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DNA Upgrades and Ascension Power

DNA Upgrades and Ascension Power

To The Ascension LightWorker Collective: The dormant and advanced abilities of the Ascending Soul are activating with many currently undergoing further DNA activations.

In the next 48 hours ascending individuals will experience a heightened phase of Ascension energies, enhancing their manifestation and healing capabilities in an intensified state of Ascension elevation.

Cosmic higher frequency energies are being sent to help with planetary / collective Ascension These energies are shifting into higher spiritual vibrations. They are awakening and activating the Starseed’s DNA. To strengthen the true self identity and activate suppressed memory.

Much of the Starseeds DNA is connected to purpose, abilities, akashic inheritance, the higher ascension blueprints/ templates. As your DNA activates in your higher time lines it awakens many deeper layers and levels of self’s metaphysical consciousness and abilities.

Ascending souls are losing the desire to always be amongst people. They are choosing to increase the flow of releasing karma and surrendering to the universe's journey without linear judgment. Activating the sovereign being by aligning with higher frequencies and detaching from external lower conscious energies. Clearing the internal space to expand light capacity.

Ascending Starseed’s undergo intense Ascension transformation, enhancing higher self-awareness and clarity on the conscious path through recent solar activations. Experiencing inner challenges is a sign of stepping into self-power, releasing past energies no longer serving the highest good.

Remaining attuned to physical and emotional shifts during this transformational shift. Prioritizing self-care, meditation, nature immersion, and grounding practices integrating higher frequencies, preparing for upcoming DNA upgrades in March, aligning the self with new and higher levels of conscious awareness.

Ascending souls are Experiencing the powerful rise of collective energies and intensified ascension symptoms resurface. As we ascend to higher dimensions our energy elevates and the universe's vibrations shift us into a much higher vibrational alignment and timeline.

Updated ascension symptoms include restlessness, frustration, sinus issues, eye twitching, ear ringing, pressure headaches, nausea, sleep issues, irritability, achy bones flu like symptoms, circulation issues, inertia, vertigo, dizziness, spaciness, jitters, nervous system hyper sensitivity, feeling detached / ungrounded. Fatigued, muscle cramps, muscle aches, craving inner stillness,

Embracing the unpredictable yet powerful path to ascension, lifting the self from previous darker trenches, expanding into the internal light. Stepping back to gain higher perspectives, letting go of previous pain/ trauma, recognizing its purpose and redirecting conscious energy towards what is meaningful and what truly matters.

In new earth energy we can expect the unexpected, many ascending will no longer reconnect with people from their past. Now is the time to declutter and minimize in life pursuing purposeful desires for the greater good. Consciously working with the divine plan. Earth is rapidly transmuting lower consciousness leading to the obvious and significant timeline split.

Simultaneously the Ascending merge with the New Earth Timeline, transitioning to a higher conscious ascending, Christ Anointed energy is pouring into our planetary frequencies.

Blueprint systems are experiencing a complex physical integration process, as indoctrinated belief systems have purged and nearing completion cycles, this activates newfound mental freedom as the mind is liberating from long term slavery. The conscious mind is developing new neural pathways, helping the inner self feel lighter within the modifying physical vessel. Many are rapidly ascending to higher conscious timelines. In this current astrological planetary placement the ascending are entering into higher frequencies.

2025 is a year of intentional conscious choices. This year for most is the release and completion of all that no longer serves the higher self-purpose, karmic completions, release of outdated emotions, people, guilt, regret, judgment, pain, and trauma. Expanding in Divine Loving energies, optimizing health, feeling a deeper sense of peace within. Letting go, feeling lighter in self.

In the universal numerical year 9 of 2025 the focus is on completions, truth, exposure balance, and alignment. Among the numbers in numerology the number 9 holds a significant and powerful position. It symbolizes the embodiment of completion, Closing out a 9 year numerical cycle, it doesn’t necessarily mean total finality. it signifies the conclusion of one phase, paving the way for the initiation of the next, because of this many ascending will complete outdated cycles.

In numerology number 9 energies represent a time of closure, individual development, the focus is on humanity, compassion, It presents heightened opportunities to contemplate the past from higher conscious perspectives, bringing closure to previous chapters, dedicating energy towards instigating beneficial transformations both in personal life and within the community.

This year brings in a completely different energy where everything will be rapidly coming to the surface for higher perspective evaluation, to be assessed in a higher light for its totality and reality.

Accountability becomes a central theme in this year 2025 as individuals and collectives are held responsible for their past actions. The consequences, whether positive or negative, are reaped based on the deeds sown in the past. Numerical year 9 embodies the essence of completion based on truth, emphasizing the need for alignment and balancing of energies.

The energies are awakening and activating the Starseed DNA for self-identity and internal memory retrieval, connecting us with our planetary purpose, past life embodiment and higher ascension blueprints. This activation unfolds metaphysical abilities and intuitive gifts, enhancing sensitivity and deepening our connections.

Heightened senses and sharper perceptions, including clairvoyance and remote viewing are emerging as third eye activations intensify, leading to vivid dreams, empathic connections, and telepathic experiences with others and spiritual realms. The evolving empathic nature will inspire a sense of collective purpose and a desire to help the ascending planet.

Increased telepathy, inner guidance, and emotional empathy highlight the importance of maintaining stronger boundaries and energy regulation through practices like energy healing and clearings to support this transformational process.

In the coming weeks many ascending will experience relief, light-heartedness with a heightened ability to discern energies. This signifies stepping into self’s true higher power.

Taking quantum leaps on the ascension path requires abandoning what feels safe or comfortable. Trusting the unknown and unseen Ascension forces.

The Ascending collective have recently experienced powerful influxes of much high-frequency light energies, with no signs of it slowing down. The past few days have been filled with frequent activations. Currently there is a surge in energetic frequencies entering the Earth at an accelerated rate.

Ascending soul aspects are activating the multidimensional self, as many experience higher DNA activations, moving through a mass influx of Ascension Energies. This heightened space in Ascension supports manifesting and healing with high-frequency Cosmic Portal energies assisting in our spiritual evolution and planetary upliftment.

In loving and dedicated Ascension service

Source Inspiration: By Ascension Lightworkers


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