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Heart-Centered Shifts: Leo Full Moon Transformation

Heart-Centered Shifts: Leo Full Moon Transformation

Beloved Ones,

We are now navigating a transformative, healing, and creative passage with the Leo Full Moon on the 12th of February.

A moon that closely squares Uranus, The Great Shifter, supporting our personal and planetary liberation journey, our metamorphosis into Crystalline Beings. Leo offers us resilience to confront our shadows and challenges through the power of Heart reconnection and self-illumination.

This passage is supported by many Forces and Beings as our Creators the Anuhazi, the Lyrans, supporting us during this transitional year, in which many of us will shift roles, locations, relationships, and anything that we need to let go to initiate a new journey, within a totally different frequency and timeline.

This is a life-changing passage that will help many of you to realign to who you are and your new trajectory, and others to retrieve your planetary mission, as there is a massive awakening to your planetary roles taking place at this time, in many of you. Embodying our soul's role can only be achieved when we reconnect to our True Self and Its Wisdom, which is what many of you have been working with for a while, especially during 2024.

Uranian's frequency invites us to adapt to change, releasing all resistance to something we cannot control and that occurs when we are ready to embody a higher level of consciousness. Feeling emotionally vulnerable is common during this transformative and releasing time. Tears of letting go of the old, of old companions, of all wounds that our body has carried for so long may come. Open your heart and let it all go, as you let love in. We have the Leo moon trine to Chiron in Aries at this time, as a great emotional support for us to heal old traumas and emotional baggage.

Leo's frequencies come when we are transitioning into a new sphere of Creation, shifting ourselves and our lives completely. It comes to offer us the courage to live from our hearts, rather than from a space of fear, balancing our ego and all lower emotions, by learning how to manage our energy, as our emotions whether positive or not are forms of energy, learning to create from a space of love, compassion, and soul alignment.

Leo represents the power of the heart, which beats to the rhythm of the Universe and is connected to all within Creation. With Leo, we move from soul disconnection and control over others to spiritual sovereignty, embracing God's Willpower, not our egoic will.

With Leo, we unify our brain-heart complex, spinal cord, and thymus, for Leo rules all the parts of our anatomy that link us to our heart and soul, and hence to the divine power within us. Working on self-expression, and above all with our light body fifth-dimensional chakra and higher etheric body is pivotal to continue being divine channels, for we can only share Divine Wisdom when we first have healed our repressed emotions, traumas, and heart complex.

During this great shift for all of us, and especially with Piscean energies among us in the following days, many of you will embody new aspects of your mission, as the result of the unification that is taking place within yourselves and of the reconnection between your soul and human self, and heart-brain complex.

As our planet continues to be transfigured and re-encrypted with the assistance of the Auroras, and many other benevolent Forces within Creation, many of you will awaken to your roles as Aurora emissaries, acting as amplifiers of the Auroras' healing transmissions to continue assisting the elementals in their transfiguration, for we are not the only ones shifting bodies.

As you grow in wisdom, love, and personal power, you will also grow in your mission, feeling the pulse of the earth and its calling to you where required.

The more you remain in your Higher Heart, as Leo invites you to do at this time, being courageous to embrace yourself, mission, and personal Truth, remaining in a compassionate neutral witnessing space, the more you allow this organic process of mission integration to take place within you. After all, our mission is what makes our hearts feel joy, what is natural for us to do, and what feels in total resonance with our ways of being and living.

Living with your heart fully open, loving, honoring, and embracing yourself completely is pivotal to giving and receiving, as well as to embracing your role on earth, which is unique, precious, and appreciated within and outside our earth's confines. What you came here to personally seed only you can do, for like I always say God does not repeat Herself-Himself, and even if some of us carry a similar mission, it is never the same.

When you value and honor the role given to you, knowing your importance within Creation, although always remaining in a humble space, you honor God, and Its desires to bring unity, love, and harmony to All involved in this planetary process, through you.

Comparisons diminish yourself and your personal role. Embrace your uniqueness, your courageous essence, given to us by our Forefathers the Anuhazi, who created us, for we all carry this Fiery Lyran essence within to become the sovereign pioneers that we are already becoming.

Yours is the choice to shine who you are or remain in the shadows, for you are free to choose, as Guides remind us many times.

May you choose to love, recognize, and honor yourself and who you are within Creation, beloveds.

Within Infinite Love,

Natalia Alba 

Natalia Alba : Is an EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques), Crystal Therapist and Reiki Master, even though, she prefers to heal in her unique and personal way guided by her Unified Self/Guides, using crystals and sound healing therapy, as she considers that studies help us to expand ourselves into our journey of self-mastery and assistance to others but nothing external can give us the wisdom that we already possess within. Her services are based on the Guidance she receives from her Unified Self and Spirit Guides, which comes from the same Fountain of Love and Light of All That Is. Giving you the messages you need to evolve and keep discovering more about your life path as well as your Soul quest/mission. She also helps you to realize where you are at the moment and what can be shifted for the betterment of you own self and human experience, so you can be able to transform your present moment to create the future you are eager to experience as well as giving you some direction to get to where you want to be by solving and transcending the troubles that are impeding your happiness and natural soul evolution.

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