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How the Lunar Eclipse & Equinox Gateway Impact Your Life

How the Lunar Eclipse & Equinox Gateway Impact Your Life

On the Energies of the Eclipse & Equinox Gateway..

We are now in the gateway to another powerful season as we approach the Lunar eclipse on Sept. 17th and the Fall Equinox, on Sept 22nd. With the two cosmic events so close together, the energies are amplified.

Change, illumination and expansion can be witnessed in many life areas. But for many, as the Equinox sits on the Virgo/Libra cusp, much can arise with relationships. Areas of work, day-to-day living and manifestation abilities are also highlighted.

Manifesting with greater ease has been increasing for all of us exponentially over the last several years and will continue to accelerate through this gateway that takes us through the end of October. Be conscious of what you focus on, add energy to or engage with in an emotional or sentimental way because what you give attention to will expand. If you need to clear the air or release on any level or in any way, by all means, do so! But then, remember to re-center yourself in the present with your truth.

And if there is something dear and true to your heart that you desire, call it in! The power of the voice in connection with the higher levels and soul’s free will to create a personal reality of your choosing is happening for many now.

As for the relationship sector, expect the unexpected. This is a time of completion and also upgrading. During this gateway which takes us all the way past the solar eclipse on Oct. 2nd and through the end of October, there will be reunions, reconciliation, closure and beginnings happening in many cases.

It’s a time to tie up loose ends, forgive, heal and let go where needed. Some relationships from our pasts may be given a second chance to start over again. For others, we will be meeting new people—more of the soul family variety. These folks will walk with us in this unprecedented time.

In addition, some might feel confused or awkward in this gateway, unsure of what to expect or how to go forward. As more of us step into the higher frequency bandwidth now available to us on the planet, we can feel supported and uplifted as we continue to release the heavy density. But this is still uncharted territory for many.

When navigating this mysterious time, it can be challenging for some to flow without reference points or a clear vision of bigger outcomes. The best advice is to sit tight, stay present and be in acceptance with what is at the moment. Surrendering to the unknown allows for a greater awareness to be revealed in right timing.

When that times comes, which is just around the corner, many will feel a huge shift into lightness, freedom from previous limitations and the enthusiasm that comes with the launching of a new purpose, vision and life that’s in alignment with the evolution of their soul. It’s a rebirthing that brings the tangible rewards from all the inner work we’ve been committed to over time—decades for many of us. And that will be something worth celebrating!

Love & Blessings,  Heather


In the meantime, if you want extra clarity, guidance & energetic support during this Lunar eclipse/Equinox, gateway, I am offering a special to help you that includes a 45 minute Intuitive Reading. For more details on this special, visit my webpage by clicking here.
Heather is the owner of Teal Healing where she has worked as an intuitive, animal communicator, and energy healer since 2009. She authored, “For the love of Horses: An Animal Communicator’s Guide to Helping Our Horses and Healing Our Lives.” It was released in 2013.
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