5 Ways to Tap Into Your Purpose
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- Written by Michelle Maros

Hi my friends,
I want to take this week to do a little part two, of last week’s blog about purpose! I received so many notes and positive feedback from many of you, resonating with this new way of reframing the concept of purpose, and I’m so grateful. I wrote last weeks blog from my own experience and frustration with how purpose used to show up in my life, and it feels so much more aligned and integrated coming from the inside out. If you missed last week’s blog, you can catch up on it here.
This week I wanted to dive in deeper into some tangible steps to tap into, and actively cultivate that feeling of purpose. It’s so easy to fall in love with an idea, concept, or intention, and then get lost in the implementation, so I wanted to share how I put purpose into practice.
Last week I said, I don’t believe that purpose is a steady, permanent concept, but rather something fluid that changes and evolves along with us, and that’s what makes it fun! Below are five simple action items that you can start to implement today, to help you feel more connected to your own purpose. I hope you find them helpful!
- Daily connection with myself. Life changes from minute to minute, but you can always find a sense of being centered when you stop, close your eyes, and breathe. I will never be able to describe enough, the feelings, rejuvenation, inspiration, and clarity I receive when I connect with myself on a regular basis. This can look like a daily meditation practice, journaling, dancing, taking walks, or anything that makes you feel connected and at peace.
- Limit distractions. It’s really easy to be confused and overwhelmed when life around you is confusing and overwhelming. This has happened to me on more than one occasion, where I was so desperately seeking clarity and direction, and couldn’t see it clearly because I had so many distractions in my life. The important things in life rise to the surface when we clear away the unnecessary clutter and chaos. This looks like setting boundaries, saying no, and leaving something on your to-do list for a later date. PS–it’s okay to do this!
- Be present. As corny and cliche as it sounds, I really do believe that life is guiding us and sending us messages and signs along the way; we just have to be present to it. So often we allow ourselves to do too many things at once, and miss out on the beauty and the wisdom that so naturally appears when we are present. This looks like leaving your phone in the other room when you’re having a conversation with someone, not multitasking, and setting boundaries with technology.
- Follow simple joys. Sometimes we get too much into our heads about what purpose and meaning is supposed to look like in our lives, when in reality our bodies and intuition have the clues all along. Start to notice the simple actions or interactions that excite you, make you want to learn more, leave you curious, and optimistic. These are the breadcrumbs that you can collect in creating a purposeful life. This can look like driving a few minutes extra to go to a coffee shop that makes you happy, going for a walk in a new part of town, or exploring a class in a topic that has always interested you.
- Care for the life you have. Our minds love to wander into wondering about what things would be like if we were presented with different circumstances or if we had the things we truly desired. While it’s important to dream and actively cultivate our desires, we also need to remember to keep watering the garden that we have right now. Life moves forward and progresses when we honor and care for what we have in the present. Show up for your life now, so you don’t allow the life you’re creating for yourself to pass you by.
xo, Michelle
Michelle Maros is Peaceful Mind Peaceful Life's Creative Director and resident writer. She has a degree in Journalism from Indiana University and is also a certified holistic health coach through the Institute for Integrative Nutrition and registered yoga teacher with trainings with Anuttara Yoga Shala and Strala Yoga. Michelle has a deep desire to help people find happiness in all areas of their lives, and truly believes the Peaceful Mind Peaceful Life movement will bring lasting change to the world. Michelle splits her time between Florida and New York City and loves connecting with people from all over the world. If you'd like to contact her, she can be reached at
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