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Release Old Soul Patterns

Release Old Soul Patterns

As much as the Shift is moving us further into the 5th and 7th dimensional state, so much is and will surface, which now finally needs to be released, in old negative patterns we ever created with other souls through multiple lifetimes.

I am talking here in a group context, for many of us, were often involved in mystery schools, in certain groupings of soul who incarnated time and again to hold the light sready for humankind during times of intense darkness, as well into context of what happened to those groups, souls within, and often persecution as well.

Sometimes these traumas or whatever happened are so deeply buried, that no matter how much inner work we have done, they will now surface, as the truth surfaces and so much of the old dismantled. You have had soul contracts with all the souls you have met in this lifetime to meet again this time round, so that can finalky heal, in the deepest sense.

I had such an experience last night as the medical units of the Intergalactic Fleet and Ascended Masters erc. were working in a specific manner, on an area I had asked for healing in particular. I was taken to multiple lifetimes, with the same roleplayers and then saw clearly what had happened in a particular lifetime, between the same group and souls. As this was finally forgiven and released, a lot of jigsaw puzzle pieces started falling into place, as well as a deeper understanding of the way opening now for the transcendence of all and into the New Golden Age. I had tears of awe and gratitude.

We will find this happening in the collective now, as we are confronted with old patterns which no longer serve us and which we finally collectively now let go of, as we then are ready to step into the new, as one.

Always through forgiveness and love

Judith Kusel

Image: CrystalWind.ca


Judith is a Visionary,  Inspirational Writer,  Pyramid Crystalline Grid Activator and Soul Empowerment Consultant. She is a remarkable and awe-inspiring woman, who has the ability to tap into the cosmic Super-consciousness fields and to bring forth the Ancient Cosmic knowledge. She offers soul and twin flame readings for people from all over the globe.  Her first book "Soul Empowerment" has reached bestseller status in three categories on Amazon. 
Source: here

for Soul Readings: http://www.judithkusel.com/readings
Blog:  http://www.judithkusel.wordpress.com

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