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Step Into Our Highest Soul Calling

Step Into Our Highest Soul Calling

A message which came through so clearly this afternoon, was that of progressive changes as we now fully assume our new crystalline bodies, as there has been a huge and intense deeper shift into the 5D and higher.

We will now be called up to truly step into our highest soul calling and purpose, with great love. For all is expanding now.

Whatever we were before – is but a dream. Like dreams fade away, we are now stepping into the truth of who and what we in truth are: Sons and Daughters of God or the Divine Source.

We stand in our true Divinity.

We claim our true Divine birthright, our King and Queenship.

So often in the past we shrunk ourselves, and played small, because we forgot who and what we in truth are. But now is the time to stand as fully in your brilliant Light with Love and claim your own royalty. Not as earthly royalty, but in the cosmic kingdom and queendoms of Glory and wear the crown of glory. This literally means, being lit up from deep within and wearing a halo of light around your head. You shine like a blinding sun.

I sat this morning pondering on the glory and magnitude of it all.

Perhaps we have not yet quite given ourselves permission to shine to such a degree.

When I was in France in 2016, the first energy work I was called upon to do, was to free the soul of Queen Marie Antoinette. As I was asked to free her souls and those souls who died with her, she said something profound to me, which I will never forget: “All my life I lived in a golden cage. I was never free.”

We too lived for thousands of years in a golden cage and are now set free. Yet, remember it is up to every individual soul, to finally step out of the cage, and to claim their freedom even to rise out the old and into the new!

Let out hearts open, and let us embrace the fullness of our truth, even as we embrace the fullness of our human-ness, now being transformed into unity and oneness with All That Is!

Judith Kusel

Image: Mario Duguay


Judith is a Visionary,  Inspirational Writer,  Pyramid Crystalline Grid Activator and Soul Empowerment Consultant. She is a remarkable and awe-inspiring woman, who has the ability to tap into the cosmic Super-consciousness fields and to bring forth the Ancient Cosmic knowledge. She offers soul and twin flame readings for people from all over the globe.  Her first book "Soul Empowerment" has reached bestseller status in three categories on Amazon. 
Source: here

for Soul Readings: http://www.judithkusel.com/readings
Blog:  http://www.judithkusel.wordpress.com

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