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October 9th: Secrets of Forsythia of Ma’AR’KA’LEL

October 9th Secrets of Forsythia of MaARKALEL

Greetings, My Beloved Masters of the Universe!
I come to you today with an important message from the channeling I have received.

A magnificent event is upon us, and it is affecting not just the Earth, but all of us as we experience a profound transformation. The magnetic storm descending upon our planet is more than just a natural phenomenon—it is an energetic shift that is igniting vibrational pulses deep within the Earth’s core, affecting all layers of our existence.

This energy is linked to the Forsythia of Ma’AR’KA’LEL, a symbolic blossoming of Christ Consciousness, the Triangular Degree of Consciousness. This energy brings forth peace, harmony, and a higher understanding of our true nature. It is bathing each and every one of us in the pure light of love, awakening those who have struggled to express their divine truth and calling. This shift will speed up the ascension process, enabling us to step into our roles as creators of our reality.

The upcoming event, commencing on October 24, will spark the return of divine consciousness, bringing in powerful energies that will cleanse old, outdated patterns from our lives and allow a new reality to emerge. This event will help us embrace oneness, recognize our inherent connection to the living God—Elohim ḥayyim—and align with the Christ Consciousness that resides within each of us. We are being called to shed our limitations, awaken to our true potential, and step forward into the light of creation.

Following the channeling, I will go into more detail about the concepts mentioned and share what you can do to prepare for the energies that are currently en route to us.

Now having said this, here is the channeling that I have received…

Magnetic storm approaches your planet in a swift way, descending from the ethers and flowing freely through your stratosphere, magnetosphere, and Ionosphere to reach the very depths of your planet’s core in order to ignite specific vibratory pulses to rise from beneath the earth’s crust and affect all of your planetary existence.

For the magnetic forces, if you will, are signaling the great shifts that are to take place on your planet in due time. For the time of creation is upon you, the time of magnificent transformation, eradication of falsified information, falsified informational decrees, and institution of a new understanding of BEing.

And so, and thus, the momentous events that all have been waiting for to occur on your planet are upon you. For the ethers have spoken, and said vibration has been delivered and is being infused into your planet as we speak. The ethers have spoken of the GREAT RETURN, for the time is near, and as such, preparatory, juxta positional, and provisional processes are in the works. For that which is coming into your realities is nothing that your human collective consciousness has ever seen unfold on your planet.

The grandeur of said energies shall break down all that no longer belongs in your ethers, making room for that which shall uphold your planet for eternity, for all to see, experience, witness, and BE. The layers of past encodings are being shed away, one momentum at a time. Yet all is happening in the NOW moment in time, rapidly, swiftly, with the glorious might of the Creator, shredding the layers of the past and bringing in the new structureless, placid, beautiful world for you to behold.

And yet prior to said occurrence, much transformation is to take place on your planet, for the awakening of souls to their true capabilities and mastery is astounding even the souls themselves. For they have been taught to believe that they are nothing more than a speck in the ocean, and their power has been stripped away and replaced by dogmatic thinking patterns, which must be eradicated to allow the true essence of each one dwelling therein to blossom, to flourish, to understand their uniqueness, their prowess, their power of creation, their power of manifestation, their power of revelation—to reveal to themselves the innate truth of the Creator, to reveal that indeed they are the creators.

To reveal to yourselves that indeed you are the creators, creators of your very own realities. And as such, the programming which has been uploaded by those in command of your worlds is bringing its fruits, allowing various events to unfold in your ethers. And yet, it shall not come to pass, for the souls on your planet are yearning for freedom, yearning for release, yearning for truth and understanding. For they are feeling that which is to come, for they know that which is to come will free them from outdated thinking patterns, belief systems, and ingrained ideals, allowing them the freedom of thought, freedom of manifestation, and freedom of decision-making, a freedom unknown to them prior on this very planet on which you stand.

And so, a momentous event is in your ethers—a magnificent encounter with energies tapering down into your subconscious minds, into every cell of your being, into the very fiber of which you have been woven. For the energies we speak of are those of the Return—the Return of pure consciousness, the return of magnificent energy, the return of the Triangular Degree of Consciousness, Christ consciousness if you will, return to oneness, purity, purification, perfection, limitlessness, immense prowess, and power of creation. Unification and Oneness.

