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Where Parallel Lines Meet
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- Written by AndEl
In Euclidean geometry, parallel lines are two lines that do not intersect or meet together at any one common point, no matter how far they may extend. We see the usage of many practical examples of parallel lines in our common everyday experiences. Parallel lines are used in the structural design of our common boxes, furniture, and homes. They are also implemented into our common everyday patterns of architectural designs and even in landscape designs.
Parallel lines can actually be quite ornate and visually esthetic especially when they are used to break the monotony of a single shrubbery or flower color scheme to introduce a variety of plants to give a sense of contrast within our landscape design. Parallel lines also provide a practical purpose when used to plant and harvest rows of a single crop upon multiple acres of land, such as corn, wheat, or rice. Our experience on Earth however is not an exact experience of perfect three-dimensional symmetry! Our common everyday experience is an occurrence of living beyond the three dimensions of height, width, and depth. The three dimensional parameters of height, width, and depth simply function to facilitate the illusion that our Earth is flat since our eyes do not have an ability to see Mother Earth’s entire spheroid shape! In today’s world anyone can easily fly over his or her local vicinity on an airplane or helicopter and see beyond his or her immediate neighborhood – and actually see Where Parallel Lines Meet!
In order to see Where Parallel Lines Meet, dear Ones, all you have to do is remember our Mother Earth is a spheroid, where all apparent parallel lines intersect and meet upon a spheroidal grid! Think of a global map depicting its longitude lines intersecting and meeting at the north and south poles. The longitude lines depicted on our global map are just as imaginary as the latitude lines crossing over them, but when you consider how they influence our current modern world reality, you will give greater credence to Where Parallel Line Meet! Whenever you cross into a different time zone than the one in which you reside, all you have to do is look at your mobile phone’s time and you will see your mobile phone’s GPS locator is letting you know what time it is where you are now standing. Earth’s longitude lines serve as the boundaries between our world’s time zone and even if we cannot see them like a road sign on the road, our mobile phone’s GPS locator is letting us know exactly where our next time zone’s boundary is physically located! Mother Earth’s evolving Fifth Dimension is a lot like the imaginary parallel lines drawn on our global maps depicting Earth’s longitude lines and time zones’ locations. But rather than having our mobile phones show us where the next time zone is physically located, we will all be synchronizing into Mother Earth’s evolving Fifth Dimension with the assistance of our Soul’s Seven Member Chakra System to show us Where Parallel Lines Meet!
All parallel lines meet and intersect upon a spheroidal grid at the designated polar regions of a spheroid. In Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimension most Souls on Earth will be in their own process of enhancing their Soul’s Chakras through Mother Earth’s process of aligning her own Seven Chakras into the Universal Grid of Sun-Stars. On November 24, 2016 Mother Earth will be aligning her Solar Plexus Chakra into the Universal Grid and signaling the end of her Middle Transition through the initiation of the Final Transition segment of her entire Fifth Dimension Transition! Without Mother Earth undergoing her own Chakra alignment process, every Soul upon her body would still be aligned to her former Fourth Dimension Harmony Vibration, but the alignment with the Universe’s Fifth Dimension is our own responsibility – through our own responsibility to “Align, Apply, and Activate” with Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimension! Our responsibility to “Align, Apply, and Activate” with Mother Earth is only achieved through our Soul’s willingness to Align with God Source, Apply the Spiritual Essence of Love, and Activate in God’s Will with Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimension! This will especially be true from November 27 through December 27, 2016, when Mother Earth’s introductory Fifth Dimensional activity will begin to settle and coalesce within every Soul aligned with Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimension! All parallel lines meet and intersect upon a spheroidal grid at the designated polar regions of a spheroid.
From November 27 through December 27, 2016 Mother Earth’s introductory Fifth Dimensional activity will begin to settle and coalesce within every Soul already aligned with Mother Earth’s evolving Fifth Dimension, for how else will you begin Manifesting the Fifth Dimension, dear Ones! To keep aiming and accurately hitting a moving target is a special skill that few have yet to accomplish with Mother Earth’s evolving Fifth Dimension Harmony Vibration Field! But when the manifested result of Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimension prevails on March 27, 2017, when Mother Earth will complete the entirety of her Fifth Dimension Transition, the result will be that every Soul will be in the act of achieving Unity with God, the conscious awareness that ALL Things in the Universe are in Oneness with God! Everything manifesting within Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimension after March 27, 2017 will achieve longevity and permanence through the Unity with God status YOU will have to Create! Anything else not designated for Unity with God status will be more like the existence of parallel lines in Euclidean geometry, “two lines that do not intersect or meet together at any one common point, no matter how far they may extend.” The Energy from November 27 through December 27, 2016, dear Ones, will actually be allowing your Soul to truly be more like the parallel lines of a spheroidal grid, intersecting and meeting “at the designated polar regions of a spheroid,” which are located where your own Soul intersects and meets with the Universe’s Fifth Dimension!
Where Parallel Lines Meet, dear Ones, is where our Souls intersect and meet together with the Universe’s Fifth Dimension! Our Souls are not shaped or formed to neatly fit “just under” our body’s physical dimensions. Rather, our Souls are astral spheroids within our human bodies manifested to create the electromagnetic impulses of our Soul’s choices and directions. Our Chakras are located within our Soul’s own spheroidal grid to form the manifestation points for our intersecting and meeting together with the Universe’s Fifth Dimension! Although many of the Initiate Lightworker Souls, the aspiring and evolving Man of Light Souls, now understand and comprehend the concept of the Soul, they leave and render any aspirations of his or her Soul for an afterlife based upon man’s religious concepts as an afterthought in his or her current Life. Not realizing that Unity with God, the conscious awareness that ALL Things in the Universe are in Oneness with God, is now on the forefront of his or her entire Fifth Dimension experience! On November 24, 2016, Mother Earth will initiate the Final Transition segment of her entire Fifth Dimension Transition, which will result in our Soul’s ability to interact Where Parallel Lines Meet – our Soul as a spheroid interacting with the Universe’s Fifth Dimension – where all apparent parallel lines intersect and meet upon a spheroidal grid! Our intersection and meeting with the Universe’s Fifth Dimension is the manifestation of our Chakra’s abilities to merge into the place Where Parallel Lines Meet – within our Heart and Soul through Unity with God!
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