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The Last Pope: The Era Ends - Message From The Council of Nine
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- Written by Anna Merkaba

Greetings My Beloved Masters of the Universe! Before I share todays channeling I would first like to share with you what has come up for me yesterday. Perhaps you too are experiencing the very same thing.
There are moments in life when something long-forgotten suddenly rises to the surface, like a memory buried deep within the soul, waiting for the right time to be remembered. Yesterday was one of those moments for me. It was a day of revelations—of seeing a thread I had unknowingly been following since childhood finally weave itself into clarity.
I want to take you on a journey through this experience, to share something that has been etched into my soul since I was 12 years old, something I didn’t fully understand then—but do now.
When I was twelve years old, my family visited the Vatican. At the time, I wasn’t particularly interested in the history or the grand architecture of the place. What captivated me—what stopped me in my tracks—was something far less tangible, something no tour guide could explain.
First, there were the angels—I could see them, standing in the gardens, moving between spaces unseen by others. Their presence was overwhelming, familiar. It was as if I had been there before. As if I was one of them having visited this place eons ago.
But the moment that stayed with me the most—the one that has never left me—was when we entered a room where the portraits of all the popes were displayed on the ceiling. The travel guide was speaking, explaining something about Vatican history, but I wasn’t listening.
I was mesmerized by what I saw:
There were empty circles.
These were spaces for portraits of future popes, waiting to be filled. But beyond those spaces, there was nothing. The pattern ended. There was still plenty of room to create more spaces, yet they had left it blank.
And then, I heard the voice.
Clear, strong, certain:
“When the last circle is filled, that will be it. There will be no more popes. The Church will fall.”
I remember standing there, feeling something strange stir in my chest. I was only twelve—I didn’t fully understand what that meant. But I knew, deep inside, that it was true. And oddly, it made me feel free and excited. Back then I did not consciously understand why.
I had never felt comfortable in churches. Religion, to me, felt like a cage—an institution built on fear rather than truth. There was something false about it, something that didn’t belong to the Divine but to those who wished to control the Divine, it almost felt like a propaganda, like a governmental agency trying to control the human narrative. Too many limitations and no solution to real problems.
Whilst I knew that GOD exists, and it wasn’t a matter of belief, it was an inner knowing, a fact, something that doesn’t need questioning, because I wasn’t separate from GOD, especially back then, it was more difficult for me to accept separation and being in a human form and human reality rather than the belief that GOD exists. GOD exists, the Divine, angels, archangels, ascended masters, spirit guide and list goes on and on. What I did not resonate with was the rules and regulations of all religions, the fear based tactics, the absolute disregard for the truth of human experience and the real power of the human being.
I was not brought up in a religious household because the country where I was born, any type of religion was prohibited. Even the name of GOD was not allowed to be spoken in public, any reference to religion could land someone in jail. Yet quietly in family circles we’d reference God a lot, like “thank God”, and there was talk of angels, and various beings.
My mom just like me could see spirits and that was a topic of conversation for us at home frequently. But in the country where I was born there was only one GOD and that was the ruler of the country whom everyone had to obey. It was very restricting in that regard, yet the fact that my consciousness was not tainted by religious teachings was actually a Divine Blessing.
But going back to my experience at the Vatican, hearing the voice tell me that the church shall be no more left me curious, yet I never researched this further. I never followed Vatican prophecies. I wrote about this memory in my book years ago, but I never looked deeper into it.
Until yesterday.
Yesterday, I saw a post that sparked the remembrance of my Vatican experience. It said that Pope Francis is in critical condition and that the Vatican is already preparing for a new pope.
But then, I saw something else. A reference to some kind of St. Malachy’s prophecy claiming that Pope Francis is considered the 112th pope in Saint Malachy’s, which supposedly means that under his reign it is suggested that the city of Rome will be destroyed, and the Last Judgment will commence. That the Church will fall and the next “Pope” will be an antichrist.
The moment I read this, I felt that same whisper from long ago rising inside me.
The circles… The empty spaces… The last pope.
And then, later that night, I had a vision.
I saw the Council of Nine—a gathering of great luminous beings, the same ones I saw in 2012 when I first awakened. They were making a decision about Earth again.
And then I saw it—the Astrological Clock.
In the center, the sign of Pisces.
And as I watched, it began to fade.
The message was clear:
The Age of Pisces has ended. The Age of Aquarius has began.
