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March Eclipses Ignite Quantum Shifts
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- Written by Meg Benedicte

As we enter the month of March, zero point energy permeates the field like a fertile garden. During a global reboot, you may experience a distinct sense of ‘what was’ and a new wonder of ‘what could be’.
Infinite possibilities weave in and out of existence as potential futures. We are standing at the precipice of a brand new earthly reality.
It is in that space between the worlds that holds the most power. When I ask AA Metatron what is the best way to proceed during these challenging times? He sagely replies, ‘Go into the Void’.
Imagine an egg cracked open – this is happening to the old world reality. The old, rigid, physical constructs are breaking down. It is a cosmic system override. AA Metatron encourages you to focus your energy in between the cracks, where chrysalis is occurring. Pour your energy into the interior creational Void. In the crack between the worlds, insert your soul’s dreams and visions into the birthing ascended Gaia.
This is the time for Weavers of Realities to spin their magic. The cosmic blueprint of 2025 has charted a sequence of zero degree shifts that open interdimensional doorways to quantum fluctuations. In March we enter the Eclipse Portal, when possible timelines are vying for your attention. Eclipses are turbo-charged new and full moons that forge cracks in the status quo, creating openings for new growth and new beginnings. Focus on the fertile Void held within the cracks! Mine for gold!
The first Eclipse, a Blood Moon Eclipse in Virgo, arrives on March 13/14 (depending on time zone). Get ready for some unexpected changes or surprises to occur during the volatile two weeks between Eclipses. The Eclipse portal remains open until the 2nd Eclipse on March 29.
With five planets and North Node in Pisces this week, you may feel like you are on a cosmic carpet ride! Pisces energy tends to be etheric and other-worldly. Make sure to ground into your body so you don’t lose yourself in fantasy or delusion. Neptune is hovering at 29 degrees Pisces before moving into Aries on March 30, the final degree potency since Neptune entered in 2011. If you’ve been wondering why the ‘real world’ has been slippery, sliding all around…look to Neptune in Pisces transit.
New cycles start in March…the Equinox on March 20 ushers in a new season and starts the annual astrological cycle at zero degrees Aries Point. Neptune enters zero degrees Aries at the end of the month, shifting our focus to individual needs, hopes and desires. This will pull us out of the clouds and back to core center, being more present, real and purposeful. Neptune will shift back and forth between Pisces and Aries throughout 2025, gradually easing you back into internal soul power leading you on your spiritual path. During a global reboot, the cosmic shifts in March will take you to the next level.
Working in the quantum field and 5D Ascension Gates, I will be leading Eclipse activations on Thursday, March 13th, just hours before the Blood Moon is visible in America. We will continue unlocking and spinning the dark Atlantean matrix into the Karmic Spiral of Justice. As we focus into the creational Void, we are weaving a new ascension timeline for all to adjust into and thrive!
Lovingly, Meg
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