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How Plasma Energy Powers Ascension Gates

How Plasma Energy Powers Ascension Gates

2024 is turning out to be the Ascension breakthrough year! I’ve been working towards this year since my spiritual awakening 30 years ago.

Over the past decades I have witnessed so many unexpected surprises and sudden shifts, I was wondering if the Ascension would happen in my lifetime. I’m thrilled to see the culmination of so many dedicated star beings’ efforts come to fruition.

The momentum has been increasing since December 12, 2019 – a spectacular 12:12:12 gateway that launched the global bifurcation of two timelines in the earth plane. It also triggered a global healing crisis during the pandemic.

As we come out of hibernation, there are clearly two very different world realities operational. One is still driven by egoic fear, rage, hate and greed. It is an imbalanced top-down hierarchal power system. This global timeline is the remnants of the Orion ET wars and Atlantean invasion. It is a parasitic devouring system.

The 2nd world reality comes from the future holofield. It is a heart-centered timeline that vibrates in peace and joy. This new coherent field draws us together, it is collaborative, empathic and compassionate. It operates outside of the control matrix. It is alive and accessible.

This new future timeline is what we’ve been working towards. It is the global Ascension timeline for all souls to exit the reincarnational entrapment and ascend into 5D unity consciousness. The activated Ascension Gates are now alive and open to the cosmos. Galactic souls can now move freely through Gaia’s entry-exit gates without being trapped in the lower earth plane of separation.

The galactic plasma energy pulsing alive in the Ascension Gates at Gaia’s chakra portals is potent. Since Beltane on May 1st, I’ve been activating the Ascension Gates at Glastonbury Tor (heart chakra) at Mount Shasta (root chakra) and leaving in 2 weeks to return to the Giza Sphynx – Osireion Zep Tepi Temple Ascension Gates. You may also be called to assist with this powerful Ascension Timeline and Gates in the coming months and years.

All who choose to extract their energy from the ancient dark timeline, can now ascend into becoming divine humans. The upcoming Eclipses are amplifying the plasma energy fueling the Ascension Gates. The Ascension timeline supports the embodiment of Higher Self presence. It is an extraordinary accomplishment! Blessed Be!

Lovingly, Meg


Copyright (c) 2024 Meg Benedicte * All Rights Reserved * You may copy and distribute this material as long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete and you include this copyright notice.

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