Cosmic Update: Christo's Mission Accomplished!
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- Written by Ramona Lappin

We have completed and accomplished the Emerald Order and Christos mission of having fully re-claimed, returned, expanded, integrated, and now embody the New Cosmic Kryst Blueprint.
With it, we fully ignite The Sphere of Amenti, our 12/15D+ Divine Angelic HUman Blueprints, Original Source Codes, and Blue Staff.
Returning all Souls back home one way or another, which is now fully unfolding and playing out in the field and real life can be seen as a sifting of the wheat from the chaff. The true, pure and real from the false, inverted and artificial.
With all masks, pretenses, veils and false overlays fully dissolving, and all lies, betrayals, manipulation and crimes against the sanctity of life being fully exposed and revealed now, as the Real Truth arises and light shines onto the dark. For first we need to be able to discern and see things, people and situations, for what they truly are, free of all ego filters.
All collective karmic residue is being fully cleared as it plays out, both good and bad. As the wrongs are being corrected and Divine Justice returns through us fully rising in Truth, Love, Power and Wisdom.
All part of the powerful Diamond Grid Network and Diamond Sun God and Rainbow Plasma LightBody and that of Earth. As the forerunners are becoming fully alive as we have reclaimed all of our life-force and quantum, which is now being fully returned to us. All part of the Original Source Codes of Creation and New Cosmic Kryst multidimensional DNA Blueprint, which includes some very important upgrades, as part of the expansion of The One, that allows all beings, kingdoms and worlds to merge as One unified Consciousness now!
With all blockages fully dissolving and clearing in this now, along with our nervous system and the core wounds around our hearts, as well as our physical vessel, we can now ascend unhindered and return back to Paradise for good!
Feeling fully alive and enjoying a fully free and simple yet fulfilling life! Our sacred lifeforce and quantum being retuned to us for our multidimensional integration and highest version of our own unique God-Self to become fully physicalized!
With our last call and activation, we fully merged with the new quantum field of The New Divine Organic Creatrix Field where all has already been merged as One and collapsed back into the Still point of The Zero Point Field of True Divine Love, Neutrality and ONEness, where Wmwe are eternally stationed in no-time whatsoever!
With the Shakti and primal lifeforce of our extended Kundalini currents of the Kunda-Ray fully rising and breaking and bursting our Diamond Hearts and Minds fully open!! I was shown Shiva and Shakti merging as One New Consciousness field/ body and Blueprint on the 5th, which is now unfolding in the field with the New Cosmic Kryst/ Christos-Sophia Hierogamic Re-Union Blueprint fully igniting our New Edenic bodies and realities for real.
It's the fires of the Holy Spirit purifying, absolving, illuminating and ascending us and The Collective Consciousness to liberate and FREE ALL as part of our full and final Awakening, disclosure, revelations, rapture and ascend out of the false Matrix simulation completing!
All as we break fully free of the false ego self!!
The New Cosmic Divine Triple Solar Feminine and Masculine energetic and spiritual bodies have been unified as One. This is the Cosmic Mother and Father energies, frequencies, aspects and principles having been fully returned to all realms now to fully birth forth the Golden Kryst Child and Golden quantum field and realities. With our new lands of milk and honey arising from within our own awareness, fully opening our sacred Crystal Hearts, which is igniting our ancient future self, memories and with it, our Edenic bodies and realities through our own cellular Blueprint fully awakening, alongside the crystalline core and networks of Earth.
Our hearts, minds, and bodies are being purified, absolved, healed, ascended and illumined by God's Grace and Love, with the Holy Spirit fulfilling us completely until there's just Love-Bliss and Divine Ecstasy, and Paradise all around us!
New Ascension Earth and all new free worlds are becoming fully manifest onto the physical plane with the new sound and light fields of creation, Emerald Green screen and New Divine Organic Creatrix Field blending into full view.
Allowing for the tower moment/s of all tower moments to awaken all, one way or another, now!
For our blessings have been delayed long enough, as well as the waiting was very much worth our while and taught us its own valuable lessons.
As everyone starts to see themselves, others and reality for what it truly is now, as crystalline clarity returns, true judgement can be passed, for true Divine Justice to be restored, returned and to unfold now, to make everything right again, and better than it ever was before!
Now we get a second chance at living life the right way up!
A heart-based reality rooted in Oneness, instead of one based on fear and illusions of separation!
For the tables have already been flipped, and turn now for real, along with the magnetic pole and field shift, and our return to organic magnetism, with the Cosmic Mother and Father having returned to all realms now, and their aspects, energies and principles being embodied by us!