For what we are trying to say to you, dearly beloved children of light, love, manifestation, and the triangular degree of consciousness, is that in essence you are free. In essence, that which you have been yearning for is already here—the consciousness of your creator selves, the freedom of thought, the purification energies—all is already within you, awaiting as a seed to be nurtured and brought to life, to sprout and become a new beautiful landscape of your reality. And in so doing, in nurturing said seed, you shall experience the benevolence of creation, the benevolence of Being, the benevolence of all that you indeed are. For you are that which you seek; you are that which you dream of becoming, because you are pure, pure and perfect as you are, magnificent as you are, magnanimous as you are.

All that you seek is already within you, and yet you look to external forces to receive that which you already have. For you have been taught to believe in external forces, and said conditioning has formulated within your encodings that you are but a grain of sand in the sea of chaotic energies.

And so, with the coming event that is to arrive on your shores in no time, an influx of energies shall ignite said understanding of Christ consciousness within each and every single one of you, regardless of your current coherent human understanding of BEing. For the Christ consciousness that we speak of is the Triangular Degree of Consciousness! The Triangular Degree of Consciousness which unifies the field of creation and weaves a fiber to link said unified field to the eternal living God, to the eternal Elohim ḥayyim, which lives within you, through you, and is YOU!

For you are the gods of your creation, and you hold all the mighty powers of the creative forces, which spawns universes into existence, which transform mountains into lakes, which transform all that you wish into whatever you wish to behold. And it is through said energies of the Triangular Degree of Consciousness, which have been tapering slowly over the years into your realities, that you shall awaken to the truth of that which you are. For indeed you are that which is, you are that which was, you are that which shall become. For through you, that which you call God experiences Being, and through the Being, that which you call your very own selves experiences the CREATION, experiences the eternal flow of life source energies.

What we are trying to say to you, dearly beloveds, is that the event most on your planet are becoming aware of and are waiting for is coming to your shores, is coming into your ethers as we speak. For the event is happening as we speak, the Forsythia of Ma’AR’KA’LEL of creation, translated in your understanding as the Triangular Degree of Consciousness, CHRIST Consciousness—the event of October 2024.

And so, and thus, it is with utmost care, precision, and might that you are to receive said energies coming your way, and allow said energies to purify you to the very core of your being so that you may be united into oneness with all that is, and begin to swiftly co-create a renewed reality on your shores, a new reality whereby each and every single one of you understands that they are ONE with creation, ONE with GOD, one with all that is, loved by all that is unconditionally, and unconditionally loved by all that is. Basking in said love, unified with said love while walking on the earthly planes of existence in human form, experiencing said planet and all that it has to offer, in order to become ONE, in order to remember the prowess of Being, in order to understand creation through the prisms of forgetfulness, and awaken to oneself through the purification systems of your creator selves.

And so, and thus, the moment in time is now, for the event has begun and shall reach its pivotal point on October 24, where you shall see the glimmer of hope, which shall blossom into a creative fire, burning all that no longer belongs in your ethers and instituting a new reality of BEing, understanding, co-creation, and oneness.

That is all that we have for you now. We are with you, we love you, goodbye for now.

What is the Triangular Degree of Consciousness?

Over the years in my previous channelings there is an often a reference to the Triangular Degree of Consciousness. I have been asked many times what it means and here is the explanation.

The Triangular Degree of Consciousness represents an elevated state of spiritual awareness that integrates the mind, body, and spirit, or love, wisdom, and power, in perfect harmony. This level of consciousness is directly connected to the energy of Christ Consciousness, which is the energy of peace, harmony, love, understanding, bliss, benevolence, light, and universal love.

As this Christ Consciousness energy bathes the Earth, it accelerates the ascension process, allowing individuals to step into their true purpose and express their inner knowing. Many people who have been struggling to release their gifts or align with their true calling find themselves supported by this heightened energy, helping them to share insights and wisdom that are essential for humanity’s collective growth.

The Triangular Degree of Consciousness symbolizes not only a personal transformation but also a collective awakening, where individuals align with their divine essence and realize their ability to co-create reality. It allows for the integration of spiritual, mental, and physical alignment, leading to a profound shift in how we perceive and interact with the world around us. This consciousness helps us to experience the unity of creation and live in harmony with the energies of love and light that are continually being sent to Earth.

As the Christ Consciousness energies continue to unfold, they provide a platform for those who have been disconnected from their divine purpose to rediscover their inner power. This transformative process helps individuals manifest a new reality rooted in love, peace, and spiritual understanding. The Triangular Degree of Consciousness acts as a blueprint for this elevated state of being and creating, empowering us to co-create in alignment with the universal forces of light and love.

