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Swap Fear for Trust

Swap Fear for Trust

There can be no argument that the Shift is finally happening in obvious ways now. So much is occurring in the world, it can make you dizzy, just trying to follow it all.

And so much change is also happening within each of us. This too can be overwhelming.

On the one hand, it’s really exciting that something is finally happening. But, on the other, fear can also arise with all this change. Sometimes it’s a deep knot in the gut. Other times, it’s a niggling feeling of anxiety that plagues us — or a sense of dread that silently slips into our consciousness.

This is all understandable. If you happen to feel self-judgment about experiencing fear, know that feeling it is totally natural. You are living through seriously uncertain and shifting times now on your way into the Fifth Dimension.

The ancient Mayans, who created a calendar to track galactic cycles in this universe, called this period we’re now in “the Great Purification”. And that’s exactly what we’re experiencing — a purifying of all lower-frequency experiences, patterns, beliefs and ideas that can’t go with us.

Among other things, you may be realizing that part of this purification involves finding that many of the spiritual teachings and practices you’ve learned don’t seem to be providing you with a sense of comfort the way they once did. They no longer seem totally relevant for the times we’re now in. And this alone can sometimes create a deep sense of fear and uncertainty.

It’s All Part of the Ascension Process

It can help to know that all of this change and fear are actually part of the ascension process.

In making a shift from one dimension of reality to another, many of the familiar aspects of the reality we’ve known start falling apart and disappearing before the shift can be made. It’s just the nature of how such a shift happens.

So, in this process, part of what we’re discovering is that much of what we’ve believed to be true while living in this third-dimensional reality – which has been controlled by hostile forces, to boot – has not been based on what is actually true, either about us as spiritual Beings or about the world we’re living in.

And, although some of us have been on an awakening path for many years now, there seem to be many more layers of awakening to the truth that are yet to be discovered. And some of it is incredibly painful and frightening.

In fact, you may be experiencing a complete unraveling even of who you’ve thought yourself to be.

Old, familiar identities are peeling off, old friends are falling away, and your work may be disappearing. Life might feel more and more empty and unappealing.

So, how can you deal with all this change and the fear that can accompany it?

You probably know all the suggestions I’ll give here, but it can be easy to forget them at times when fear surprises you. So maybe this can help you remember them.

Remembering Ways to Deal with Fear

To start with, when you first become aware of a sense of fear creeping in, there are three things you can do very quickly before it takes you over.

Stop and take a deep, slow breath. Take a few moments to just slow your breathing down and to watch your breath. Fear tends to make us stop breathing.

Call in divine healing light to surround, fill and protect you. In doing this, you can feel the presence of light enveloping you, bringing a peaceful energy that will further steady you.

Call on any Celestial Beings you happen to relate to, such as Ascended Masters, Angels or Galactic Beings. Even if you don’t generally have a close relationship with any of them, just calling them in can bring a calming presence.  And your mind will gently unfreeze.

Understanding the Emotion of Fear

Then, after doing these three things, if possible, see if you can recall certain things about the emotion of fear.

First, remember that fear can actually be a healthy response to something that is dangerous.

Sometimes your body will give you a warning signal about something you’re not aware of. Be wise and listen to it — and don’t automatically make fear wrong or something you have to get rid of.

Instead, ask, “Is the fear I’m feeling a positive warning about a real danger?” If so, then, of course, do what you need to, to keep yourself safe.

Fears are Releasing

But, even if it’s not that kind of warning, it may be something else that isn’t necessarily negative. It might be something that’s occurring in your ascension process that needs to be seen in order to be released.

All low-frequency patterns, like fear, that have developed within you over the years are now coming up because your frequency is rising. These low-frequency patterns and past traumas connected to them need to come into your awareness because they can’t go with you into the higher dimension.

So the experiencing of fear is to be expected – think of all the fearful experiences you’ve had throughout your life, all the trauma you’ve endured. Remnants of these experiences have been caught in your DNA and your unconscious mind and need to be cleared and released. So, as they come up, it can actually be seen as a positive sign that your consciousness is rising.

If it’s a fear you’ve never been aware of before, it can be helpful to contemplate it, unravel it a bit. But actually, it might not even be necessary at this point to do that. The times of having to spend long hours on healing traumas is now over.

