The Great Unwinding Begins Now!
- Details
- Written by Jenny Schiltz

How are you feeling in these energies??
I am bone tired and am finding that I need to be in silence.
We are in a time of great unwinding ~ unwinding the stories, limitations, programs, and even massive constructs such as time.
We’re beginning to truly see through the illusion, even to the things that we created, so we could dive head-first into this human experience. It is all up for review and weighing. What no longer has value must go.
We’re at an important crossroads. Can we dissolve and empty ourselves, or are we still learning from the programming of lack, worthlessness, and separation?
As we go through this process, it can feel as if our very foundation is crumbling. What was once a sure thing is no longer. Paths and trajectories are changing quickly.
This emptying within can bring about moments of fear, anxiety, confusion, and loneliness. We may naturally want to cling to relationships, what was, and even old programming and control structures. We may want to look for a savior, a shelter, a belief, or even a cause to attach to…but all of that is an illusion.
Your path, your saving grace, is deep within your center. YOU are YOUR foundation. All else must be swept away.
In Avalon, I was shown the new space, the New Earth, as a cruise ship. I could see it out in the water. I asked if it would come to shore, and the spirit said,
“No, it will never come to shore. Each must swim out to it. They do this by freeing themselves from the anchors that hold them into the old.”
We know our anchors and tethers. We know all the ways that we’ve played the game of being small and less than. We know the things that we’ve been carrying for lifetimes.
We KNOW, and this is where our work is.
Our job is to untether, unanchor, and remove the hooks that have kept us in place. The time is now, and the energies support it.
We have to be brave, let it all go, and swim out to the new.
That doesn’t mean it’s easy. We may feel lost, alone, scared, and as if we’ve been tossed about by a great storm. Remember that you are your center, your savior, and your path.
If you feel scattered to the wind, stop and take deep cleansing breaths. Push your energy through each part of your body. Fill yourself. FEEL yourself.
You are not lost; you are BECOMING and REMEMBERING, and you are very loved and needed.
Lots of love,
Received via email
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