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Edgar Cayce's Prophecy Comes True: Hall of Records Discovered


Rumors are circulating throughout the world recently with the supposed discovery of one of the legendary Hall of Records in Egypt. The Egyptian government along with recently retired Zahi Hawass who ran the Egyptian Antiquities Department have adamantly denied these claims saying that no such building or chamber has been found. However, many researchers and even some archaeologists are saying that the chamber was indeed found but has been covered up due to the contents inside and what it would mean to both our understanding of history and Ancient Egypt's history.

According to legend and the renowned psychic Edgar Cayce, the Hall of Records are composed of three chambers spread throughout the world that contain the missing history of the lost continent of Atlantis along with the missing history of the human race. The three chambers are said to be located in Egypt (underneath the Sphinx's paw), somewhere on the Yucatan Peninsula and one on the lost continent of Atlantis, which would be most likely sunken in the ocean depths still. Each chamber is thought to contain the history of the lost continent of Atlantis along with information on any of the surviving inhabitants of the legendary island. It was Cayce's claim that there were small groups of survivors that managed to escape the destruction of Atlantis and it was these Atlanteans that brought civilization to both Egypt and Mexico. Cayce claimed that all of this information would be housed in these Hall of Records and would detail both the history before the destruction of Atlantis and the demise too.

So, why would Egypt hide the Hall of Records? Obviously, the main reason would be the knowledge that the Egyptians did not develop civilization independently but instead were taught the concepts of it. This change in thinking would make the ancient Egyptian culture not as sophisticated as originally thought and all of their achievements would be questioned. Buildings such as the Great Pyramid and Abu Simbel would have to be questioned as to who was really responsible for the technology and ideas behind the building of them. Even the Sphinx would have to be questioned.

Where is the evidence for the finding of the Hall of Records in Egypt? The first piece of evidence was found more than twenty years ago and was a ground penetrating radar scan that revealed a strange anomaly underneath one of the Spinx's paws. The scan revealed what appeared to be a small chamber exactly in the location that Edgar Cayce had predicted the Hall of Records was to be found. The second piece of evidence and the most important are a network of caves and tunnels that run all around the Giza plateau. When these caves and tunnels were first discovered, both the Egyptian government and Zahi Hawass denied the existence of them. The caves run underneath at least two of the three large pyramids on the Giza plateau and run very close to right beneath the Sphinx. It is this cave chamber that runs very close to the Sphinx that the secret Hall of Records was located. The Hall was located behind about 5 feet of rock that separated the end of the cave chamber to the entrance of the Hall of Records. According to some sources, archaeologists were able to drill through and clear this 5 feet of rock and have gained access to the hall. But other sources are saying that once the archaeologists realized what they had found, they further sealed the cave chamber thereby hiding the discovery.

So, has the Hall of Records really been discovered? And, if so, will we ever hear about the contents of what the chamber had inside it? My guess is that the Egyptian government will do everything they can to hide this discovery and unless they are forced to disclose, we will never get confirmation. Hopefully, I will be proven wrong.

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