Frito-Lay chips are filled with poison-producing GMO corn and deadly glyphosate herbicide
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- Written by AndEl

The Texas-based Frito-Lay corporation, whose parent company is PepsiCo, has been caught selling deadly processed food products that contain both genetically modified (GM), pesticide-producing "corn" and Monsanto's Roundup herbicide (glyphosate), which is scientifically linked to causing hormone disruption, reproductive damage, digestive disorders and much more.
Recent tests conducted on Frito-Lay's SunChips product revealed the presence of GM Bt corn, which comprised 100% of the corn used in the product. Bt corn, as you'll probably recall, creates its own insecticide inside every cell of the plant, which can't be washed off and is regulated by the Environmental Protection Agency -- Bt corn isn't food, in other words.
Feeding studies on mammals have found that Bt corn causes immune system disturbances, blood biochemistry disturbances, male reproductive organ damage, disturbances in the functioning of the digestive system and signs of organ toxicity. Proteins from Bt corn, which supposedly break down in the digestive tract, have also been found circulating in the blood of both pregnant and non-pregnant women.
Also found in SunChips were dangerously high levels of glyphosate, the primary active ingredient in Monsanto's Roundup weedkiller. Using Specific LC/MS/MS testing methods, the consumer advocacy group GMO Free USA observed levels of glyphosate in SunChips averaging 0.14 parts per million (ppm), or 0.14 milligrams per kilogram (mg/kg).
Glyphosate, as we've continually reported, has been prolifically linked to damaging the endocrine (hormone) system, and triggering birth defects, infertility and major damage to the kidneys and other vital organs. Glyphosate also destroys gut microbiota, which the body needs to process and assimilate nutrients, as well as fight off harmful pathogens and maintain strong immunity.
"The quantitative PCR test verified, by DNA analysis, that 100% of the corn in the SunChips was GMO, containing DNA sequences known to be present in insecticide-producing Bt and Roundup Ready corn," reports GMO Free USA. "The test [also] documented the presence of glyphosate in SunChips at a level of 0.14 ppm, or 0.14 mg/kg."
Test results expose SunChips as poisonous to humans
The really insidious part about all this is that SunChips are marketed as a healthy, whole grain snack food "low in saturated fat and cholesterol." Aside from the fact that both saturated fat and cholesterol are important nutrients required for health -- the insinuation that they aren't is a deception based on pseudoscientific prejudice and ignorance -- the presentation of SunChips as some kind of Earth-based food is nothing short of criminal false advertising.
And this is hardly a shock, considering Frito-Lay's parent company, PepsiCo, spent more than $13 million fighting against mandatory GMO labeling. Both PepsiCo and Frito-Lay are major purveyors of GMO junk foods, many of which are marketed directly to children, and which we now know are loaded with chemical poisons in the form of pesticide and herbicide residues.
You can view the duly shocking test results of Kellogg's Froot Loops breakfast cereal, which also contains unbelievably high levels of both GMOs and glyphosate herbicide, here:
"PEPSICO, the owner of Frito-Lay, has been one of the biggest financial contributors to the fight against consumers' need to know if they're eating GMOs," reports GMO Free USA.
"Pepsi contributed over $8.1 million to defeat citizens' ballot initiatives in California ($2,485,400), Washington ($1,620,899), Colorado ($1,650,000) and Oregon ($2,350,000), and spent an additional $5.06 million on lobbying in 2013 ($2,720,000) and 2014 (first 2 quarters of 2014: $2,340,000)."
Readers are urged to contact Frito-Lay directly and share their thoughts:
Phone: (800) 352-4477
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