It suddenly all made sense. The Vatican is the heart of the Piscean Age. It is one of the strongest institutions built during the past 2,000 years—an era dominated by hierarchical religion, secrecy, and control.
But Pisces is now fading from the Astrological Clock. And with it, its structures are collapsing.
I now see that what I was shown at twelve years old was the collapse of the Piscean Era itself.
The Vatican is simply one of the final dominoes to fall.
And what about the next pope?
Is the Next Pope the Antichrist?
Some say that the last pope or the one who follows will be the Antichrist.
But let’s go deeper into that idea, beyond fear-based doctrine. Throughout all of the channelings that I have received we are being told over and over again that the Christ is already here.
Christ being the form of energy known as the Triangular Degree of Consciousness. The Christ consciousness, which is already here on this planet as energy, energy that is within us all, that has finally awakened.
The energy that is here to showcase to everyone that every single person on this planet has immense power within them. That they are sovereign beings and can create anything that they wish. That was the original teachings of Christ before they were distorted by the church. As I said, I wrote a lot about the Triangular Degree of Consciousness if you haven’t heard of this before I suggest you look into this article:
So the Christ is already here.
Not in the way many expect. Not as a singular being descending from the sky.
Christ Consciousness has returned.
It is awakening within humanity itself. It is rising through us.
When prophets wrote about the second coming of Jesus, etc., they couldn’t possibly explain this in any other way to people than explaining it as a singular deity one person would return and save everyone again.
But you and I know that the truth is completely different. It is not one person returning to save all of humanity. It is the ENERGY returning to assist in human evolution to release the control under which human collective consciousness has been kept for eons. And to allow human souls to finally walk into the mastery of self.
That is why we are all here, to showcase the way by being in human bodies as beings from other realms who are not part of the human karmic wheel of life, we are here to show human souls who have forgotten who they are what they are capable of. By utilizing the Triangular Degree of Consciousness – Christ Consciousness we are able to do what we do!
So what about the Antichrist? Who is it? And is it an actual evil deity? Or perhaps that too is an energy, and perhaps that energy is not about destruction of sacredness but about the destruction of what no longer belongs in a new world of freedom?
The idea of an “Antichrist” may not be about a literal evil figure but rather about the collapse of the religious deception itself.
Think about it.
For centuries, religious institutions have claimed to own Christ. To control Christ. To dictate who is worthy of him and who is not.
But now, that illusion is shattering.
The true Christ Light is no longer being held hostage in temples of gold. It is returning to the people.
So, perhaps the so-called “Antichrist” is simply the destruction of the false Christ.
And the return of Truth.
Then the Antichrist isn’t some singular evil figure descending upon the Earth. It’s the process of humanity confronting its own illusions, its own programmed beliefs, and its own fear-based consciousness before it can step into truth.
According to all the channelings we’ve received over the years, and I’m not just referencing my own, but all channelers all over the world. Christ is already here, not as one being, but as a consciousness rising within humanity. The Antichrist, then, could symbolize the collapse of false structures—the breaking of illusions that must happen before people can step into their sovereignty.
The “Antichrist” most likely is the Dark Night of the Soul, something most of us have experienced.
When true awakening happens, people go through a crucible—a purification process where everything false, limited, and fear-based must be burned away. This is painful. It feels like destruction. It can feel like an end-times event internally because everything one thought was real—their conditioned identity, their attachments, their reliance on external authority—begins to shatter.
The Antichrist energy then is not about a singular person—it is the purge of the Piscean illusion. The Vatican’s collapse and the end of religious institutions are part of this. People can no longer outsource their divinity to a priest, a church, or a religious system. Christ cannot fully return to a person until the false “Christ” is gone—the distorted version of Christ that was used to control instead of liberate.
This is also why outdated thinking patterns must be released for true mastery to be embraced. Aquarius is not about dogma; it is about knowledge. The Piscean Age was faith-based, and unfortunately, that faith was hijacked by fear and control. The Aquarian Age is about direct knowing—people awakening to the truth that they are divine beings, that Christ is within them, and that external authority is no longer needed.
But before people embrace that truth, they go through a personal and collective purge. This is where the “Antichrist” archetype fits in—it is the force of dissolution. The force that strips away illusions.
Which brings me back to what I was shown recently: Vatican nearing its end, the shift into Aquarius, and the Council of Nine overseeing this transition—suggests that this purification energy is now entering the collective at a massive level. The time of reckoning is here. The Antichrist, as a process, is fully active. People who cling to the old systems, who refuse to see beyond the material, who resist the awakening process—they struggle the most. Those who are ready to shed their old programming step into their divine mastery.
