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Integrating Your Light Body in Your Earth Experience

Integrating Your Light Body in Your Earth Experience


The energetic changes that are taking place within us are difficult to comprehend. They have an intense effect on all levels of our being. Our physical body responds more and more quickly to frequencies that are either higher or lower than our soul frequencies. What exactly is happening?

This is often impossible to explain, because the 'information' about it is located in higher layers of consciousness that are not always accessible. Traveling internally back and forth through all those frequency fields sometimes feels like 'too' much, it can stir up painful issues and confront us with old fears. At the same time, we also know internally that what is happening is exactly the intention and that we are in a transition phase that will liberate, renew and uplift us.

From our higher Self there is a permanent invitation to be willing to let go of all old 3D beliefs of the personality. Instead, an open space is created within where what we want to be given can flow in. We are led to exactly the 'good' people and situations that can help us sink ourselves into unwavering trust in the higher guidance of the Ascended Masters and allow for the loving presence of the Archangels and our guides.

We can't hear it often enough; dear people, what we have lived for centuries, and hundreds of physical incarnations, is happening NOW! After millions of years of traveling through the Universe, we can once again embody our divine state of BEING in a human physical body on Earth!

It sounds like 'just let it happen'. But in daily, earthly practice it is sometimes an almost superhuman job. If every person on earth were engaged in this, we would encounter little resistance when we connect with our Light Body. But we are receiving the lessons that were traditionally offered in the Mystery Schools! Experiencing resistance is part of The Way and part of detachment and surrender. Resistance serves as a mirror to make us aware of all the condensed parts and our fears. There we discover the moment of choice to continue the old path of the ego, or to stand with empty open hands on the new Way, face to face with our Source.

Then we feel the completely new energy that we wants to guide us, which we have longed for from the soul but which we really have to get used to! It is the divine feminine energy that wants to guide us through this transition phase towards a beautiful balance and fusion of the masculine and feminine within us..

We are currently traveling through an enlightening phase in which we have to 'unlearn' a lot. It is as if our higher Self is pointing out to us how we are used to an active, masculine approach when certain things are not flowing. It is almost self-evident to literally 'cope' with problems, but if we continue to listen to our heads, we remain stuck in mental limitations.

Through our process work we have become familiar with decisive, inner work to break through certain old blockages. The ego is fast (especially when it reaches survival mode!) and likes to keep matters in its own hands. It is quite a challenge for the ego to become willing to surrender to something 'higher' that often guides us unseen.

Because we have dealt with patriarchal fields for centuries, we have become accustomed to power relations. In order to derive our self-esteem from something, we have started to focus our attention outward, and to compare and measure ourselves with others and their achievements.

But the lovelessness of it has penetrated deep into us! The focus wants to turn more and more inward, so that we see and recognize the Light of our own Divinity. The divine feminine energy has been knocking on everyone's door! We have opened the door to our Self and with that we have said 'YES'! We learn again, and now completely from within, to receive, to surrender, to allow our gentle power, to trust the higher guidance and, above all, to listen to our inner, divine Source that speaks through our hearts with compassion..

Let us encourage each other to give the embodiment of our divine feminine aspects all the space, time and appreciation we need. The more we realize that the divine wisdom and the innovative life streams now want to break through from within, the more common it will become to first attune ourselves before making decisions, speaking and acting. We are led both to the elevation and to the merging of the masculine and feminine within us. The more both of our once separate qualities can reconnect and balance, the more harmonious and refined we will become, and the more powerful our connection with our higher Light Body will be. That is a particularly sacred and precious process, and everything must yield to it!

We hope to see you in the Circle of Light or at the Festival of Lights,

love from Mieke Vulink & Vincent Rikkerink

© Copyright 2024 Mieke Vulink

Awakening is an inner journey. As a highly sensitive child, my path embraced music, leading to a conservatory degree in 1991. A Rebirthing weekend in 1985 sparked my spiritual awakening, intertwining with my dual careers—concert pianist and transformational therapist. In 2013, my soul's call led me to a profound meditation, initiating a deep connection with my unborn son Parcival. Since then, my life is dedicated to the search for divinity, Christ Consciousness, and ascension processes. Passionate about guiding self-realization for 30 years, I collaborate with Vincent Rikkerink, expanding our fields in lightwork. My journey involves extensive education in essential healing, coaching, aura soma, and more. Let's explore the transformation and healing on the path to higher consciousness together.

The original article is copyrighted by the author listed above. Posted on CrystalWind.ca ©2024. All rights reserved. Reproduction of this content is prohibited without written permission. The title of the article was created by CrystalWind.ca.

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