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The Heat Rises

The Heat Rises

I can feel a fizzing in the solar plexus, no doubt reflective of the B Class solar flares we have received from the new solar cycle 25 edging in.

Solar weather is my passion, it’s the most vast pool of wisdom long forgotten by humans which always perplexes me, but that’s one misalignment I am happy to continue surfing into its great reveal.  Whenever we don’t understand means we have much learning of the personal kind to do and this becomes a super exciting bag of possibilities, an opportunity to be a first hand witness as to why.

Could it be this incoming solar cycle that reveals its mystery, will it be solar cycle 25 that humanity realises that the ONLY weather forecast we need to watch is not the conditions of Earth but the conditions of our Sun/Source.  Will it be this solar cycle that people awaken to what is essentially powering/activating their awakening, could it be by the next solar minimum at the end of this decade that masses more will understand the importance and take their journey within for the deep soul guidance that is available during a solar minimum, wow the thought of surfing with MORE aligned Brothers and Sisters, all moving in unison with the solar and cosmic energies will make predicting solar weather and the cosmic rays so very much MORE important and precise.

The new solar cycle 25 is set to be the biggest eye opener to date, well of course, everything always is the biggest, the next big thing will be bigger than the last as this pattern will continue for a few hundred years yet as we traverse out of the Piscean Age and into the Aquarian, this takes time and in fairness the hands of time only touched the first minute back in 2008/9, and through our then physical density it moves so super slow, the first obvious sound was heard in 2012 with what many nicknamed the year of the awakening.  Which it was, it was when many began to wake up to their quantum existence and spirituality opened a path a light, out of the old, dissolving the stories and beliefs and straight into something far more practical than ever before received, a practice that delivered the truth through understanding the behaviour and removed all belief structures and instead revealed how to feel the frequencies, translate them and showed exactly what it was like to embody them.

Our first phase reconnection, complete.

Currently we have 3 obvious sun spots on our Sun, two are from solar cycle 25 and the other from cycle 24.  If you’re noticing some oomph coming up from the belly, if your feeling a need to action, take your power back then these two little fizzy spots will be stirring anew from within.

Use this, now is the time to take action, now is the time to open May with a heart filled with possibilities, but lets not lose sight, we are looking to stabilise within the PEACE TONES first, as this is the baseline frequency of New Earth, so, the action to be taken is at first to remove the noise, then to understand why the noise was acceptable, then to create a new field with ZERO noise for the light to flood the cells and spark the new creative, innovative ways of building the new realities.

Do not lose sight that this is a collective reset that’s manifesting its reflection as a virus, this means we do not go back to what was, it means we are using this time to transform into lighter beings, zero defence, zero judgement, zero blame or shame, with 100% understanding and patience, where the only focus is to harmonise the Great Shift we are experiencing with our Great Provider, Earth.

There can be no other goal now than to become a fully functional human being, completely at One, oozing acceptance and every tone emanating pure unconditional love.

This was only supposed to be a short blog…get to the point Andrea…..

In brief – May report should be out later today/tomorrow – it’s a whopper and will be released in Sapphire and Opal, sign up/subscribe to get these HUGE reports delivered to your email for easy reading.


Today the Moon heads into its VoC phase beginning at 5pm GMT+1 in Cancer, what we need to stay super aware about is before she goes into the no mans land she is in opposition to Mars, unconscious programming and people get HOT, emotions and agitation will flare for it to be seen whereas this will also reflect in the conscious surfers as the energy will flare up within, so expect HEAT as the body may well require burning up to release its unconscious store and to highlight the parts of you where this has been held within the physical body, where we have been lacking in self-love/care, where we have been unaware.

Those holding the humanity codes will be supporting the grid as we go deep within during these periods, the only focus is to expand, activate and maximise the most Divine Peace tones we can emanate.

All is anchored and the balance will be held.

The mood will be felt as she moves into the VoC space until 8.32pm GMT+1.

During these hours we activate the Divine Goddess template, we contemplate, we release, we ensure every feed both in and out is of the highest order, the guidance we receive is ONLY from within, we fill our senses with Earth Tones, frequencies, essential oils, soft, silky and loose clothing, and we complete with a Sacred bath, complete with crystals, scent, oils and we vow to sacrifice whatever it was we chose to value more than before this moment of realisation.

The moon then sits in Leo, a space where we rise back into our power and hold a bright new field….if that is what we chose of course…



A Gift From Gaia
My mission in this moment is to contribute to humanity and assist in raising the vibration here on Gaia, it is my number one passion and there is nothing more that I love than making a difference and creating a ripple of change across the globe. In this space, here at A Gift from Gaia, you will find many light gems that I share and also regular energetic reports that are crucial when committing to your light path.
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