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Fear of Flying ~ Relieved or Cured with EFT (Tapping)

fear of flying

ear of flying whether real or imagined is debilitating. I do a lot of traveling every year and much of that travel is by plane. I fly a lot and for me, it’s fun. But for many people, flying creates a lot of stress, fear, or even panic attacks, and if you can relate ….…this video is for you.

Most of us experience fear or panic attacks, not based on a past experience or memory of something that happened, but seemingly out of nowhere. You may be someone who has had a bad experience flying in the past and it has become the core of the fear you feel, but for many more…..it just happens for no apparent reason. Either way…….there is a powerful technique that will help you and I’m going to share that with you today. So hang with me

Here’s the scoop….when you are in a state of fear, reality induced or imagined (and by imagined I mean, nothing has happened to promote it), there is a part of your brain, known as the amygdala that is responsible for your body’s negative reaction. It’s commonly referred to as the flight or fight response. By using EFT (Tapping) we stimulate specific meridian points while talking through either traumatic memories and/or a range of emotions we are feeling. This acupoint tapping sends signals directly to the stress centers of the mid-brain, by passing the ‘thinking’ part of our brain and basically promotes relaxation. It reduces the stress hormones (such as cortisol) and increases the calming endorphins.  It sort of sends a ‘it’s safe’ signal to the brain. So, let’s get tapping shall we?

Side of the Hand:

Even though I’m feeling really uncomfortable right now, I honor how I feel and love myself anyway

Even though I am having trouble breathing and I’m feeling closed in, I accept how I feel and honor myself anyway

Even though I’m scared of flying and I refuse to relax about it, I honor and accept who I am and how I feel

EB: I’m feeling this tightness in my chest

SE: I can’t breath

UE: There is no way out

UN: I feel trapped and I hate this

CP: All this fear…..fear of flying

CB: I feel it big time

UA: I’m not sure if I can do this ….. I need to move

WW: This fear of flying

Crown: I feel out of control

EB: I wonder if it’s possible to calm down

SE: I’m open to that possibility

UE: I’m open to the possibility that I am safe where I am

UN: Millions fly every day……I am safe

CP: I release this fear…..I choose to be calm

CB: I choose to breath and relax

UA: Because it’s safe…..I am safe and all is good

WW: I am in control of me and how I feel

Crown: I choose to enjoy these moments

EB: I am safe

SE: releasing this fear

UE: It’s safe to be here right where I am

UN: feeling calm and relaxed

CP: I am safe and in good hands

CB: Letting go of this fear of flying

UA: Feeling better…..feeling calm…..I am safe

WW: All is well with me

Crown: Choosing to relax and enjoy my flight

Remember, this is a general sample of what tapping for the fear of flying might look like for you.  It’s important that you tap through what YOU are feeling, and where you feel it in your body. Just tell your truth…what’s happening to you in those moments. Then, as you are tapping and begin to feel a bit lighter and more accepting of it, move into the positive rounds of tapping.

It may also be a good idea to tap prior to going to the airport if you start to feel anxiety around the upcoming trip and fear of flying sets in. Especially if you’ve experienced an attack or severe fear on previous flights, you might begin to worry about it happening again and that just makes it worse for you. Tap on the worry when you feel it creep up. Tap around all the triggers; for instance if you are triggered walking into the airport, hearing the planes take off, seeing a pilot or flight attendant, going through security or wherever and whatever throws you into feeling anxious and fearful.

Thank you for joining me today, I love serving you in this way. If you are not yet on my Monday Morning Shift Newsletter, please sign up right here on the side-bar.  As my gift to you just for joining me, you’ll receive a free training on getting rid of limiting beliefs around money.  You just might be surprised what you find out about your own relationship with money. 

I’m glad you joined me today!  If you aren’t already on my Monday Morning Shift newsletter, I’d love to have you join me now.  Right after you enter your name and email, I’ll send you my powerful FREE training video on how you can quickly discover and release your money blocks!
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