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The Sun Gate to Sirius and the 7th Central Sun

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The Raising of Consciousness to the 7th Cosmic Dimensional Frequency Band

When the Sungate to Sirius and the 7th Central Sun opened in November/December 2017, the window of opportunity opened up for those souls who are ready, to truly be activated to the fullest by the Fires of Illumination from the 7th Central Sun – thus to fully raise their consciousness levels to the 7th dimensional state – the state of the Ascended Being. This is an INNER shift, more than an outer one, and is the responsibility of each individual soul. I cannot stress the importance of what is happening now! This has now truly opened up what has not been accessible to humankind for millions of years.

When each moment is sacred and filled with love, insight, and wisdom, when each day and night are sacredly filled with love, insight, and wisdom.

 It is when humanity finally rediscovers its sacredness, as part of the Greater Divinity, a greater Equilibrium, a Greater Love within the Omniversal Beingness, the collective will finally come home to the true Greatness, the Genius within themselves. 

This is when the Golden Age will have come forth – when we have find come home to the greater Truths within ourselves, as true Sons and Daughters of the Divine.

With the massive Sun gate opening in November/December 2017, we now, after many millions of earth years are finally reconnected, via Sirius to the 7th Central Sun, which is the Central Sun of Illumination.  More than this, the collective consciousness of humankind can now at last rise once more to the 7th dimensional it originally was in.  (You can read all about the 7th Central Sun, in my book “Why I was born in Africa: – the previously unrecorded history of Elysium and the Lion Kingdom”)

Sirius is the central hub, around which the original 12 Master Galaxies, created by the Divine in the very beginning of Creation, is structured around and of.  Therefore, Sirius holds the Central Keys and Codes, of all our planetary existence, from the first creation of the inner earth, Agartha, to that of the outer earth, on which we are living now.  With that it holds the very cell memory banks of every single living organism on planet earth, and thus all which ever has been created on it.

More than this, this holds true for all the 12 Master Galaxies.  However, during the Wars of Heavens, three of these Master Galaxies were completely blown up, Lyra and Andromeda, severely damaged, so that the Lyran people had to seek refuge in Sirius in order to regain their strength, consolidate and then repair their galaxy. The Andromedins migrated to a new galaxy, which they colonized and which we now know as the Andromeda galaxy, next to the Milky Way Galaxy.

The 7th Central Sun, therefore was programmed to use Sirius as a type of satellite from which it then beamed all its knowledge, the Fires of Illumination, into all the 12 Master Galaxies, and this then in turn enabled the very high consciousness and 7th dimensional state of life on planet earth, and in this solar system at the time of Elysium and then to some measure the Lion Kingdom, knowing this is was only established AFTER the Wars of Heavens, and then by the Lyran People, on what was left, or had survived from Elysium, after the earth was completely thrown out of orbit when the planet between Mars and Jupiter blew itself up.

However, subsequent happenings, and earthlings tendency to blow themselves up, then caused the Intergalactic Counsels whose headquarters is in Sirius, to close down the Sun gate from the 7th Central Sun completely, plus the Crystal Pyramids, until such time as humankind finally could step out the dark Ages which befell them when Atlantis blew itself up, and were ready to rise its consciousness levels back to the 5th and then 7th dimensional frequency bands, as was in the beginning.

In the last 150 years, so much has shifted as the Lightworkers cosmically volunteered to incarnate on planet earth to assist planet earth’s rebirth into the 5th dimensional state, which as now happened and thus the Sun gate’s opening now.  However, humankind at gross level still needs to make a huge shift.  Yet, this is very much an INDIVIDUAL shift, which must happen deep within the heart and soul, so that the higher heart-mind, can be activated, and the higher transmitter channels open.

One cannot access the 5th to 7th dimensional frequency bands, without the INNER shift occurring.  One must be able TUNE into these frequency bands, via the Soul, and therefore one Soul’s energy must be in alignment with the 5th to 7th dimensional frequency bands.  It is very much like tuning into a Television station, – you to find the right decoder to unlock the satellite transmissions, otherwise you cannot gain access to those transmissions.

