning against the large base of the tree. Angel Elijah took my hands, and in this moment I knew he was about to take my soul. I lost my breath and suddenly I was in heaven. Everything around me was so bright and luminous.

God appeared beside me. It was as if we were sitting in the middle of the light of the sun, so bright and luminescent, and yet not blinding. God's face was radiant and so full of love. I cannot put it into words. He allowed me to see His eyes and I knew they could see everything.

When I looked into God's eyes, for only a brief second, it was as if I saw all of life and creation, all of love, all of hope there. No matter how beautiful and radiant an angel's eyes are, God's are beyond that. 

God was dressed in robes that were more brilliantly white than any white I have ever seen. A brilliant light shone from His fingertips and feet. When I looked around, I realized we were surrounded by a multitude of angels. I couldn't count them. 

"Why are you so upset, my little Bird of Love?" God asked me in a very tender and gentle voice. 

"I feel so alone and helpless around suicide," I answered. 

"You are never alone. I am always around you," God said to me, smiling. "I see you are trying not to hide from me as much." 

"I hide because you are so powerful and I am so overwhelmed by your presence. Even now I want to run and hide," I told him. 

God smiled at me with great love and compassion. 

He said, "I know suicide upsets you greatly because you feel everything of that person's emotions, and you feel their soul. Lorna, you are my little Bird of Love. The souls need your love, and so do I. Your prayers are so full of love and compassion. I love all my children, and I don't want any of them to commit suicide. I am always there with them and there is always hope. The angels and I do our best to help people see this hope. I have given my children free will, so I cannot stop them from taking their own lives, but when one of my children does so I wrap them in my blanket of love and bring them to heaven." 

I felt tears forming in my eyes. God stretched out His arms in a welcoming gesture. As He did this, we were suddenly surrounded by many beautiful souls. They were all around us and appeared as men, women, and children of different ages. 

I knew without God saying a word that these were souls who had taken their own lives because they had found life unbearable. They had felt like they were living in a pit of darkness. Within themselves they had felt unloved and uncared for and had little self-confidence or self-belief. 

They had not been able to see the light and love within them. They may have had families and friends who loved and cared for them deeply, but because they were in a pit of darkness they couldn't feel this love. They couldn't see the light of this love. But now all these souls were radiant, full of an indescribable joy and happiness. 

I smiled watching the souls. God smiled back at me. Then, within a moment, everything disappeared. 

Everything around me returned to normal. I was once again sitting underneath the big, beautiful tree in Johnstown. 

I slowly stood up and walked back home, feeling comforted, and thinking about how love needs to penetrate that pit of darkness. 

Love and blessings to you all,


Lorna Byrne is an international number 1 bestselling author (her last two books have gone straight in at #1 on the UK Sunday Times Chart) with more than a million readers around the world. Her books, Angels in my Hair, Stairways to Heaven, A Message of Hope from the Angels and Love from Heaven have been translated into 30 languages.
Lorna has been seeing angels since she was a baby. Very unusually, she sees angels physically with as much clarity as the rest of us see people and she sees them every day. This diminutive, soft-spoken, uneducated Irish woman who did not talk about what she was seeing until seven years ago, says she has no idea why she can see angels when others can’t, adding that she is just an ordinary person.
© 2024 Lorna Byrne http://www.lornabyrne.com
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