What is Forsythia of Ma’AR’KA’LEL ?

Forsythia of Ma’AR’KA’LEL is the term that I channeled through which means spiritual renewal and blossoming through divine consciousness.

“Forsythia of Ma’AR’KA’LEL” signifies the blossoming of spiritual awakening through the divine energy of Christ Consciousness (referred to as the Triangular Degree of Consciousness in earlier messages). It suggests that just as the Forsythia plant blooms after a period of dormancy, humanity is undergoing a spiritual awakening or rebirth that is guided by the divine energies of Ma’AR’KA’LEL. This awakening leads individuals to connect deeply with their life force, divine light, and spiritual purpose, unveiling hidden truths and mysteries that were previously unknown to them.

This phrase encapsulates the idea of spiritual transformation, where one is being called to awaken through their life force and the hidden, mystical knowledge of the divine. It signifies a profound moment of spiritual growth, where the essence of one’s being (Forsythia) is allowed to bloom under the guiding force of the divine consciousness (Ma’AR’KA’LEL).

In essence, the Forsythia of Ma’AR’KA’LEL is the flourishing of spiritual knowledge, the shedding of outdated patterns, and the blossoming of divine understanding and unity.

The phrase “Ma’AR’KA’LEL” represent:

  • “A call or inquiry (Ma) into divine light (Ar), through the life force or spirit (Ka), reaching into the mysteries or hidden realms of creation (Lel).”

It implies the seeking of divine knowledge and spiritual awakening by tapping into the inner spirit and journeying through the hidden aspects of consciousness to reach a higher level of understanding or enlightenment. It also denotes the idea of balancing the known and unknown, the light and dark, the yin and yang, the divine masculine and divine feminine, as part of spiritual ascension.

What can you do during this time?

During this time of heightened energies, you can take several steps to align yourself with the transformations taking place and harness the divine forces entering our reality. Here are some ways you can do so, along with examples:

  1. Release Limiting Beliefs and Outdated Patterns

You can release old, outdated beliefs and mindsets that no longer serve you.

  • Example: Start by writing down any limiting beliefs you want to release (e.g., “I am not good enough” or “I don’t deserve success”). Then, engage in a ritual where you burn the paper as a symbolic act of letting go. This helps clear mental and emotional blockages and opens you up to new possibilities. I talk about how to do that in detail in both the Mission to Earth Book and the Karma Freedom book.
  • You can also repeat positive affirmations daily, such as “I am worthy of love and abundance,” to reprogram your mind with empowering beliefs.
  1. Embrace Your Power as a Creator

You can step into your role as the creator of your reality. Align with your inner power to manifest your desires and co-create the life you want.

  • Example: You can create a vision board by collecting images, words, and symbols that represent your goals and dreams. Place this board in a spot where you can see it every day as a reminder of what you’re manifesting.
  • Another practice is to spend time in gratitude journaling, where you write about what you’re grateful for. This aligns you with abundance and attracts more positive energy into your life.
  1. Open to Triangular Degree of Consciousness

You can connect to Triangular Degree of Consciousness, which is about unconditional love, unity, and compassion.

  • Example: Meditate with a focus on your heart chakra, visualizing a glowing white or pink light expanding from your heart, radiating outwards, and connecting you with the energy of divine love. Feel this light filling your entire body, cleansing and purifying your emotional state.
  • You can also engage in selfless acts of service, such as helping someone in need or volunteering, which embodies the principles of Triangular Degree of Consciousness.
  1. Connect with Earth’s Energies

You can stay grounded by connecting with the Earth’s natural energies, which are in flux during this time.

  • Example: Spend time in nature, such as walking in the forest, swimming in natural waters, or simply sitting outside and breathing in the fresh air. Practicing earthing (walking barefoot on natural ground, if you don’t want to walk barefoot you can wear thin cotton socks) is another way to ground yourself in the Earth’s vibrations.
  • Doing a grounding meditation where you visualize roots extending from your body deep into the earth can help you remain stable as you process these shifting energies.
  1. Focus on Unity and Oneness

You can cultivate a sense of unity and oneness with all beings, understanding that we are all interconnected.

  • Example: Practice mindful communication by being fully present when interacting with others. Listen deeply and respond with compassion. This helps to break down feelings of separation and reinforces unity.
  • You can also participate in group meditations where the focus is on global healing and unity, sending out the intention of collective growth and harmony.
  1. Nurture Your Inner Wisdom and Creativity

You can allow your inner wisdom to surface through creative expression. This is a time to explore your gifts and talents.

