Do You See What I See? Into The Future We Go!
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- Written by Hope Fitzgerald

Greetings, Luminous One!
Here we are in the last throes of the astrological year and on the brink of a new one beginning on the March 20 spring equinox.
Can't you just feel it?
For years now, waves of change have been sweeping over us in increasing size and strength, continuing to gain in intensity.
It's both exciting and... maybe a bit scary.
It can feel like all this is happening to us instead of for us, which is why we've been concentrating on staying in flow above the fray by directing the currents of our attitudes and perspectives to where WE say we want them to go. We shall not be victims.
With all the turmoil, it's all too easy to get so bogged down and numb that we forget who we essentially are Creators. If we stop creating... it's not a pretty sight.
If we look back in history, many of the most profound scientific and artistic breakthroughs have come out of the most stressful times - it's almost as if the turmoil has acted as a propulsion agent for creativity.
And the same can be true now.
We started in December by reawakening a sense of Wonder, followed by January when we dug into what Inspires us (it's hard to be Inspired if we can't be just a little bit in awe).
Then in February, we played with Passion by combining all that Wonder and Inspiration to discover what really jazzes us up in life.
This month, we're going to explore Vision, because when we connect what we're Inspired by and Passionate about, turning them into reality requires being able to imagine a possible future.
We do all this because when we direct our outlook, we're saying to the Universe, "I want to play in my reality regardless of what is being presented all around me."
You CAN carve out your own existence and it doesn't have to mean sticking your head in the sand.
In a classic example of a "Yes, and..." mentality: YES, the world is chaotic and changing big time, AND here in my existence, I'm having a ball creating my own unique reality.
Yet, Visioning used to mean something different than it does today.
Back before the world changed, we could use the past to get some sense of a future, but that's no longer the case. We're moving forward at such a breakneck speed that there's no way to go backwards, no matter how we may yearn for it. So, we can't use the past as a template for what lies ahead.
And looking into the future isn't as accessible as it was before. In fact, many of the psychically-gifted people I know are finding it difficult, if not impossible, to view 'around the corner' these days and I concur; increasingly, everything appears to be quite blurry when I peer into the mist.
But let's not be discouraged because this also means there's plenty of opportunity to CREATE the future if we could only dream it.
And why not?
Visioning a world we wish to see - and your particular corner of it - is as good a way to keep sane as I can think of. The future is malleable, so not being constrained by the past frees us up to dream big.
Plus, what a positive use of our time, energy and talents!
Let's have some fun anticipating what we can create with our Visioning. Start with something small and then watch how it shows up... each Creation will lead to more of the same, so by the end of the month, we should all be feeling quite empowered!
So, let's all get in the sandbox and build some castles this month!
Much love and infinite blessings,
Please join us tomorrow night for our monthly Infinity Circle at 7:30pm EST. The Circles are longer sessions when I review the astrology for the month followed by a channeled meditation. The invitation will be sent tomorrow.
NOTE: After years of not charging, this is the first Infinity Circle that will be offered for a fee of $12 due to the length of time it takes me to prepare the material. The registration link will be sent tomorrow.
I hope to see you there!
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