I have done more than a thousand Soul Readings in the last few years, as my SOUL GIFTS were restored to me and reactivated, as I tap into the Super Consciousness Energy Fields, as thus transmit ENERGY records.  In the Beginning this was where all information was stored in, and not in any other media.  Indeed, this is how it functions Cosmically.  When souls come back to me, after finally realizing who and what they are at SOUL level (and most knew this deep down, within themselves, but then tended to not heed that), something deep inside of themselves triggers, as the keys and codes within their own soul get reawakened, as remembrance returns and the veils of amnesia start lifting, or they start tapping more and more into the Soul memory banks and their own higher transmitter channels open up.

The 5th Dimensional State is all about forgiveness of self and others and the transmutation of fear and negativity.  One is receptive the Divine Love, Wisdom and Power, and the Unity consciousness arises as one finally understands that in truth, that one is ONE with all and everything, and the DIVINE, the rest of the cosmos, and in truth cannot ever not be part and particle of the ONE SINGLE WHOLE.

The 7th dimensional State is the frequency humans rise to when they fully have activated their higher Light body, their highest transmitter channels and now truly can tap into their Higher Soul Selves, the Soul Groups, and the Cosmic Hierarchy.   Before this many soul then ascended, meaning they left their physical forms completely.  However, now a lot of these soul who have already reached this state, have chosen in the highest possible service to the Divine to stay in their physical form and assist the rest of humanity to raise their consciousness levels – as it takes one Ascended Master Being, to raise the frequency bands of thousands, if not millions.  This is also known as the 7th Heaven, where the higher Ascended Masters and the Masters of Shamballa reside, as well as the Ancient Ones.  It is also where most of the angels reside in.

One cannot access the 6th to 7th dimensional states, without truly mastering the Negative Ego.  In that ego is neutral, if imbalanced, it will be destructive, on either side of the scales. 

The Sun gate to Sirius and the opening of the Fires of Illumination from the 7th Central Sun, is now allowing the Ancient Sun-discs to emerge, but also then the ancient keys and codes of SUN-  meaning ILLUMINATION. 

An illumined Being, is fully conscious, in full mastery of himself or herself, thus the lower ego, and therefore then fully empowered by the threefold fires, of Love, Power and Wisdom. 

Power without wisdom and Love is brutal.  It forces, it destructs.

Yet, power when wisely used, with great unconditional love, brings about the highest possible service and always aligns to the Divine Will and Purpose, which is greater than the sum of Self.  It therefore creates balance and harmony, for it can do or be no other, for the inner SOUL SELF is in harmony, and balance, equilibrium with itself!

This time, then is essentially the PATH OF THE SOUL, towards remembering its ONENESS with all that is.  More than this, it is the inner empowerment, the inner soul activation and full activation of the higher transmitters, with the state of pure, unconditional love, steeped in wisdom, and then the powers rise, to fully live a Soul Empowered life.  Once one is Soul Empowered, one can do or be no other than to fully serve one’s soul purpose and mission, with great love and devotion.

In truth, the soul has incarnated for one purpose only – to serve in the highest and best way the greater good of All, through utilizing it soul genius, and therefore serving the Divine with all that it is!  By doing this fully, and with great love and wisdom, and empowered, the soul is not only raising its own consciousness, and dimensional frequency band, but that of the collective as well!

(Judith Kusel)

Judith is a Visionary,  Inspirational Writer,  Pyramid Crystalline Grid Activator and Soul Empowerment Consultant. She is a remarkable and awe-inspiring woman, who has the ability to tap into the cosmic Super-consciousness fields and to bring forth the Ancient Cosmic knowledge. She offers soul and twin flame readings for people from all over the globe.  Her first book "Soul Empowerment" has reached bestseller status in three categories on Amazon. 
Source: here

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