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Sacred Sites and Quantum Entanglement Explained

Sacred Sites and Quantum Entanglement Explained

What is coming in the future for Earth and humanity is almost always felt in sacred sites first.

Way-showers, leaders, teachers, and healers are attracted to these ancient places. Many of us have had past lives in these places. We know there is still work to finish for ourselves and humanity. We know there are new projects to launch that are for our future.

But most of these sacred places are simply home, rejuvenating, validating our divine blueprint, and life-affirming and deeply healing.

Many, if not all, sacred sites are built on Earth energy lines, nodes, and vortices, and are most often quantumly entangled. Quantum Entanglement occurs when two particles are quantum entangled and travel off into different places in the universe. If you do something to one particle, it will instantaneously affect the other. They will remain connected to each other, even if they’re separated by great distance, even across the universe. Sacred sites are connected with the stars with which they are entangled.

Ancient megalithic temple sites, stone circles, etc.… are earthy counterparts to stellar energies. Sacred sites linked to constellations or zodiacs can trigger massive dreams and visions. By entering a celestially connected temple site, we can enter an altered state of consciousness, creating a symbiotic relationship between our energy and the stellar temple.

What we feel, learn, and do in sacred sites is also felt in the stars. When we make this stellar connection, we are also gifted with a divine and pure frequency that helps us on our spiritual path.

Carl Sagan said that we are all made of stardust. If we are stardust, we also have an intimate connection to the cosmos. We are holy, stellar temples on Earth. What we experience here on Earth will be instantaneously mirrored in the stars that we are entangled with through quantum entanglement.

This connection is magnified when we are present and conscious within an ancient sacred site. This is why so many mystical experiences happen in sacred sites.

So, is it possible to have a quantum-entangled connection to the stars so that other parts of the universe could instantaneously communicate with us and us with them? The ancients validated this with their stories, and it has been my experience that this is true.

Maybe this is why we are drawn to ancient megalithic sites, ancient temples, ley lines, and nodes. They call us home to our true selves! It’s like the telephone is ringing; all we have to do is answer the call.

What if the “Gods” of ancient mythology and throughout ancient and indigenous cultures are echoes of the truth? This truth is that we mirror within ourselves the instantaneous connection and communication (quantum entanglement) between our human life on earth and our ancient family.

And to take it a step further … by realizing that we are stardust, we can let go of waiting to be saved from outside advanced civilization. We are who we have been waiting for! We are becoming conscious of the living presence of the ancient ones; “the gods” are not just within us but are us, and we are already home.

This is one reason why I feel drawn to many sacred sites over and over. We are being asked to be the present-day sages, messengers, watchers, wise ones, etc.… We have the opportunity and great privilege to travel to sacred places. We can receive and share ancient wisdom embedded in subtle frequencies in ancient sites and within us.


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Aluna Joy Yaxkin - Completed and posted on 5.18.24

Copyright © 2024 - Permission is granted to copy and redistribute this article on the condition that the content remains complete, full credit is given to the author(s), and that it is distributed freely. Center of the SUN - Aluna Joy Yaxk'in, PO Box 1988 Sedona, AZ 86339 USA Ph:928-282-6292 Ph/Fax:928-282-4622 -- Email:  website: www.AlunaJoy.com

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