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New Moon Annular Solar Eclipse In Libra, October 14th, 2023 - Healing The Past
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- Written by Natalia Alba
Beloved Ones,
As many of you are already feeling, October has begun with intense energies that prepare us for a major shift. Changes, on the opposite of what is often believed, come from our desire and inner work of transforming as a species, as nothing from the outer can really trigger any change if we first do not create it from the inside.
We soon will welcome the New Moon Solar - Annular - Eclipse at 21 degrees Libra, which represents the peak of the stabilizing frequencies received during September. We are shifting from the Nodal Axis Taurus/Scorpio, into the Aries/Libra one, having the last Eclipse in Taurus at the end of the month. We are asked now to move into a sovereign space, as Pluto, another important ally during this moon, together with Aries remind us, only achieved through inner balance, as Libra suggests to us.
The Eclipse conjuncts the Libra South Node. It is a time to make peace with the past, understanding that attachment creates stagnation, impeding us from expanding into new horizons. Embracing peace and harmony, through soul retrieval is vital if we desire to begin anew, although new beginnings are often the natural consequence of having released old aspects of ourselves.
The eclipse together with the South Node reminds us of the importance of healing the past, who we have been, and our relationships, cutting cords to finally release ourselves and others from energetic attachments. and all we did under a different level of consciousness before we can move on, otherwise we will manifest the same habits, outcomes, and thoughts into the present moment. This is the only way to love ourselves in the present moment, freeing ourselves from our past and regaining sovereignty.
When we deal with feelings of guilt and shame it is vital to observe ourselves and what we did from a higher perspective, for we are no longer the same person. Guilt is a pointless feeling for it keeps us from seeing who we have become now, and all we have gained in consciousness.
Guilt shall be substituted for responsibility, balancing the past deeds we no longer agree with, with new benevolent ones. That is how we cancel past deeds, by acting lovingly, respectfully, and honestly now, in the present moment, with ourselves, others, and All within Creation, so all we heal in the present moment affects too our parallel selves.
We too have another important aspect, during this eclipse, that invites us to express who we are, and our feelings, from a loving and honest space. We have a conjunction between the Sun, Moon, and Mercury, suggesting the importance of self-soul expression.
This will be emphasized by the opposition of the Solar eclipse to Chiron in Aries, which reinforces the message of self-healing. Healing our feelings of being inadequate, regaining freedom, and personal sovereignty, being who we are, standing tall in our truth and personal path, for we all, individually, and collectively, are now regaining full authority of our lives and personal thoughts, as never before in our human history.
Uranus also quincunx the Solar eclipse, which represents the massive awakening that is taking place for quite a while in the collective consciousness. This is too about perspective, for when we agree to be open to change, our view of things constantly shifts, seeing ourselves, and our personal reality in a totally different way.
During this time we are invited to balance diplomacy, honesty, and humility with our ego, and abuse of power, which can fall out of balance if we move into a sovereign distorted perspective. There is a very fine line between sovereignty and abuse of power, and this is when Libra's energies intervene for us to set a balance between both aspects that coexist within us.
On a planetary level, we are now facing the end, and the beginning of a new integration phase, in which gridworkers will be too immersed, helping in the task of anchoring the new earth's energies descending now from the eight dimensions. A gradual process that requires constant embodiment, and stabilization, which is why the periods of rest our bodies need increase, while we are immersed in these new activation phases.
The moment to begin working with forgiveness and balance is now, not when the eclipse comes, as the eclipse is the outer view of what has been previously taking form, on an energetic and non-physical level, as Guides continually share. The energies from the eclipses also last for months, which is why it is important to release the belief that everything needs to be done on this same day. This is just the peak of what is already taking place.
The eclipse's impact on you depends on your personal micro cycles, as this is just a universal view of what Guides shared for All. Your guidance, where you are and your personal chart, will determine how it will particularly affect you. Take always what resonates with your own guidance, please.
From a more physical perspective, Guides invite us to achieve purification, during this time, especially on the organs that Libra rules: Ovaries, adrenals, lumbar, skin, veins, and kidneys, as kidneys are in charge of purifying our physical bodies. As the seventh zodiac sign, its correlation is with the Violet seventh-dimensional Ray, and hence is a good time to call upon it to bring more restoration and distillation into our bodies.
The heptagon, with its seven sides, a number of contemplation, and soul communion, is the geometrical pattern that Guides invites us to work with, during this time. Starting to work on transcendence, so we can pass to anchor our physical selves with the monad, which as you know resides in the seventh, especially eighth, and ninth dimensions, for all works in triads.
This is the peak of the seventh universal year that we are still experiencing, and that introduces us to the eighth universal year that is about to come, in which we will move into the next orb of our template, the eighth one that represents the unity with our Monad, allowing us to continue the conscious unification process that last year began for many, and that will continue until we unify with our God twelfth dimensional self.
This is a process that is linked to our DNA healing and reconnection, as all works in unison and if we have not yet begun the rehabilitation of our DNA strands, we cannot fully have access to the inner wisdom, that resides within. DNA rehabilitation is pivotal to reconnecting ourselves with the twelfth dimensions in which we dwell, as twelve-dimensional beings, especially for gridworkers who must maneuver between many different timelines.
Unification is where we are heading and where the current planetary energies assist us. A process that required balance, in all aspects of ourselves. Balance comes when we have integrated the shadows, overcome fear, and accept the totality of who we are, in this plane, as sacred and equal.
It is only when we love all of who we are, forgive ourselves, past, and others, and remain in the present, with an open heart that serves All equally, that we can finally act as integrated, unified, and sovereign beings, starting to co-create in more illumined ways.
I wish you a loving eclipse, Beloved Ones.
Within Infinite Love,
Natalia Alba
Natalia Alba : Is an EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques), Crystal Therapist and Reiki Master, even though, she prefers to heal in her unique and personal way guided by her Unified Self/Guides, using crystals and sound healing therapy, as she considers that studies help us to expand ourselves into our journey of self-mastery and assistance to others but nothing external can give us the wisdom that we already possess within. Her services are based on the Guidance she receives from her Unified Self and Spirit Guides, which comes from the same Fountain of Love and Light of All That Is. Giving you the messages you need to evolve and keep discovering more about your life path as well as your Soul quest/mission. She also helps you to realize where you are at the moment and what can be shifted for the betterment of you own self and human experience, so you can be able to transform your present moment to create the future you are eager to experience as well as giving you some direction to get to where you want to be by solving and transcending the troubles that are impeding your happiness and natural soul evolution.
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