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What is EFT?

EFT Tapping Points

Based on the ancient principles of acupuncture, "Emotional Freedom Technique" , or EFT is a simple tapping procedure that gently realigns the body’s energy system, without the use of needles. I teach EFT to my clients as a "do it yourself" Acupuncture.

The founder of EFT, Gary Craig, believes that “the cause of ALL negative emotions is a disruption in the body’s energy system.” I believe this statement can also be true in reverse. In other words, Negative emotions and physical traumas in one’s life can cause a disruption in the body’s energy system. Either way, EFT, a technique being used by many thousands of people around the globe, is so effective because it works by balancing the energy system while simultaneously focusing on a physical pain, trauma or negative emotion, thereby neutralizing the undesired feeling or symptom. EFT works with the emotional roots of disease, including our core belief systems that fuel our life choices, health and every day behavior.

My favorite thing about EFT, above all else, is that, once learned, this technique can be self-applied. That being said, many people find it easier to work with someone when they are trying to get to core issues.

How Does EFT Work?

Negative emotional experiences and physical pain disrupt the energy meridians that run through our body. When the initial trauma happens, our memory of the trauma (physical or emotional) becomes attached to our physiology of that moment in time. So if for example, your mom yells at you at the dinner table while you’re eating and you get a pain in your stomach, you may get a stomach ache for the rest of your life when you either eat that particular food or when someone gets angry with you. Sometimes, as we get older, if we have not dealt with these connections, they can become more generalized and our symptoms can get worse.

The purpose of tapping on Acupuncture points while focusing on the negative emotion is to balance the energy system and neutralize the negative emotion and all the physiological symptoms that go with it. The result is that our brain and nervous system disconnects us from the discomfort of the original event. It’s not as though we forget what happened, but when we think about it we feel neutral and at peace. A great example of this can be found in an early video of Gary Craig in which he worked with Vietnam Veterans who were still in the VA hospital suffering with PTSD all these years after the war. After working with Gary, these men were able to describe in detail specific horrifying events from their war experience with complete neutrality. The results were remarkable. The vets all expressed complete amazement both at the speed of the work and the reduction and often complete elimination of their symptoms.

EFT and The Law of Attraction

Lots of EFT users have realized that there’s much more to EFT than just clearing all the negative garbage from our lives. Many people are combining EFT with the Law of Attraction to manifest and create our dreams. This is an area where EFT becomes really fun.

Many people have heard about the Law of Attraction (LOA), and I often hear things like “that stuff doesn’t work. I’ve visualized for years and still haven’t been able to manifest”. Often times we think about what it is we want to create, but right below the surface we have blocks or negative beliefs that contradict that exact desire. EFT can clear these blocks away opening up new energy pathways to better outcomes. Beliefs such as “I’m not smart enough”, “I’m unlovable”, “Rich people are evil”, etc, can be cleared and then EFT can be used to balance the energy system around what we DO want to create. That’s when EFT gets really exciting.

Some Issues EFT Can Be Applied To:


  • Insomnia
  • PTSD
  • Weight Loss
  • Quit Smoking
  • Phobias
  • Grief


  • Allergies
  • Migraines
  • Pain Management
  • Multiple Chemical Sensitivities
  • Fibromyalgia

PLEASE NOTE: While EFT has produced remarkable clinical results, it is still considered to be in the experimental stage and thus each individual reading this must take complete responsibility for their own use of it.

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