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Allow Yourself To Receive!

Allow Yourself To Receive!

Choose to know you are good enough for the Life you want and the state of Being you want to embody!

If good can be for others, it can be for you.

If dreams can manifest for others, it can happen for you too.

No other can get in your way. No external thing has power to get in your way. Shadows are effects that move by one cause.

The one cause is in your center, your Being.

What judgement you put on the ideas you think, the feelings you feel, the things you see, hear or experience determines what guidelines your consciousness must operate by.

If you choose unconditional love, you are deciding to not be internally controlled by conditions, appearances, circumstances, people, demands of others...

We cannot suffer enough to make another not suffer. We cannot shrink ourselves enough to help another.

Self love, authenticity and empowerment is freedom. It allows us to help others see it is possible for them too.

When we embody our power, Livingness and maintain our alignment, we act as an example for others.

We combine with what we notice.

If we decide to notice the possibility and solution over the problem, we shrink the problem and move in the direction of possibility/solution.

The opposite is also true, we can shrink Faith in the possibility/solution and grow the problem. That is our power of choice.

We can recreate on a loop from habitual thinking or we can create something new.

Step into your integrity and authencticity...
Embrace yourself unapologetically.

Other's expectations, doubts or negative opinions only matter if you believe they do.

Your Life does not need to be spent shrinking your Soul-Spirit to please others.

There is no need to fight or resist any seeming opposition (anyone or anything) it is temporary and can be reshaped or completely transformed.

Resistance reinforces the thing being resisted... it's like adding super glue. Resistance is not needed.

We only fight what we have unknowingly given power.

What we resist/fight is our own misplaced energy looking to come back to us but when we reject it by our belief in an external opposition, we feed a cross current and create more unwanted ways for our misplaced energy to seek us.

It is ourselves looking to be acknowledged consciously through the conditions we have unconsciously impressed upon our consciousness.

Reuniting with our misplaced energy allows us to direct our energy more intentionally and always us to become a stronger magnetic force of attraction which creates more receptivity, less resistance.

Choosing the most loving thing for you creates balances and shows others that they can do the same!

Don't feel bad for wanting better or wanting more...for yourself, for others and the world.

Feel good that you are recognizing the self-created limitations to your expansion.

We create our own ceilings to bust through.

Each level or ceiling we rise through reveals new insights and new worlds we couldn't see prior.

Self love must be embodied to lift the self created ceilings of limitation.

Self love powers expansion, freedom, appreciation, further alignment, receptivity, purpose, joy, and powers desires to align with inspired action.

Self love guides personal will by uniting with Divine will.

Forgive anything and anyone, everything and everyone. Whatever it is- choose to forgive to redeem your Soul and free yourself from the magnetic chains of opposition.

Love yourself enough to let it go.
Love yourself enough to say yes or say no.

Forgiving or "giving up" the limitation is like super powered fuel for receiving.
We must forgive to fully allow receiving.

**Everything I share is my perspective, my own interpretation of the energies and messages that I receive from the Oversoul aspect, my own guidance, experiences & insights- I'm not here to convince anyone of anything, not interested. These messages are for whoever is guided & resonates. And this channel is for sharing & connecting.
This channel is for/about energy updates, downloads, spiritual guidance, planetary & galactic gates, collective shifts, activations, light codes/transmissions, StarGate/Grid workers, energy waves/Cosmic Rays/solar cycles, 13moon cycles, MAYA Astrology/Cosmology (there is a diff between traditional Mayan Astrology & Galactic calender- I use both) along w Tropical & sometimes Sideral Astrology, Tarot, Meditations, connecting, etc..
I'm sharing my experiences, contacts, guidance, perception, insights *Trecena- IX (Jaguar) *Day Sign- AHAU *Galactic Signature: White Solar Wizard Mayan Yr: 13 Manik' *Gemini Rising *Aries Sun (Pisces Sun Sidereal) *Capricorn Moon -Uttaraashada Moon  Patreon: www.Patreon.com/alunaash Paypal- Aluna Ash Clairvoyant Paypal.me/alunaash (Sorry, no personal services.)
Thank you for your love & support. Divine Will Conduit Ashlee

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