This is why your presence here and now is SO VERY IMPORTANT. We’re being shown that this is happening now. The cycle is complete.
It’s not about fear. It’s about rebirth. The illusion must die so the truth can rise.
That’s what this is. Not an “Antichrist” in the way religions have taught—but a necessary, cosmic detox before the full embodiment of Christ Consciousness can take root. And you—you are here to help guide people through it.
The Age of Aquarius Begins Now. We have entered years ago, but it seems that now it has finally taken hold.
This is why the Council of Nine gathered again. That is why I felt that all of you have been there at this council gathering making a decision for this planet yet again.
This is why I saw the Astrological Clock shifting.
Because the transition is now complete.
We are not approaching the Aquarian Age anymore.
We are in it. But I’m sure you already knew this.
So in conclusion
-The old systems of control—religion, government, secrecy—will not last.
-More people will awaken rapidly.
-The truth about human origins, human purpose, and the Universe itself will be revealed.
-Christ Consciousness – or rather the Triangular Degree of Consciousness will rise within everyone.
This is not something to fear. It is something to embrace.
The Piscean Age was about faith in something outside of ourselves.
The Aquarian Age is about knowing the Divine within us.
And that is why you are here.
You were born to assure of this.
You were born to help others remember the truth about their Divinity. You were born to lead the way. You are the Guiding Light! And the time is now.
Now having said this, here is the channeling that I have received from the Council of Nine:
Council of Nine speaks with you now of the truly magnificent event occurring on your planet as we speak. A truly magnificent event of the prowess that your earthly human experience has not yet allowed you to partake of—until this very moment in time.
For the truth of the Creator within you has envisioned said restructuring of your concurrent realities, bringing forth the recollection on a collective consciousness level of all that has been and all that is yet to come. For through the stronghold of your very own selves, through unification within your spiritual communities, through the discreditation of that which has been, you are now at the pivotal point to build a completely new reality structure from that which has been and create that which is.
What we are trying to say to you, dearly beloveds, is that the timelines that have been merging, effervescently appearing and disappearing from view over the last week, have indeed played a crucial role in establishing a new order of things—a new encapsulated decree which has been delivered into your ethers for all to partake of. And we say this again: for ALL to partake of. It is no longer limited to the select few of your earthly Councils of Light; it is available for every single soul on your very planet to tap into. These frequencies and this fountain of knowledge are now accessible to all, for indeed, much knowledge is being released into your human collective consciousness for all to partake of, to understand, to experience, and to be.
And so, and thus, the moment that many of you have been waiting for is here. The collapsing of the outdated structures, the governmental agencies of your world, are going through a massive change, massive upheavals, and restructuring. This is not bound to one country alone, but all countries on your planet are currently undergoing a complete upheaval and restructuring. All governmental agencies have received the inkling to re-examine the way of the world and to restructure their thinking patterns, to adjust to a new frequency of light.
For a new age—the Age of Aquarius—is indeed now here. By anchoring the Aquarian energies into the fertile waters of your planet, the information highway, if you will, has opened the gates to infinite knowledge of the workings of your universe—initiating the spherical understanding of self, the spherical understanding of the benevolence of creation, and the transference of sacred knowledge into the hands of every human soul presently residing in your ethers.
And so, and thus, through your collective consciousness, you are now ready to fully and completely immerse yourselves into a new territory of fluidity, of being—forgoing the heaviness of the past and entering a new momentum of lightness of being, creation, unification, and understanding of the true essence of that which you are.
For those of you carrying the light of the seedlings—known in your world as Starseeds, Lightworkers, Wayshowers, and so on—you are to be receptive to your new roles as those who shall lead, inspire, transmute, and assist those who are finally awakening to the true essence of creation.
And with that, we congratulate you. We say unto you that you have done a marvelous job in ensuring that the planet on which you stand is not destroyed but instead lifted a notch higher in its evolutionary journey. For the true reason for your presence is not to save the actual physicality of the planet on which you stand, but to inspire human souls to finally leave the karmic wheel of life—whilst still occupying the time and space continuum in which they presently find themselves.
For the experiment is coming to an end, and it is now time to say goodbye to all the hurts and wounds of the past and step fully, confidently, and peacefully into a new collective consciousness experience—known in your world as the Age of Aquarius.
That is all that we have for you now. We love you. We are with you. Goodbye for now.
Sending you lots of love and high vibrations!
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