5 Reminders for Managing Overwhelm
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- Written by Michelle Maros

My dear friends,
Now that we are fully into the holiday season, it’s easy and oh so common to feel the mounting pressure that this time of year can bring. When we have so much on our plates, when there is a lot expected of us, and when it feels like time is a resource that we never have enough of, the feelings of overwhelm can go into overdrive.
Overwhelm can feel a lot like being completely sped up and paralyzed, at the same time. It can also make us feel like we are never doing enough, that we’re doing a bad job, or that we simply are not enough at all.
I know we all want to end this year with some happiness, joy, peace, and clarity. I know I wish that deeply for myself and for all of you.
This week, I want to offer up these five simple reminders when you’re feeling that end-of-the-year, holiday pressure, and to remind you that everything is manageable if we take it one-day-at-a-time, and please know that you are always enough!
1. Carve out some time for silence and stillness. It is in these silent moments that we can see and hear clearly. That we can know what’s true for us, that we can understand the actions to take, and that we can cultivate the strength and bravery to take the next step.
2. Cultivate positive self-talk. I know this sounds cliche, especially at this time in life, but I urge you to hear me out! It’s even more important now to be your very own cheerleader. Remind yourself of your capabilities, that you can handle more than your mind is telling you, that you already have handled so much, and that you are always stronger than you think. In these make or break moments, we tend to flounder when our minds give up on ourselves. Give yourself the leg up, and train your brain to be your best advocate in these times.
3. Remember that you don’t have to have it all together. I keep telling myself that, there is no handbook to life, and we are all on different and unique paths. My journey is not the same as yours so it’s okay if you’re misunderstood sometimes and feel lost and confused. It’s okay if you mess up, we all will. Trying to be perfect in life is like trying to stay dry in a hurricane. Impossible! Release the need to be everything, and focus on one thing, and then the next thing. You can do this!
4. Make your tasks manageable. In times of high pressure and expectation, it always feels like there’s so much to do and not enough time. This frantic energy of scarcity and lack makes us feel worse than we already do. Make a schedule for yourself if that gives you peace of mind. Dole out tasks for each day. Give yourself bite size chunks so that tasks feel easier to swallow. No one is asking for us to be superheroes during this time, they’re just asking for us to be human, and to remember our humanity. We can’t do it all and be it all, all it once. But we can get a lot done when we know ourselves enough to give us the tasks in a manageable way.
5. Be a source of strength for others. Sometimes we get wrapped up in our own dramas and we feel like there’s nothing we can do. One of the biggest sources of energy and strength for me at this time is being of service to those in my personal life and in my community. Reach out to a friend who might be having a hard time and offer an ear. Offer to bring over some groceries to someone who might not have the time to make the stop. Get creative with how you can be helpful. When we reach out to those we care about, we are also reaching back in to care for our souls. I do truly believe that we are all in this together, and so when one of us thrives, we all will thrive. We can be that source of love and happiness for one another.
Finally, please remember that we are all just doing the best we can with what we’ve been given, especially during this period of time of immense stress, anxiety, and uncertainty. Remember to be kind, be patient, and understanding with others. Be compassionate towards those around you, but also for yourself. Remember your strength and resilience, and know that it will take you far.
With love,
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