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The Shift in Vibrational Frequency Bands


We are riding the wave of expansive cosmic rebirthing – the rebirth of Mother Earth.

Rebirth follows the dying; the dissolving of the old and therefore the re-birth comes in the wake of what has been before, but now in a rejuvenated, shape and form.  It is revitalized, reactivated.

It cannot be what has come before – that is now redundant.

It has to be that resurrection into a higher Light-embodied form and therefore moves into a much higher vibrational frequency band.

As the earth is being reborn – so are we.

So many people resist the rebirthing process, by refusing to let go of the old: the old thinking, feeling, hanging onto old hurts, pains, grudges, and whatever else.  The more one tends to hang onto all the emotional baggage, as long one is held prisoner in the 3D world.  For one now become a prisoner to one’s own illusions, own imprisonment, for one cannot see the wide open portals, and the opportunities the rebirthing brings.

Others get stuck in the mind.  They want to rationalize the shift and then put it into neat little pockets, which fit their very limited understanding of the physics of rebirthing of energy fields and energies themselves.  For as long as one is looking for solid evidence in solidity, that long one is prisoner to one’s own mind.  For the mind cannot stretch as far as infinite being alone.  It will be so boggled, and so stretched  -that it will short-circuit itself at some point.

So much of science and what it believe in, is being stretched, for the old books, and old structures and all else that were its foundations, are cracking at the core.  The foundations are giving way, as earthquakes of consciousness rise, and with it the textbooks and old the old warped thinking are going to give way, to expansive KNOWING.

Knowing and awareness go hand in hand.  When one become aware of dimensions of forms, octaves of frequencies and vibrations, octaves of sounds, and octaves of existence, the soul can stretch into infinity – where the brain short-circuits.

“It is with the heart that one can see clearly.  What is essential is invisible to the eye.”  (Antoine de Saint-Exupery)

We are being brought back to the heart and soul – the soul within us, within Mother Earth, within the cosmos, for we all are part and particle of a vast energy matrix fields, which is formed from souls, soul groups, and over-soul groups, plus the highest ranking of 12 and 24 Elders who surround the Throne of God (the Godhead, which incorporates in equal measure, both the Male and Female Divinity).

The soul has infinite wisdom, knowledge, love, light.  It can tap into the immense knowledge, wisdom, love and light and whatever else of the soul group.

The soul group in turn is cosmically fully linked and forms part of an immense energy field which forms the Super consciousness energy field, and within this field all the knowledge and technology, the wisdom, and the very essence of mysticism, is held in the 12 Central Suns, and the 24 Lesser Suns.

Each Central Sun, specializes in a certain cosmic energy field, where all the sciences, the technology, the knowledge and all else is held.  This incorporates all which has very been created by God and therefore then is one single whole.

We as human beings had access to all of this in the first civilization ever on earth, which was billions of years ago.  I write about all of this in detail in my book “Why I was born in Africa” (in editing), but I just want to touch here on the fact that we had all this knowledge, and it was remembered as the Tree of Life.

However with the immense fall of humankind from the 7th dimensional state, into the 3rd, when Atlantis blew itself up, the veils of amnesia came down and humankind landed up lower than the animal consciousness – even in the lowest.  In such a low and slow density, the energy fields vibrate at a very low rate and therefore one cannot tap into the higher frequency bands, if one is stuck in the 3D.  One will want everything to be solid and what one can feel, see, touch and that is the end-all and be-all of the realities.

However, the higher one goes in the dimensional state, the less dense everything is.  One’s cells are filled with more light body frequencies, and therefore the body vibrates at a much higher speed.

The more evolved one becomes, the less attached one becomes to physical forms, for the physical is but one single component of the God manifesting into form.  The more evolved the more one can assume forms at will.  One can shape shift into any form one wishes to.  The physical body is but light frequency and therefore one can project holographic forms of self to make oneself visible or invisible at will.

We are so lagging behind cosmically, that most people will not be able to get their minds around this.

The vast craft of the Intergalactic fleet use the very same principles.  They can literally teleport their craft to any outposts of the cosmos in one instant, just by using the correct vibration frequency bands, and then project themselves where they need to be in an instant, if necessary.

The same with the ability to teleport anywhere one wishes to be in an instant.  One does not need to physically travel from A – Z in a craft.  One can literally teleport oneself where one wishes to be, within solar systems, within galaxies.

The true art of Beingness, rises in the soul’s ability to just rest in the now and here.  It can simultaneously exist in its other soul forms and expressions, on multiple levels throughout the galaxies and star systems.  That is now wonderfully the soul has been created.

Now, here on planet earth, we think that the physical body is the end-all and be-all of all existence.  Illusion.  The physical body is but a vessel used for an eyewink in eternity and therefore can be discarded at will.

The soul does not need a physical form to exist.

There is so much we have to start remembering and mastering.

When we start remembering, we start re-mastering via the soul.

It can be no other.

The soul links directly to the heart.  The heart feels with the all Seeing Eye, when linked to the upper all Seeing Eye and the inner eye of the All-seeing held within the head.  So there are three eyes, which work as one single eye.  All of these then link the heart and mind and when all are activated one starts seeing cosmically.

The all-seeing eye combines with the all-hearing ears.

It in turn combines with the all-seeing taste, and the all-being elixir of life immortal.

A Master has finally managed use all of these.

The greatest lessons in mastery lie before us now as the waves upon waves of consciousness shifts are upon us.

The earth will be reborn into the highest frequency bands, and unless we are able to move with her into these higher frequency bands, we will disintegrate at some level and have to go elsewhere in the cosmos to the level of what we are tuned in – if too low in vibration.

My Soul Readings and Twin Flame Readings have helped so many souls to reawaken to their own soul and its talents, gifts, purpose and highest calling.

My 7 seminars in France in August and September will reawaken immensely powerful vibrational activations, keys and codes.

(Judith Kusel)


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