How to Tap Into Heart-Centered Power Instantly
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- Written by Meg Benedicte

We are still experiencing yesterday’s impactful Full Moon at 29º Capricorn rippling through the field.
The 29th degree in astrology, called the anaretic degree, indicates that you’re reaching a ‘breaking point’, being pushed to the edge. This powerful event highlights deeper lessons and unprocessed pain from the past, revealing repetitive patterns cycling for closure.
Pluto, the planet of transformation, death and rebirth, currently at 0º Aquarius is moving retrograde to 29º Capricorn in October to mid-November, during the American election. “Pluto is a slow-moving planet that permanently transforms us collectively and personally,” explains Astrologer, Ryan Marquardt, “Pluto relates to the subconscious, so it can confront us with our deep-rooted fears, taboos, guilty pleasures, unresolved issues, and anything we prefer to keep hidden.”
With the Capricorn Full Moon and Pluto’s final days in 29º Capricorn for another 250 years, there is a call-to-action to establish new structures and systems that better support and nourish your emotional wellbeing. This is a pivotal time for creating new containers—literal and metaphorical—that allow you to safely explore the depths of your heart and Soul.
During 2024, an ‘8’ Year of the Dragon highlighting ‘Personal Power’, you are being nudged to get clear on what you want to create for yourself, what you value, what you desire, how you see yourself as an empowered being. Under the influence of 29º Capricorn, there is an underlying pressure to shift into a new operating system that enhances spiritual empowerment.
When you are raised in a global Hierarchy power system, it is ego-driven. You experience power in aggressive competition, when someone has to lose so you can win. Your interaction with power in a global top-down system is through the pursuer-container of the ego self. It is insatiable, obsessed and relentless to acquire more power.
Power in its purist form is just energy. Egoic power comes in all forms…wealth, land, resources, beauty, control, influence, entitlement, exclusive opportunities, to name a few. The Full Moon/Pluto transit at 29º Capricorn encourages you to relinquish egoic power so you can upgrade to Soul power.
As you learn to master the lower self, the ego mind, your relationship to power changes. Instead of pursuing power over others, you aspire to connect and attain inner spiritual power. If power is just energy, then your source of power is your conduit of energy, of life force, of Soul essence.
As you tap into your limitless inflow of Soul energy, you evolve into the new operating system. 29º Capricorn is the breaking off point, the leap into higher consciousness, a new circular flow of power. As you adjust from ego mind container to your expansive heart container, filling with Soul energy, you shift into the circular inflow-outflow of continual replenishment. In the New Earth circular system, you become more empowered as you lift everyone up. Power is shared and recycled, sustaining the whole world, for the great good.
Lovingly, Meg
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