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Standing Strong Even in the Eye of the Storm

Standing Strong Even in the Eye of the Storm

I think we can all agree that it feels as if humanity is standing at the edge of a cliff at this point, looking out into an abyss. At times, our future feels totally unknown.

Especially those of us who are Americans may be feeling this, knowing that it is just days before the election that may be the most controversial in all our history. There are so many frightening stories about what might happen – no matter who might supposedly win.

We understand that, either way, it could incite some kind of civil war. There is so much divisiveness, so much hatred being spewed in both directions, you can’t help but feel the dark chaotic energies flowing through the atmosphere.

Even if you’re not involved in the polarization going on, not really wanting either candidate to win, you can still feel the angry and despairing energies in the collective.

And even if you’re realizing the existence of the Deep State “uniparty” behind both parties, along with the totally unreliable voting system in place, you still can’t escape the mayhem swirling around you.

And then, of course, along with all this, there are all the other horrendous events happening in the rest of the world, as well: the escalating wars, BRICS planning to replace the dollar, which may the US economy, and the possibility of cyberwarfare — just to name a few.

As sensitive, highly-empathic lightworkers, how can we remain grounded, stay in touch with our hearts – and, well, simply stay sane in the midst of all this?

The White Hat Alliance

One thing many lightworkers are doing is keeping abreast of all the good news certain alternative podcasters are giving about how the White Hat Alliance, along with the positive galactic forces, essentially have everything under control.

It’s being reported by these intel givers that, in the next couple of weeks, we will finally see the mass arrests that have been promised for many years now, along with the Emergency Broadcast System that will be bringing disclosure to everyone around the world.

In addition, they say that NESARA/GESARA will finally occur, and order will be restored by the positive military all across the planet. It’ll take a while for all of this to happen, but basically, we are assured that that we are now totally on a positive trajectory and we will soon be safe.

This is a story that many are listening to and wanting to believe – and who knows? It may all be true. Or it may at least be partially true. And, if so, then it’s a way to keep balanced, positive and optimistic about our future.

But, if this story doesn’t quite ring true for you, what else can you do?

Remembering the Big Picture

You always have the choice to shift up into the “Big Picture”. Keep remembering that the chaos that is occurring on the planet is to be expected at this point of the Shift into 5D. It’s been predicted for many, many centuries in countless texts and indigenous cultures.

We are shifting from one reality into a completely different one on a much higher frequency. Collapse of all corrupted systems must occur, so new ones can come into place. Both death and rebirth are occurring simultaneously, so it’s very, very messy and chaotic.

But, according to a multitude of sources, we are now securely on a positive timeline into 5D. It will just take some time to fully see this.

As far as the US election is concerned – yes, it’s important in many ways. But, when observed from the much bigger picture of the planetary shift, it really is a rather small event.

You’ve probably heard all this countless times before, but it’s easy to forget it. Remembering it can help to give you perspective and create a sense of calm.

Remembering Your Role in All This

Something else you can remember is why you came onto the planet during these times.

As a highly-evolved Soul, you essentially came to bring in and hold the highest frequency possible to assist in the ascension of as many people as possible. Just your presence on Earth during these times is assisting the collective to make this shift.

Do your best to not under-estimate your value. Even if you can’t keep positive all the time or feel love or understanding, even if you have times of feeling despair or anger or disorientation – it doesn’t matter. These are emotions and sensations that come and go. Your basic essential frequency of spiritual understanding and intent is still one that remains and is assisting the ascension process occurring on the planet.

Having Compassion for Yourself

Of course, along with remembering these bigger picture perspectives, you can also benefit from feeling compassion for yourself, no matter what you are experiencing.

As you know only too well, these are also great times of personal transformation.

What is happening within you is a type of microcosm of what is happening across the planet during these times. All the hidden shadow aspects of your third-dimensional personality are now arising to be released. All the traumas that were never fully resolved are coming present too – all past hurts, insults, and failed relationships – are pushing into your awareness.

None of these things can go with you into the Fifth Dimension. But it doesn’t mean you need to buckle down and seriously go into these things and do deep healing work on them.

Some of them you might need to – but most of them really just need to be seen, acknowledged, briefly felt – and then let go of. Fifth Dimensional energies are here to help you do this. See if you can tune into them and trust the process.

Remembering You are Probably a Light Warrior

Along with under-estimating the value you hold simply as a presence on this planet, you may also be undervaluing your power and your strength as an evolved Soul.

You may be forgetting that this is likely not the first time you’ve been going through an ascension process with a civilization.

You have probably done it before, and maybe even a number of times throughout the millennia. You are likely a Light Warrior, not just a holder of Light.

And, in fact, you are probably a Soul who has come onto Earth in order to do exactly what you’re doing now. You knew, in agreeing to come onto a planet that was being controlled by dark forces, that you were going to be involved in essentially forgetting for a long, long time who you actually are.

You knew that most of your DNA would be turned off, you would be controlled by frequencies that would constantly weaken your connection to Source, causing a continual sense of guilt, shame and self-doubt.

And that you would have to reincarnate over and over again in a malevolently-controlled karmic system, forgetting who you are and what you’ve already learned.

You knew that you would likely be fooled for a time by infiltrated teachings that essentially told you that you were inherently flawed and that you needed to constantly focus on healing, improving and perfecting yourself. You would be told that Earth was a “classroom” so you could learn “lessons” to evolve yourself, lifetime after lifetime.

But you also had a knowing that this lengthy experience of suffering would eventually come to an end.

And that the Earth would eventually be entering into a high-frequency area of the universe at some point, giving humanity the opportunity to liberate itself and ascend into a much higher dimension of reality.

Most importantly, you knew that you would eventually be free again to know fully who you actually are and always have been.

Holding Firm within the Eye of the Storm

If you can tune into this probable scenario you’ve lived through on Earth, it can make life during these times much, much easier.

You can maybe step back and watch the movie more, as it gets increasingly intense for a while, before it becomes lighter and lighter — and humanity is finally liberated.

Feeling more centered and focused, you can continue to just go on, as chaos rages around you, standing still and strong within the eye of the storm.


About Vidya
As an author, energy healer, and licensed transpersonal psychotherapist, Vidya has had a passion for exploring the phenomenon called the spiritual journey for over forty-five years.  Along with experiencing her own journey, she has also closely studied it, as well as those of her friends, colleagues, clients, and students. Serving as a unique bridge between the worlds of psychology and spiritual awakening, Vidya acts as a “wayshower” to a wide spectrum of people internationally: from those who are just beginning their spiritual search to those who have experienced profound awakening.
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