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5 Interesting Crossword Puzzles To Teach Your Kids

5 Interesting Crossword Puzzles To Teach Your Kids

With the increasing digitization of education, crosswords likely aren’t the first things that come to mind when you think of helpful learning tools. However, crosswords are great ways for your children to practice problem-solving, vocabulary, spelling, and more. Whether you’re homeschooling or just trying to combat the summer slide, these five interesting crossword puzzles to teach your kids can help.


Depending on the age and level at which your children are learning, there are a lot of different directions you could take a crossword puzzle about animals. With enough creativity and some dedicated searching online, you can find numerous options.

Younger children might enjoy puzzles featuring common barnyard animals where the clue is either a picture of the animal or the noise it makes.

Slightly older children may like biome-themed crosswords, where the answers are all animals that live in a specific area.

Animal-themed crosswords work for older learners too. Crosswords with clues that are the scientific names of animals can help students memorize and learn about genera and species. You can also easily incorporate other areas of science like anatomy, ecology, and chemistry.

If you find yourself stumped by a confusing clue or you’re looking for inspiration, Crossword Answers 911 has your back. Helping your children avoid frustration can aid in making the learning process more enjoyable.


5 Interesting Crossword Puzzles To Teach Your Kids
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Like animals, whether as a topic for crossword puzzles is popular and flexible, you won’t need to design your own unless you want to, and you’ll likely be able to find puzzles for different learning levels.

For the very youngest learners, you may want to use pictures as clues. If your children are older or more advanced, you could feature anything from natural disasters to cloud types.

Crosswords can be fantastic alternatives to screen time if you introduce them correctly. Children learn by example, so if they see you doing a crossword puzzle too, they’re more likely to want to participate.

Working with you, a friend, or a sibling can help improve your child’s social and emotional skills and provide an opportunity to spend quality time together.


5 Interesting Crossword Puzzles To Teach Your Kids
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Younger learners need to develop a solid foundation for their understanding of shapes, and crosswords are an excellent way to build that foundation.

You can start with pictures of basic two-dimensional shapes for younger children. As your children advance, you can begin using written descriptions and move onto three-dimensional shapes. Young children might appreciate having blocks in the shapes they’re learning about so they can physically interact with the new concepts.

Crossword puzzles are helpful for more than keeping your children occupied in an educational way. They teach new words and concepts, but they also improve overall memory skills, which can have a lasting positive effect on your child’s education as they progress through school.


Clothing can be combined with the weather as a topic for younger learners so that the clues are something along the lines of “you wear blank on your head when it’s cold outside.”

For mid-level learners, you may want to incorporate clothing from other periods of history or cultures. You can incorporate these ideas into history or social studies lessons.

Language learning is another instance in which crossword puzzles are useful. No matter what learning level your children are at, crosswords in a foreign language can help with spelling and vocabulary retention.

Since clothing is such a touchstone for vocabulary, it’s a great place to start. Going clothes shopping afterward can help cement the lesson.

To make the puzzle more of a challenge, have the clues be in the other language. Solving problems is a far more effective way to ensure vocabulary from another language is retained than route memorization using flashcards.


5 Interesting Crossword Puzzles To Teach Your Kids
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Don’t limit yourself to introducing your children to crosswords consisting solely of words. If you’ve never seen a math crossword puzzle before, now is the time to familiarize yourself with them.

Many students struggle with math, and the idea of yet another worksheet filled with equations probably won’t go over well if you suggest it, particularly if you’re trying to do a summer learning program.

There are two different formats math crosswords generally take. In the first format, all of the boxes are blank, and your child will use the provided clues to fill them in. In this case, the clues are usually short equations, and the answers tend to be three or four digits, so this is more suitable for slightly older students.

In the second format, some of the crossword boxes are filled in already. Your child solves the listed equations to fill in the blanks. This format is an excellent option if your child is learning their multiplication table or other fast calculations.

Math crosswords like these are a great way to introduce the concept of algebra to your children without any of the fear or lack of confidence that comes with more advanced math problems.

Whatever topics you decide to use when introducing your children to crossword puzzles, you can be confident that you’re providing them with one of the best educational tools possible. There are plenty of free printable crossword puzzles available online if you’re interested in getting started.

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Rebecca Smith is a writer for numerous health and fitness publications. She has been working with many challenged clients for some time now. She can be reached via email at .

This article was submitted exclusively to CrystalWind.ca by Rebecca Smith 

© 2021 crystalwind.ca. All rights reserved. Do Not Copy.

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