So, even if you don’t do any exploring of the fears that come up, just recognizing what they are – and being present, kind and compassionate with yourself – can sometimes be enough to send them on their way.

Get out of your Head

However, if the fear is a powerful one, the best thing you can do is to get out of your mind where the fear is just cycling and cycling around – and, instead, focus your attention down in your gut where the core energy of the fear is.

It’s initially scary to do this – but if you just focus for a few moments on the pressure of the fear in your gut, allowing it to be there without trying to get rid of it, you’ll see that the pressure does release and a sense of calm starts coming in.

You can also add to this by compassionately acknowledging your child self – the one who is really feeling the fear. And realize that it has good reason to be feeling it – and that there’s no shame in this. You can feel yourself holding your child, letting it know you’re in this process together of feeling the fear. Just doing this can sometimes completely release the fear.

Fear that is not even Yours

There’s also a question you might ask yourself when fear comes up – especially if you can’t pinpoint where it’s coming from. Ask: “Is this actually my own fear I’m experiencing?”

As an empath – which you very likely are – you might at times be feeling a fear that is emanating from the human collective; it’s not actually your own personal fear. Or it might be a fear someone close to you is experiencing. And, if so, in just realizing this, you’ll find that the fear will automatically begin to dissipate.

When Fear Paralyzes You

But what if the fear you’re experiencing is so great, you’re almost paralyzed by it?

Your body freezes, your mind goes blank, and your heart starts racing. You feel like you’re on the edge of a cliff, about to fall off.

If that happens, there are still other simple things you can do — even aside from the initial three suggestions of taking a deep breath and calling in Divine Light and Celestial Beings.

The first is to bring yourself into the present moment. Ask yourself: Is the fearful thing happening right now? You’ll find it usually isn’t. It’s actually something that might happen in the future. So ask yourself, “Am I okay right now? Do I have enough to eat? A place to lie down and rest? Enough money to get me through this day?” If the answer is yes, you’ll feel the pressure in your gut begin to release.

Another is to say some simple words to yourself, like: “All is well”. Very simple words, but powerful – especially if you say them over and over again with each breath.

Yet another, when fear is cycling around in your mind, is to just suddenly say “Stop!”. You’ll be amazed at how the thought does stop and there’s suddenly just a blessed silence in your mind.

Sometimes Trust is all there Is

And yet, if you have done everything you can think of, and you’re still frozen in fear – what can you do?

What you finally need to do is to simply fall into TRUST.

During these times, this is something we all do need to learn. There are just some things we can do nothing about, and they can be downright frightening. So all that’s left for us is to trust that Source will keep us safe, that we will be taken care of.

If you’ve ever been reduced to this state of fear in your life before – not knowing at all how to find safety from something – you’ll see that you’re already ahead of the game.

You already know that you finally just have to give up trying to be in charge of the situation and give it up to Source to take care of you. And you’ve probably discovered that you are somehow always taken care of in one way or another.

But even if you’ve never had to learn this before, you will likely learn it in the days to come – because it’s just the name of the game now. We are shifting into times that may continue to get more and more fearful on many different levels for a time. This is a monumental shift we are navigating. And we will be compelled at times to simply fall into the arms of Source and trust it will carry us through.

You might remember the Hopi Prophesies from years back – how they warned us about these times:

“Do not try to hold onto the shores of your known world. They are no longer safe or stable; they are crumbling. Instead, swim out into the middle of the river and allow the current to take you – out to the ocean – into the New World where you are headed. It is in the middle of the river where you will be safe.”

So why don’t we all meet out in the middle of this river of ascension, and swim together to the New Earth!


About Vidya
As an author, energy healer, and licensed transpersonal psychotherapist, Vidya has had a passion for exploring the phenomenon called the spiritual journey for over forty-five years.  Along with experiencing her own journey, she has also closely studied it, as well as those of her friends, colleagues, clients, and students. Serving as a unique bridge between the worlds of psychology and spiritual awakening, Vidya acts as a “wayshower” to a wide spectrum of people internationally: from those who are just beginning their spiritual search to those who have experienced profound awakening.
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