  • Example: Engage in artistic activities such as painting, writing, music, or dance. Let your intuition guide you in creating without judgment or expectation. For instance, you could paint abstractly based on your feelings or write a poem about a transformative experience.
  • Movement-based practices like yoga, tai chi, or free-flow dance can help you embody the divine energy and release any stagnation in your body.
  1. Prepare for the New Reality

You can consciously participate in the creation of a new reality that aligns with higher consciousness.

  • Example: Set aside time each day to visualize the world you want to live in. Picture a world of love, peace, and unity, where people work together for the common good. See yourself thriving in this new reality.
  • Take small, concrete steps each day to embody this new reality in your personal life, such as making choices that reflect love, compassion, and kindness toward others and yourself.
  1. Allow the Energy to Flow through You

You can let the incoming energies flow through your body and mind without resistance. The magnetic forces mentioned in the channeling are activating deeper parts of our being.

  • Example: Practice deep breathing exercises where you consciously breathe in light and exhale any tension or resistance. You could also lie down and place your hands on your heart, inviting the energy to flow through you, healing and balancing your energetic body.
  • Working with healing modalities such as Reiki or sound healing can also assist in integrating these energies into your being.
  1. Anchor the New Consciousness

You can actively anchor Christ Consciousness into your daily life. This consciousness represents love, purity, and limitless potential.

  • Example: Practice acts of kindness each day, whether it’s helping a stranger, offering encouragement to a friend, or simply smiling at someone. These small gestures help anchor the energy of love and unity in the physical realm.
  • You can also focus on being present in every moment, releasing fear of the future or attachment to the past. Engage in activities that foster your connection to the divine, such as reading spiritual texts, meditating, or journaling about your spiritual journey.
  1. Prepare for the Event on October 24, 2024

You can consciously prepare for the upcoming momentous event by staying open and receptive to the shifts taking place.

  • Example: Spend time in reflection or meditation in the days leading up to this date, asking for guidance and clarity on how you can best align with these energies.
  • Create a sacred space in your home where you can sit in quiet contemplation or perform a ritual of intention for embracing the coming changes. This could involve lighting a candle, setting up a crystal grid, setting an intention for growth, and welcoming the energy of transformation into your life.

By incorporating these practices, you can align yourself with the powerful energies flowing into our reality, helping you to awaken, transform, and create a new world filled with love, unity, and higher consciousness.

I love you all and am sending you a tsunami of love, light, abundance, health and joy!

Anna Merkaba-Credit

~Anna Merkaba – Distant Energy Healer- Channeler – Lightworker. To book a Healing Session with Anna and for more channeled messages to help you on your journey to self discovery visit : Sacred Ascension – Key of Life – DISCOVER YOUR TRUE SELF THROUGH THE VIBRATIONAL MESSAGES FROM BEHIND THE VEIL.

P.S. To help you on your journey I have written and published a book. It is now available for all of you in both hard copy and digital form. It is called “Mission To Earth – A Light workers guide to self mastery.” In it I explore topics such as: Why you are here and what you are doing on earth. How Starseeds get to earth to begin with. Why you feel the way you do. How to communicate with your guides. How to discover your life purpose. How to release everything and let it go. How to reprogram yourself in order to fully connect with your true essence. How to release old thinking patterns and institute a new reality into your life. How to change your life and make it what you want it to be, and most importantly how to find a link back HOME! There’s a lot more that I discuss in this book. I invite you to join me on this journey of self discovery as we explore together the “HOW,” the “WHY” and the “WHEN.” 

~Anna Merkaba – Distant Energy Healer- Channeler – Lightworker. To book a Healing Session with Anna
and for more channeled messages to help you on your journey to self discovery visit : Sacred Ascension – Key of Life – DISCOVER YOUR TRUE SELF THROUGH THE VIBRATIONAL MESSAGES FROM BEHIND THE VEIL.

Please note: The author of this website and its assigns are not responsible in any way shape or form for any actions taken by individuals reading these posts. The information provided herein is for information purposes only and does not constitute as any medical advice, whatsoever. Therefore the author and publisher of this site assume NO responsibility for any individuals’ interpretation or use of the information provided herein.

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The original article is copyrighted by the author listed above. Posted on CrystalWind.ca ©2024. All rights reserved. Reproduction of this content is prohibited without written permission. The title of the article was created by CrystalWind.ca.

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