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Energy Forecast: The Completion of An 11-Year Cycle


Hi my Friend,

As I connect with you today, I am feeling a great sense of Oneness rising up in the world. How blessed we are to be here now and to experience this journey together. November was a profoundly transformative month for many. We were guided to dive deeper within ourselves than we have in a very long time.

Many of us moved and are still moving through a great deal of physical and emotional purging. Going this deep into the purging process can leave a person feeling completely “over it all” or as if the purging will never end.

Know that this process is temporary, and that everything we are moving through is playing an important part in our journey to higher states of consciousness.

Polarities: The Sun’s Flip

Every eleven years, the Sun shifts its polarities, flipping its magnetic north and south. This polarity shift is speeding up the purging process for every living being on the planet. It’s part of the completion of an 11-year cycle. By reflecting on who we were showing up as in the world eleven years ago, and who we are choosing to be now, we clearly affirm the massive metamorphosis that has taken place.

If we look to nature, we can see that the geomagnetic storms caused by heightened solar activity is greatly affecting our weather patterns. Know that although some of these weather patterns are causing many challenges in the world, there is a greater purpose that will reveal itself in time as to why this is all happening.

On a personal level, we are also being turned “inside-out” so that we can prepare ourselves for a brand new cycle, one that’s more aligned with the highest, most authentic aspect of ourselves. The shifting polarity of the Sun can also leave us feeling quite exhausted one moment and extremely energetic the next.

The Golden Compass: Compassion

The key to moving through the current completion cycle with more ease, is to simply ground ourselves in compassion. We do this by nourishing our physical, emotional, mental and spiritual bodies. We also do this by understanding and embodying what compassion is.

True compassion gives us the opportunity to see and love the way the Universe sees and loves. Compassion allows us to love ourselves and others from the sacred space of deep inner knowing that we are all whole, sacred and Divine Universal Beings who have never been hurt or harmed in any way.

Of course our “mind” will try to convince us otherwise, but that is only because it’s trying to keep us safe the best way it knows how. With compassion, we are able to look past the stories and illusions of lack, fear and limitations.

Compassion is not to be confused with sympathy. When we sympathize, we lower our vibration by forgetting that we are complete and whole beings. This results in us feeding into the environment of fear, lack and limitation that those around us may be choosing to buy into.

Many of us who are naturally empathic are experts at sympathizing. As empaths, many of us have a tendency to want to save and help everyone around us. This is a wonderful quality, however it usually results in us feeding into the dense energies in our environment.

Too often, the people, places and experiences in our environment then continue their stories of lack, fear and limitation, because they feel that we have validated these experiences for them through our sympathy.

Compassion begins with the self. When we become committed to fully loving and accepting ourselves first, we are then able to wholeheartedly anchor more Divine love and compassion for the world around us.

Compassion elevates us and our environment to the frequency of Divine Love. Compassion is the golden compass that allows us to navigate through times of great change with more joy and ease.

A Fresh Start on the Horizon

As the year 2013 comes to a close, our hearts will open up in ways that allow more room for joy, gratitude and love to be present in our lives. This opening will also create a solid foundation in our relationship with our intuition, which will set the tone for how we choose to create the next 11-year cycle of our lives.

And just as our hearts will be opening, so will the heart of humanity as a whole. So expect even more great changes to occur in the world.

You are the Gift!

Even though things may appear to be quite chaotic at times, your Spirit knew before ever coming into this paradigm that you would overcome it all, and elevate humanity back to its true nature: love.

How powerful you are to have chosen to be an integral part of this collective shift to higher states of consciousness! This act is nothing short of heroic, and the Universe, your Higher Self, your Guides, all Beings of Love, and I all honor you for choosing to answer the call to support humanity in this way.

You are a gift to us all. Thank you for choosing to be here, and for paving the way for us all to align with a heart-centered reality, through your presence, actions, words, gifts, talents and wisdom.

Till next time,

Miraculously yours,



©2009-2013 Emmanuel Dagher/Magnified Manifesting. All Rights Reserved www.emmanueldagher.com - You are absolutely welcome to share and distribute these forecasts with others as you feel guided. Please make sure to keep the integrity of this article by including the author & source website link.

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