Now we get to consciously co-create our realities together as One, now that we get to see with true clarity and crystalline clear vision reality for what it truly is, as our true memories and higher cognitive skills and rewired brains, as part of The Cosmic Emerald and Crystal Diamond Rose Heart Network taking over, that has unified the Cosmic Heart and Mind as One telepathic communication network and brings online our all-new free worlds for good!
Wedding Celebrations in the physical are next apparently.
Yet in order to HAVE IT ALL, the individual soul has to be willing to LET IT ALL GO and be willing to lose everything you have and own, and all attachments to your dreams and what you want to happen or not. This is part of you being in full-flow state. Not needing anything will give you more than you could ever imagine now.
It's us letting go of our attachments to the physical illusory world. Trance-ending the Maya.
Becoming the master of nothingness and everything-ness.
Mastering the both-and.
The Living Paradox.
Integrated Polarity within the Singularity of non-duality.
It's us atOne with The Zero Point Field.
With the Halls of Records and Amenti opening up its doors within our own consciousness and the crystalline core and networks of Earth. Returning our ancient future memories, gnosis and wisdom, and with us fully awakening our Superpowers, we take charge of our destiny now!
With all artificial overlays and implants being fully removed collectively as part of our full and final Liberation and ascend
from the false fear and control Matrix.
It's time for us to take it easy, relax and know that an insane amount of blessings, miracles, love, and abundance is coming to us, with all remaining karmic load fully lifting for those who did the work.
The dam is about to burst and remove all remaining stuck energies from our Heart-Minds, bodies and consciousness, as part of the collective Kundalini currents of the Kunda-Ray that are about to fully rise and ignite our New Edenic bodies and realities for good!
Let's break all hearts and minds fully wide open from deep within us, all through the infinite power that true Divine Love is and all is made of and is created from always!
Imagine, see, feel and know every person, place, thing, every kingdom and world to be purified, absolved, illuminated & reset by the Truth & Love that Source is!
The false ego self comes from fear, the higher God-Self from pure Love.
The solar crystalline consciousness fully returns, illuminating all with the Real Truth that awakens and enlightens, liberates and frees us all!
All by us BEING the TRUE LOVE IN ACTION that shape-shifts and changes everything forever, now!
For this is how we become the Masters over our own destiny! As we follow our hearts inner guidance, following our hearts desires, following Love, and God's light and wisdom.
To fully resolve this all now from within the ONEness, is us seeing ‘The others'/ the opposition, just as fears that have taken on a life of their own. So it's our own fears that can no longer stop us and hold us back. Nothing is outside of us! All projected out from within The One.
NOW we RESET it ALL fully from within the TOTALITY OF THE SINGULARITY TO REBIRTH ALL Souls, kingdoms and worlds, ALL fully as ONE!
There's no One to fight but our own fear monsters and we transform and alchemize them back into the light, into a higher consciousness (which is us sending these energies back to source) by just loving them up, bringing love into it, a higher consciousness, to understand the ROOT CAUSE of it all, to shift all for good. To see all for what it truly is, free of judgments/ separation, for
We're breaking all the way through and out of the energetic enslavement and being the sacrificial lamb and energetic slaves for the collective, info full freedom! As we stop this game, the game has already stopped!
Now we let go of our responsibility to help heal everyone and it's now up to each One as the Real Truth and Divine Judgement return crystalline clarity, where each can purify their own individual Blueprint and karmic residue, and fully align themselves, as there's no piggy bagging on this Ascension rollercoaster ride! You have to want to do this for yourself!
We no longer have to sacrifice our own well-being, happiness and ascension to help heal others who don't respect and value our time, energy and resources and the sacred healing energies we hold and bestow upon others. No longer will we be depleted and feel exhausted for clearing up the collective karmic load as our
True magic returns through us now as we make the invisible fully visible as we fully align ourselves with the frequency of Freedom, Unity, Love, Truth, Wisdom and Power!
The Forerunners have been FREED OF ALL bondage and chains, all ATTACHMENTS for good, as if overnight, which is FREEDOM and liberation FROM SUFFERING, which is what karma represents.
Ancient future prophecies are being fulfilled as our realities are shapeshifting for real now!
Those who have absolved their karmic load are now free to live the life of their dreams and wildest imagination!
Those who have been abusing their gifts and powers will have them taken away from them, as everything is always gifted to us by God's Grace and Divine Love.
God is lifting the veil for The Real Truth to be fully revealed now and free and loverate us all, one way or another. The truth is the only thing that survives this final unveiling, karmic and Cosmic storms, and Collective Awakening!
Eternal Love,
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